wednesday january 12th 2011 @8:21pm ( tv shows just my opinions on good and bad shows)

So i just  need to see if anyone has seen some of these great…. good…. or even bad shows…. television shows…….that is…

like teh show weeds…. i guess it is supposed to be this top rated show… it seems to e on a lot when i am searching for what is on television… at firs i thought it was a bit unique… something unusual… not the normal sitcom… but then watching it and thinking of writing children’s stories…  i really have changed my opinion… each and every show… not any redemptive lessons.. actually the opposite… i mean the lesson of not getting to create a profession by  following your passion..  or creating something positive a  career that you can make a difference.. a legacy to leave your children…  a positive difference in people’s lives… nope... don’t  create a business that is legitimate… this show gives you an alternative.. don’t be honest.. don’t have any morals.. lie…. cheat….. steal… and be sure to break the law and sell an illegal substance yep… this show… cant wait to see all generation of followers of this show… the kids growing up seeing bits and pieces until they can watch entire episodes… .. i mean seriously.. what was someone thinking?????

can’t some one come up with a unique story that is actually nice.. or the good guys win for a change?… is that too hard to be creative without bringing in every single  thing possible that is  bad in this world to happen in 30 minutes????. but yet it is how this girl pays her bills and lives in a beautiful house.. and hey gets everything she wants without any concern for how she gets it… yep some interesting lessons in that show…

almost as terrible as the teenagers who are pregnant and having children.. can’t they actually showcase the amazing teenagers who get great grades, who maybe do volunteer work who plan and achieve great things in their life time?.. do you people who create these shows even know that there are  even kids who create businesses?.. who help others with cancer?… who are nice and polite?.. who actually showcase the best of America… the brightest… wow… what a thought… to actually give people especially children and teenagers roll models to aspire to become..  ideas of how they can achieve their dreams… showcase great families that should be the norm for the American public…. or all people… 

and the third show… actually haven’t brought myself to actually even watch it.. but the previews were enough to make my eyes roll… Jersey shore UCK… that is all i have to say about it…. what a waste…… is another comment on any of these shows….

what a waste wen the producers and the writers and the people involved actually have the finances and the opportunity to make a positive difference… what a shame…
its the same feeling i have about con artists and criminals.. and bullies… JUST SO WRONG on all levels…. kinda reminds me of the commercials on bankruptcy… have you seen the ones where a ten year old is giving advice to claim bankruptcy… or the one on reverse mortgages.. what a horrible choice….

so onto brighter shows and more positive  thoughts… like i was really moved by the st Jude children’s  tv spot… its defiantly not on often enough.. but the children  featured….  again just the life force.. the positive attitude amidst all the adversity… and some of them actually have passed… but these are remarkable people no matter what the age… 

also just on the television this evening as a matter of fact…  the Susan Boyle story… also remarkable… and what a talent… but what a positive  and hopeful message…
that dreams do come true.…that all things are possible…..  i think the world needs a bit more of that don’t you agree?  

o.k. jsut needed to get that written down…  thanks for listening……or reading….. if anyone ever reads these thoughts… HA!luv mary jean  ziska