O Divine infant of Prague dearest Jesus you who so lovingly said ask and it shall be given to you seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you… have mercy on me now and through the intercession of our most holy mother, i humbly ask that you grant me the grace i need and my petition.
( That I mary jean ziska, will remain happy and grateful now that God listens and answers and grants my payers, requests, and affirmations and wishes every day! That God will grant me my request for a huge multimillion dollar financial miracle, He will grant me the wisdom, the guidance and divine connections to protect and make it grow and use it for great things. That he will protect me from all evil and all who would try to harm me or steal from me or cheat me out of anything, or lie to me, in order to gain the blessings that God gives me through this huge financial miracle! )
O Divine infant of Prague, dearest Jesus you who so compassionately taught: If you can believe all things are possible to him/her who believes, have pity on me now i do believe … help me increase my weak faith and through the blessed mother’s intercession i humbly ask you to answer my request and y petition.
O Divine infant of Prague dearest Jesus you who once benignly said to the apostles If you have faith even like a mustard seed you will say to this mulberry tree be uprooted and be planted in the sea and it will obey. Hear my suppliant prayer, i honestly beseech you and through the intercession of Mary most holy i feel certain that my prayer will be granted!
Monthly Archives: January 2011
monday january 17th 2011@ 5:27pm ( don’t mistake manipualtion for friendship)
so here is the new lesonof the week… actually a leson i keep being taught over and over again .. but i keep trusting people. and so keep forgetting this lesson…
sothis is it…
“Don’t mistake manipulation for friendship”
maybe no one is kept out of the way as much as i have been… or has had there lives completely destroyed by fake friends or enemies… and manipulative people who do not care about anyone but themselves and their own selfish interests…
maybe everyone out there in the world has those real genuine friends who aactually want to see others be happy.. who are honest…. and trustworthy.. who actally are true friends… i guess i am so unacustomed to to having anyone in mylife who is not genuine.. who is nice because they actually genuinelly like you.. and having real genuine friends you can count on and you can actually trust….
It is always a shock to my system each and evey time… this breach of trust is broken.. the llies are revealed or the truth about th e manipulation is revealed… like when something is stolen from me… i go though this great emotional disappointment adn betrayal…. the dishonestly of some humans … i dont think i wil ever get used to it not really….
when youare a real person and you are lied to .. or manipulated.. it just hurts… and then you just feel like such a fool…
i was babysitting yesterday we were discussing truth and honesty… when playing this eletronic game of 20 questions… and the ambuiguity of the answers… the choices being either yes – no or sometimes… ( seems pretty straight forward doesn’t it?… well the boys wanted to trick the machine and when they knew the answers they wanted to put either an opposite answer or just sometimes as the answer… ( like obmitting the truth…. ) what do you think would constitute a lie.. or obmission of truth? i dont think it shoudl be subjective….
…..unless you yourself only tell the truth …. yes…. no …. or sometimes……
anyway…. i dont lie or obmitt the truth… so…. hopefully i guess i keep hopeing that others won’t as well…. but it is always sooo disappointing when you find out they do….
August 14th 2010
Well, today August 14th 2010… I had a brain storm ….last week I re-watched Julie and Julia. I decided that I can also write a blog… on the dating world… or more specifically my NON dating world..my attempt of entering into the dating world using E harmony, and any other method( that is normal of course)… any interesting yet safe…. method that may be suggested I may try…. and any recommendations /suggestions I may take…..that anyone may give me on the dating world these days….
So ….. today I googled mail order husbands and got the laugh of a life time… I will tell who ever is interested in a laugh the exact website if you really want to know… but needless to say… I honestly think the site I viewed must have been a joke…. get this…. man with a tattoo… who would like to date someone with the same name on the tattoo… or if anyone wanted to change their name to the name on the tattoo….he didn’t want to bother dealing with changing the tattoo….HA! what a hoot!!
So here I start this blog… at 44 years old… with every intention of meeting my gingerbread man… I mean for real… if God is listening… I must be ready by now don’t you think? HA!
I also just finished saying a novena for a full year… actually even a few days over a year according to today’s date… the novena was for a huge financial miracle for me…. then of course my affirmations and dreams and goals to come true… and i have a list of all these people who have either asked for prayers.. or have been wonderful and nice to me in my life .. the ones you really hope are blessed with great fortune.. with happiness. health, and all their wishes to come true…
Do you think that God is waiting for me to meet my gingerbread man until after I have had my prayers answered?… or like in my story… the right guy for me just isn’t ready to meet me yet?
So I am new at this posting… I hope the stories and comments I receive can be inspiring for those of us who do still believe that there is this perfect person for each one of us (yes I know i’ve heard it a million times there is no perfect person… but what I mean is …. my perfect person ….the perfect fit for me…and yes I know it is not the same as yours…. of course….)
My goal or mission is to see if the gingerbread man theory I created in 2003… will come true… to see how the dating world is going these day… to let you know the funny and amusing stories of the dating world… and eventually hopefully to find Mr. right … my Mr right … my gingerbread man! Who knows…. I even thought of doing a contest… with a cash prize…. for the person or group of people who can find me my gingerbread man… I haven’t figured out all the details… and my mother was clever enough to come up with a byline… the “internet bachelorette”…. just not on television… not tearing down people ( no real names will be used in any of my stories)…. and hopefully no crying….
Eventually… here is where I will probably have to put a time frame on a contest If I decide to do such a thing…. but Hopefully… a fairy tale happily ever after ending to a small story I wrote ages ago for my sisters and girlfriends…. thanks for listening… hope to hear from you soon, luv mary jean z.
January 15th 2011@3:34pm ( stubbs and wooton information)
this is the stubbs and wooton information …. for contacting them concerning my shoes that my sister gave me…. repairs ( see www.mysearchforjustice.com)
stubbs and wooton
customer service center
877-4-stubbs /877-478-8227
palm beach florida 33480
palm beach 1 via parigi pallm beach Fl. 33480
wednesday january 12th 2011 @8:21pm ( tv shows just my opinions on good and bad shows)
So i just need to see if anyone has seen some of these great…. good…. or even bad shows…. television shows…….that is…
like teh show weeds…. i guess it is supposed to be this top rated show… it seems to e on a lot when i am searching for what is on television… at firs i thought it was a bit unique… something unusual… not the normal sitcom… but then watching it and thinking of writing children’s stories… i really have changed my opinion… each and every show… not any redemptive lessons.. actually the opposite… i mean the lesson of not getting to create a profession by following your passion.. or creating something positive a career that you can make a difference.. a legacy to leave your children… a positive difference in people’s lives… nope... don’t create a business that is legitimate… this show gives you an alternative.. don’t be honest.. don’t have any morals.. lie…. cheat….. steal… and be sure to break the law and sell an illegal substance yep… this show… cant wait to see all generation of followers of this show… the kids growing up seeing bits and pieces until they can watch entire episodes… .. i mean seriously.. what was someone thinking?????
can’t some one come up with a unique story that is actually nice.. or the good guys win for a change?… is that too hard to be creative without bringing in every single thing possible that is bad in this world to happen in 30 minutes????. but yet it is how this girl pays her bills and lives in a beautiful house.. and hey gets everything she wants without any concern for how she gets it… yep some interesting lessons in that show…
almost as terrible as the teenagers who are pregnant and having children.. can’t they actually showcase the amazing teenagers who get great grades, who maybe do volunteer work who plan and achieve great things in their life time?.. do you people who create these shows even know that there are even kids who create businesses?.. who help others with cancer?… who are nice and polite?.. who actually showcase the best of America… the brightest… wow… what a thought… to actually give people especially children and teenagers roll models to aspire to become.. ideas of how they can achieve their dreams… showcase great families that should be the norm for the American public…. or all people…
and the third show… actually haven’t brought myself to actually even watch it.. but the previews were enough to make my eyes roll… Jersey shore UCK… that is all i have to say about it…. what a waste…… is another comment on any of these shows….
what a waste wen the producers and the writers and the people involved actually have the finances and the opportunity to make a positive difference… what a shame…
its the same feeling i have about con artists and criminals.. and bullies… JUST SO WRONG on all levels…. kinda reminds me of the commercials on bankruptcy… have you seen the ones where a ten year old is giving advice to claim bankruptcy… or the one on reverse mortgages.. what a horrible choice….
so onto brighter shows and more positive thoughts… like i was really moved by the st Jude children’s tv spot… its defiantly not on often enough.. but the children featured…. again just the life force.. the positive attitude amidst all the adversity… and some of them actually have passed… but these are remarkable people no matter what the age…
also just on the television this evening as a matter of fact… the Susan Boyle story… also remarkable… and what a talent… but what a positive and hopeful message…
that dreams do come true.…that all things are possible….. i think the world needs a bit more of that don’t you agree?
o.k. jsut needed to get that written down… thanks for listening……or reading….. if anyone ever reads these thoughts… HA!luv mary jean ziska
Wednesday january 12th 2011 @ 6:35pm ( harvard articles-harvard business review)
Wednesday January 12th 2011@6:27pm (some really great telelvison shows on cnbc the past few days)
these great shows that i got to see this past week…..
the facebook obsession… great….
biography with Richard Branson …. inspiring
60 minutes… with bill gates, and others
January 12th 2011 @ 4:40pm ( merry christmas, happy holiday happy new year card through constant contact )
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January 12th 2011 @ 4:39pm ( christmas/holiday newsletter sent through constant contact )
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Sunday January 02nd 2010 @7:09pm ( hours worked without pay for atender loving care service and for atlcprep)
I have been asked the question of what did i do without pay for the years ( 2007- 2008 ) with a tender loving care service and atlc prep…. (usually aked by someone who is very obnoxious… and a very odd question… i guess they didn’t think i did anything…. well i did plenty…. and … usually i am asked this question by one of the girls trying to gain the title of “owning” my mother’s business…. owner of A Tender Loving Care Service” .. or who want to take credit for having done all the work so since my cousin told me to keep track of the hours…. i will just type up a summary of the house spent…. and the work done….
( thanks Greg.. great idea to keep track… )
*full Day worked in school ( 10am-1am = 10 hours)
*waiting for cable man/ computer man for telephone=(3hours x 3 days =9 hours)
*two trips to kinkos for brochures (4 hours )
* wrote letters of introduction to go with brochures all revisions/letter to Kappa alpha theta/ to past clients/to new clients=(10 hours )
* rewrote rate sheet all revisions =(10 hours)
* interviewing litle girls for school ( alexandra) =(4 hours)
* being stood up instead of interviewing little girls = (4 hours)
* 20 rolls of stamps on envelopes ( 1/2 hours each roll) = (10 hours)
* 6050 envelopes=( 60 hours )
* folding letters /brochures =3,000= (10 hours)
* putting hearts on 10,000 letters= (10 hours)
* 6,000 lables for mailing = (10 hours)
* scanning /transposing doctors names and creatign lables = (1 week x 10 hours a day = (500 hours)
* creating PR marketing /files /folders =1 week =(10 hours each day = 500 hours
* calling organizations/ creating network for business =( 10 hours x ? I didn’t keep accurate time for each and every call… )
* putting lables in 3 boxes ( x 550 each box =1650 = 10 hours )
* refolding/restuffing all envelopes = (2 days = 10 hours per day = 20 hours)
* i will have to continue with all the exact hours a bit later… but here are some of the other things i did:
1. registered fictious name and business information
2. opened business accounts in business name at 5th/ 3rd bank
3. created 2 websites www.atenderlovingcareservice.com and www.atclprep.com
4. created liability and permission forms for business ( the specific ones for all areas that need to be covered
5. created profile sheets for each client (blank form to gain information for specific care)
6. began to create profiles in computer data base for client list
7. created contracts and information ( PR packets)for all the hotels in areas.
8. called for interviews and met with managers of all hotels to discuss the option of exclusive sitting for each hotel from our agency/ created the paperwork including a letter of introduction a contract if they agreed to have our company to handle all their siting needs and basic PR packet with all the information about the company its employees and or companies qualifications
9. luncheon with Peggy post from my sorority
10. Contacted Emily Post institute for classes and was able to gain discount on classes
11. took pictures of all sitters to start name tags….( they were never finished but a pototype was created for approval )
12. Assisted with orientation in hiring sitters at Naples Grand( including creating packets for potential employees and gathering information with fingerprint and application and all information after orientation also took pictures of all possible and potential hirees present at the orientation )
13. met with company in Naples for estimate and with boarding school friend( villa maria – Cindy Closkey company: ) to gain estimates on improving and making the websites very professional
14. being at mall for all day event when Susan canceled/ local school introduction event ( coastland center expo )
15. wrote all internet adds ( mamma source parenthood)
16. bought and studied for teacher certification course to hire interns
17. took HR course for sitting and for school
18. renewed cpr course on line / created paperwork for sitters to be able to renew their cpr certification though various companies
19. grant application from kappa alpha theta to be able to take etiquette course and have affiliation of emily post in our etiquette school
20. reformatted and re- created medical release form to be with permission liability form
21. called aramco ( saudi arabia ) and contacted about introduction of etiquette classes into intersession programs
22. helped to set up credit card machine
23. took pictures for website while at story time at local library
24. google advertising inset into websites ( ADSENSE/ ADVERB/)
25. created college central employment ads for Ave Maria, Edison, all local colleges
26. make mine a million dollar business created profile and started contacts
27. check on angel investors/ created files and profiles for both business opportunities to utilize angel investors… ( babysitters decided to not go in that direction)
28. created business plan( see sample/help from Harvard business plan and /executive summary for submission to angel investors and for business to have written document for the business plan
29. printed out( again ) all information for limited liability corporation information( i wanted company to become an llc… but sitters decided not to go in that direction)
30. contacted company for creating televison commercials for business (babysitters decided not to go in that direction)
31. check on information to create widget for chat box on website for immediate contact for clients ( babysitters decided not to go in that direction)
32. checked on hologram/personal instruction person from company for websites( babysitters decided not to go in that direction)
33. helped to create personal profiles for websites including pictures
34. helped on creating format of id badge for sitters
35. contacted colleges to create necessary requirements for creating internship program
36. went through MLS to create list of clients and potential clients for mailing list
(certain zip codes and complexes/communities in naples )