Monthly Archives: January 2011

Wednesday January 12th 2011 @3:05pm ( times and days of work for a tender loving care service and for atlcprep)

Well officially it has been one year and as of today 5 months of saying my st. Jude novena…. but that is not what this blog post is all about.. it is to put down in writing so that there are no mistakes no confusion… as to times and dates i worked for my moms’ business.. and for the start up of the etiquette school….  that way in case papers or log gets lost i have an online reference when ever one of the little girls who decides each and every month to change who i am what i want and what my profession should be… will at least have a reference… ( ridiculous really…)

the first record i have in a log ( didn’t know i would actually need a log really…. ) so i just kept a list of times…..
9/15/2007:  8:30pm-11:30pm =3 hours 
9/16/2007:  10am-6:00pm =8 hours  
9/18/2007:   10am-11:30pm=( website )13 and 1/2 hours
9/19/2007:    2:15pm-10pm=(website)=8hours
9/20/2007:   10am-10pm= 12 hours 
9/21/2009:  10am-8pm=10hours
9/22/2007:   10am-10pm=12hours   
9/23/2007:   11am-11pm=12 hours 
9/24 /2007:  10am-7pm=9 and 1/2 hours 
9/25/2007:   11:30-9pm=9 and 1/2 hours 
9/26/2007:   10am-5:30pm=7and 1/2 hours 
9/27/2007:  11am-7pm= 8 hours
9/28/2007:  1:30pm-11:04pm =9 and 1/2 hours  
9/29/2007:  9:45pm-11:45pm= 9hours  
9/30/2007:  1:30pm-12midnight=11 hours
10/01/07:     11am-midnight=13 hours  
10/02/07:     8:45am-12:45midnight=11hours 
10/03/07:   10am-4pm=6hours 
10/04/07:   11-6pm=7 hours  
10/05/07:   4pm-6:30pm= 2and 1/2 hours 
10/06/07:    off   
10/07/07:    off 
10/08/07:    11am-3pm=4 hours 
10/09/07:  11am-5pm and 6pm-8pm=8 hours  
10/10/07:   8am-10:45pm= 9 and 1/2 hours 
10/11/07:   9am-11pm=14 hours  
10/12/07:   9am-11pm=14 hours  
10/13/07:    7am- 12:30 and 2pm-7pm=  10 adn 1/2 hours  
10/15/07:     10am-6:30pm and 8:30pm-1:10 pm = 13 hours  
10/16/07:    10am-12:30 noon=2 and 1/2 hours 
10/18/07:    11am-6pm =7 hours  
10/19/07:   2:00pm-10pm=8 hours 
10/21/07:   2pm-10pm= 8 hours
10/22/07:  11am-10pm=11 hours 
10/23/07:   10am-6pm=8pm
10/24/07:   12nooon to 9pm =9 hours 
10/25/07:  11am-6:30pm=7 and 1/2 hours  
10/27/07:  12 noon-11pm=11 hours  
10/28/07:   6:30am-12 noon and 2pm-4pm=7 and 1/2 hours  
10/31/07:   11am-4pm =5 hours
11/01/07:  10am-9pm=11 hours
11/02/07:   2pm-9pm=7 hours 
11/03/07:  2pm-7pm-=5 hours

Tuesday January 11th 2011 @7:30pm ( Iza trapani author and illustrator…. info./ person to contact for children’s stories)

When discussing the option of writing childrens’ stories… at first when Ron and my mom suggested it i was a bit skeptical.. i mean i ‘ve  already blogged about how everyone and their brother wanted me to  change professions… and usually it was based on some ulterior motive…. actually a lot of suggestions I’ve been given have all had their ulterior motives…. some not so great… for my life at least…

but then when i kept talking to them….. it started sounding really pretty neat….  we brainstormed and thought of a great series….

 start of with  a family … a mom and dad who  could  help with the morals or lessons…then all the adventures for one or maybe all of the three children…. 

then we were going over all the actual  adventures that we as a family got to have…

travels to tree tops… or tiger tops …. or the african safari…. or  write a story about my younger sister’s  horse….. going from cart horse not using hanifa but lady oh as main character…   to a winner of gymkanias….

*camping trip  at red sea in Saudi
* dog with worms in brendize Italy
* barbie doll cooking and fire ( me and a friend Kathy…. )
* riding a yak on mount Everest
*taking a sharkara boat in Kashmir
* adventure in Australia
*India …. taj mahal
* bat in house in st. croix
*lay over shoping  in Paris
*nipper eating lamb roast
* car stuck in mud
shopping and seeing fountains in Rome… Gucci …quote…”I didnt come to Rome to see any …..'”

O course …. the illustrations must be amazing … add music or create songs…..
 to go with stories.. then of course my major point is to have a great moral… or lesson… and of course since it would be stories covering all over the world… must have geography lesson.. in fact we even thought of a cover being a globe… show casing each country covered in the story….

of course my mine went to marketing…. and after the stories .. the Pixar film… then of course all the merchandising… then even trips… like  the world perk trips… from neiman marcus… where you could create an African safari.. or go to tree tops or tiger tops… wouldn”t that be reálly great?…..




Since the loss of my original hard drive….( actually believe it must have been stolen when my money belt was switched and the hard drive was in it) see my website … and then  of course this computer without all the messed up documents…/ files …( encrypted or something ….. but hopefully will have it fixed or get my original computer and hard drive back… what a horrible little girl who is sooooo pathetic that she has to steal instead of creating files and documents of her own for a business of her own instead of stealing my mom’s business… or trying….  I was actually praying for God to stop them … if he has to kill them for them to stop being horrible criminals than so be it … i cant see any deterrent that would stop them.. they lie they cheat and they steal without any remorse… isn’t  that the clear definition of a sociopath????… consciousness…. and the impersonating…

Just today i was going  through  some things in my closet and found a purple jacket that i had in a locked suitcase hanging in my closet…. first i knew it should have been in my suitcase because it was for the cold weather…. and i had put everything away when i thought that it was going to be warm…  and second because i keep out items that i hope don’t get ruined by these parasites… but more as decoys…. hoping that the scummmmmmy girls will not bother my nice clothes…. and since i rarely wear them the jackets had dust on the shoulders… all except this purple jacket… HUMMMMM ….

actually when i found it I broke out in huge sobs and this horrible feeling of being violated again came over my entire being….  its like when you think abuse is done or over.. and it starts up all over again…. the relief .. the feeling of safety and security the trust and the  feeling of contentment  is shattered…..  i cant explain the horrible and devastating feeling of knowing a total stranger took it upon herself to help her self not only to my clothing… but had to take the time and effort to break into my home….. my closet….. and my locked suitcase… then had the nerve to actually wear my clothing out.. probably while i was babysitting for the Eatons or the Orrs… (i will put down my schedule when  i was working over the holidays… so that if anyone thinks they saw me out please write in and let me know where and what i supposedly did….. the impostor.. has been doing this SHIT( excuse the language… for far too long and obviously the entire community thinks its o.k. for criminals to con people….. to lie to people… and to cheat and steal….. but i am really mad by now…..)

 and the most disgusting par of all of this….. the entire  community has allowed it to happen.. allowed my holidays to be ruined.. my family to be fooled…. lies to be told … for me to go through absolute HELLLLLLL and  my life to be ruined …. my God never have mercy on her and the entire lot of the criminals… i would never in my life ever think of doing such a bold and criminal act… how do these disgusting girls get away with  it?????? .. and when will someone actually own up…. be a responsible adult .. a nobel and honorable person….  ….. and do something about it…..??????? WHEN?????????  

I actually think i may have seen one of the girls who i believe to be  the one  criminal.. remember i told of the brown and white polka dotted dress… how one girl wore my dress for a wedding …. while i was babysitting for La Playa… of course scummy criminals ….. well when i was babysitting at
La Playa..the same place where my DVD’s were stolen .. anyway….

 the family was supposed to be from Ohio… ( same as karen kahel… remember she went to Ohio state…. ) and where Johathan the guy who first copied all my information from  my hard drive …. remember the the blond haired criminal/ i mean boy/ guy with the tattoo around his upper arm…( tattoo of a rope or something)…. ….. who supposedly worked for the cech  republic family the Sabatovas….his true identity was never confirmed…. 


where  there was this family i was sitting for …. and instead of actually sitting for the real parents… i got to sit for the babysitters while they went off and destroyed people’s lives… most noticeably mine….

anyway…. i think once again i was siting for the babysitters …. and this girl who is probably 105 bls… tan or slightly blond hair …. cut also in a bob…. was on a golf cart today here in the strand… she may have been the criminal who has been in my house… probably  even dating someone … UCK>>>>> what if  was the myrtle beach golfing guy again.. the one who had actually had sex with her or some other whore….  in my bed and left the golfing emblem…. in my bed….. UCK>>>>  bringing them to my home…. while i was  babysitting….  now that i think of it … even while i was hearing weird stories on new years eve from this babysitter from Atlanta… that i don’t really ever want to sit with again…..

so atlanta… boston…. charlotte… ohio……. what other boys had the pleasure of being  in my house and screwing this girl…….??????

shocking…. really … bold and criminal and shocking …. anyway…  

Where is GOD??????????????? and where is JUSTICE………. ????????????????

so much for prayers being answered…
so much for God, or the police, or even honorable people protecting  me or my home or my possessions… or my life or my hopes or my dreams or my goals… or my businesses…..

so much for wishes, dreams, or a great life of happily ever after coming  true….

how can you make up for at least 7 years stolen!!!!!!! how can a disgusting criminal justify their actions??????….. once again i ask..           WHERE

January 11th 2010 @4:01pm ( sara B. who made you king of anything)

king of anything by sara barelles   ( think this might be the link to the u-tube video)

Oh crap..Ii just copied and pasted the who made you king of anything …. the song I think is or should be my motto… for all the  people who believe to be “king” over me… but it didn’t  work like I had hoped …maybe you can only insert this  with websites… so i may try to do a you can at least get to see her video and here her song…. . at least i will write down the lyrics( as best i  caught  them while listening to this and yesterday… amidst many many tears….. what a few horrible days… !!!!!!!)

Ohhhh keep drinking coffee staring down across the table … while i look outside
So many things I would say if only i were able
but i just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by
You’ve got opinions man were all entitled to ’em but i never asked
 so let me thank you for yóur time, and try not to waste any more of mine and get out of here fast….
I hate to break it to you babe,… but I’m not drowning…. there’s no one here to say…




you sound all innocent all full of good intent
You swear you know best
But you expect me to
Jump up on board with you… and ride off onto your delusional sunset
I’m no the one whose lost who no directional
But you’ll never see
 Your so busy making maps with the name on them  in all caps
 You got the  taking down .. just not the listening ….


Monday January 10th 2011@5:30pm ( more hours worked for a tender loving care service and atlcprep)

 Monday again?  the computer has been seriously giving me a headache today so hopefully it will run fine and i will be able to add posts this evening… guess we will have to wait and see… i found a few of my logs so thought i would up date y work done on the businesses…. this last week once again i was almost coerced into starting a new career and business… this time i am to be a children’s book writer… last week some one wanted me to be a nurse…   then there is a long list of careers and classes i should take and careers i should be… now that i am thinking back on all of it i really think it had nothing at all to do with my wants or likes or even my own interests… i think most of these people wanted me to do what they themselves wanted to do…. for example:
taking the teacher certification 
course …. I originally took the course not because i wanted to be a teacher.. ( I mean teachers are great and all… but that is not my calling.. ) I took the course so that we( a tender loving care service could hire interns for both A TENDER LOVING CARE SERVICE AND FOR A TLCPREP( THE ETIQUETTE SCHOOL) . 

 when developing a plan for hiring employees i thought of Google… I absolutely love their mission statement.. their philosophy of business and the way they handle the environment /workplace and create happiness for their employees…. i thought of making the business into a great workplace, hiring the brightest people  with fresh insight into working with children… allow them to help create the class curriculum .. help to bring new and innovative ideas of both education and business into both businesses…. and allow a portion of their grade for the internship to be from not only the school but from the babysitting business… i actually created working profiles from  all the local colleges so that we could hire and interview the students…for employees but to create an internship program someone needed to be an accredited teacher so i took my $1000.00 and bought the ABCTE course so that i could become an accredited teacher…… and we could create an internship program and i was hoping that eventually we would be doing so well that not only would some of the students be able to  get college credits through the internships but that we would be able to have scholarships and full time positions for the teachers and babysitters… 

As you can or might   be able to tell… the goals and mission statement and even the executive summary for both  businesses… well lets just say conflicted with some of the  small minded babysitters who were more interest in getting their one or two jobs… or looking for jobs with the most pay….  for their pay so they could spend their money… just a shame when people don’t see the big picture… the possibilities.. the potential  and ruin what could have been… because of their selfish small minded attitudes that dictate not only the way they run their lives.. but the way they pretty much deal with all aspects of their lives….   just a shame… 

anyway…. other jobs and careers people want ed me to do because i guess they wanted to do those careers…
1.  real estate ( I was told i would look cute sitting at open houses… HA)
2.  nurse( i was sooo good at taking care of people )
3.  computer website designer ( since i had to learn to create the websites for a tender loving care service and for atlcprep… might as well do it for a living)
4.  teacher ( since i was getting the certification for the business why not just do it for a profession… ) also one person told me i should become a teacher.. that is how Matt Damon the actor met  his wife.. of course that was a lie.. he met his wife at a bar but the person telling me … well had their own selfish interest in order  to manipulate my life….. so these people…… do you know the type?

 So those are just a few of the professions that the babysitters/people wanted me to do instead of being involved in my mother’s business… of course this was after i had already basically worked two years without any pay… HA! and all the work was in place for a great business….ideas for it  to continue to grow and prosper…. you see… selfish women  and men who are always looking for their own selfish interests… just baffle my mind… i can hardly grasp the way these people  think….  I never want to be like them ever…. I honestly hope there is a special place in hell for them… manipulation for their own selfish reasons… just makes me sick to my stomach..

. its as bad as the manipulation of making sure that  i am out of the way”.… and miss opportunities.. miss  events… miss out of meeting people or creating great memories… they are just sooo selfish….

I think of missing the Christmas tree lighting  in Vail…. i may never get a chance to do it again.. and defiantly  with the friends and family i was with  a few years ago.. or holidays… birthdays… even just the real memories you make in life….  i guess i would never be so selfish to thin that if another girl were to be somewhere that it would change the entire experience…. wait .. unless it was an enemy…. hey maybe karne kahel was supposed to be in the spotlight????… the she or someone else was o much more valuable …..than my life and me… that…..   who knows… who cares it was small minded selfish… and so very pointless…

how vain  and ego driven .….to think that a group of people are so valuable that they alone could or should be able to experience life… or nice events or holidays… or have nice possessions… or that you are only allowed to have a great life for a short while…. until someone deems you not tall enough.. or thin enough or pretty enough or smart enough… in the words of that one song i absolutely love..sarah B. .”who died and made you king of everything?”

…..   that is not America..or the world for that matter… most highly evolved people… they believe that there is an abundance.. of more than enough… that great business ideas and great people think of the greater good.. aren’t sooooo dammm selfish…. 

That is not an act of  friendship or a great family…….. friends want you to have everything that will make you happy….

guess i am getting off tract with this monologue… think i will try to listen to that one song … I’m a little heated at the moment… and have already been on the treadmill or over an hour …. HA! luv mary jean ziska