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Tuesday November 30th 2010 ( palm reader aand eat pray love….)

 so when i was probably about 20-21 years old my mom had gotten this address from  a woman who you were to send in a hand print and send in a hand writing sample…. from those samples she then sent back a tape that was to tell you your future…. when i saw the movie:   eat /pray /love… it reminded me of the old man from Bali . when he looked at Julia Roberts palm and told her of her two marriages….

so what i have remembered for years… the woman  from the tape told me that i would fall in love three times…. the first love…then meet a second love, then  a third love but would remeet my second love and that is supposed to be the one i would marry… 

November 30th 2010 @9:36pm ( hail and blessed novena starts today!)

 so the hail and blessed novena starts from today until December 24th …. 15 times a day you say this and your prayer will be answered….

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the son of God was born
of the most pure virgin Mary at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold.  In that hour vouchsafe, O my God to hear my prayer and grant my desires through the merits of our savior Jesus Christ and of his blessed mother amen
( It is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayer fifteen times a day form the feast of St Andrew ( November 30th) until Christmas will obtain what is asked…)

so here goes… another prayer for a huge financial miracle…( yes i am even being bold enough to say … for the next multimillion dollar lottery ticket… or powerball or both…HA!  and for for protection from all harm… 

I saw eat  pray love again today… ( 3 day rental…from blockbuster…. )… and i was a bit worried when the movie got to where he went to India… to pray to this one lady… is that like the catholic….. saints… because it seemed really ridiculous for all these people to be praying to this woman… did she do miracles? is she some healer? or maybe the entire saint thing is just like that…. making some mortal into this god like person… and honestly i don’t think that woman from India probably has any  more god given qualities than any one …. so was it just a total waste for me to be saying this prayer to St Jude for one year.. and now it is one year and  4 months…  what if st. jude has no more power to grant prayers.. to intercede to God than this woman form India????  if that is the case i feel pretty  foolish… and my once hopeful heart that actually believed that prayers could be answered.. and dreams and wishes could come true… is feeling a bit on the shakey side… I had tried to get an appointment to ask a priest some of these questions…  but no one would get me an appointment… so does anyone know the answer? luv to know what you think?  I man i was the one who  actually got my dad to listen to the bible cd’s …. and tried telling people that God is big enough to answer all prayers… i listen to joel osteen and  love the way he is so positive about Ephesians 3:20 decade… where God can do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond…maybe just maybe by this Christmas… prayers will be answered…. right? luv mary jean ziska

Sunday November 21st 2010/ @8:42am(bucket list update)

Yes, I am up very early… already went to church and stopped by the Ritz on the beach to get a scone and croissant… and instead of my usual tea i am getting a capachino…. it feels like i haven’t been here in ages but i guess that is because i really haven’t been here in a bit… in fact i hadn’t left my home for  about two weeks i guess… i would get on the computer or do more research for or write in this blog…  so my car battery died.. nothing really wrong with the battery just hadn’t moved the car at all…. i ended up getting some great help for  jeff who is at Publix right by my home… so thank god for the Ritz Carlton and for Publix…. my hero’s and saviors this week!

The bucket list was on television a few days ago… and  it is so funny since i put a post about it in my blog… but i wanted to mention more of my own bucket list… gosh I could go on and on about it.. but most of the things that were on the bucket list.. i had already done by the time i was 18-22… like going to France.. i actually went to school there…. then seeing the Taj Mahal… and the Pyramids… and an African safari.. even being on Mount Everest… i was really blessed in my childhood… actually most of my life…. only until I met that ucky con artist…. oh you can read more about the truth of all of that … in… anyway…  oh so more about my own list… on my bucket list….

Some of the funny things i put in there… like…. when i cut my own bangs in college… the moment when i stood in front of the mirror… and went Opps….. right there and then i  decided i should have learned to cut hair the proper way…HA!… of course i never did take any lessons… and my bangs today are fairly easy to trim… they are straight…HA! 

 whenever i would see any thing that i thought looked fun or interesting or would be great to learn to do i would  put it  on my list…  ( I more or less called my list the list of things i still had to do or still wanted to accomplish)….

when i was 14 this this friend from boarding school .. Beth, well,  her dad had a little plane… so i actually thought  of learning to fly …. (i originally  came up with the idea…. when we took this tiny little flight to Mt. Everest.. as the plane  flew and i looked out the window…. i thought…. if something were to happen.. someone else should know how to fly the plane…  then i thought of how wonderfully freeing it must be….. to be the one to fly the  plane….  wow can you imagine…. I’m not talking jumping out of an airplane… not my style at all… but to be able to fly the plane.. glide in to a very small runway on the side of Mount Everest… wow!….  the trip to Nepal… and Mount Everest was one of those trips that my mom and i got to do together… no other sisters… just us… it was a really great idea she had for bonding and making some amazing memories…. she planed special trips for each of my sisters and myself… with just her.. and of course all the other trips the whole family got  to go… but this trip will always seem extra special for me… because no one else got to go…. o the memories are ours alone… you know? no one else can interject their perspective… no one can say it wasn’t sunny when i remember it being nice and sunny… no one else in my family got to ride a yak…. and i rode that yak  to the resort… my mom tells the story of how the yak ran away with me and this big tall man jumped in front of the yak and when it stopped i immediately jumped off…. a bit harrowing…. and a bit terrifying when i looked over the edge of the huge cliff to where a very small and not very sturdy  fence… ( if you could call it that) stood between me and the very long drop off a very tall area  of Mt Everest!  HA!
Tons of other items on my list… some of them were more or less ways of living… like having a spa day each month…. preferably at a great spa like the one at the Ritz Carlton…. here in Naples is great! and having flowers delivered every few weeks to my home…. I read once in a magazine that that is something so very nice and special to do for yourself.. to fill your home with the fragrance of beautiful and aromatic flowers…. whether someone sends them to you or not….so i thought that was a nice idea… to treat yourself as  you would want to be treated ….  also i could go on and on but I’ll add more to this later…

october 15th 2010 forward to book given to my mother

October 15th 2010  forward written by MaryJean Ziska for a  book to give to Marion Jean Ziska-Gregory  b-day June 12th 2009/

Dear Mom, to a woman with all the answers, all my love and all my admiration- your/talents and amazing personality has been an inspiration to me growing up- I’ve admired your grace, and your ability to make life and those around you happy and  so loved….
You gave your daughters the gift of yourself.. of enduring love and the grace you possess… the laughter you instill, the joy you bring to others,.. the adventure of a lifetime has been growing up and having a mother as wonderful as you… Happy birthday Luv,  Mary Jean Ziska  

September 25th, 2010

 Just went to the movie last night…not actually night time… but 5pm seating…. took my mother to go and see WALLSTREET! wonderful, amazing, GREAT!  I actually own the first movie so we watched the DVD the day before when she came over and was looking at homes in my complex… I suggest everyone do the same.. really…. you pick up so many little connections  when you see the first film the  day before….It was GREAT!  Seeing all the appearances  of everyone from CNBC…. or MSNBC…  even warren buffet … terrific… I may actually go and see it again.   The father daughter relationship/ the relationship between all the characters and each other… relationship with money… concepts.. not of greed.. but of revenge… or justice… or money providing freedom and power to accomplish both… ? The bubbles… at the beginning and the ending… did you catch that?… just loved it… all of it…  the cell phone differences.. hilarious…! at the beginning of the movie… i personally think  Gordon actually looked a bit like Maddoff don’t you think? 

If anyone has seen it… what did you think?

Went to a Great movie theater  to see WALLSTREET…. Silverspot… Great display of Mercedes by the tickets… cream and tan… great seats… great experience… ! they will be hosting the international film festival… or at least they did .. and there were signs up around Mercado… don’t know the exact dates… but should be great!.. they even had or still have foreign films … went to go see a movie about coco Chanel… with Saks fifth ave (Chanel) .. …. they  had great hordorivers… loved seeing the film in french… loved it so much I now  actually own a DVD of the film…  what was my point.. oh yes… great movie theater and great films…. cant wait for the film festival… should be wonderful!

BAck to Wall street…..and….. Professional Men in great suits… or in a tux… always look amazing… so that is one more item to add to the gingerbread list… I understand florida is casual… but to be able to dress and be well dressed says something about a man’s character… about his style… about his personal taste… mostly that he has style and taste… and class… perhaps along with manners… charm….

For another item to add….  I’ve heard that the way a man treats his mother or sisters is a big clue as to how he will treat his wife or daughters… like my dad… loved his mother.. was really great to her… and she loved him…  and it goes without saying that my dad was great with his daughters… he encouraged us to follow our passions…. to be happy and I believe he really believed that if you found joy and passion in your work  you would never work a day…

I think my father took the opportunity to get to know each of us as adults and I know when I had my own business at one point in time he was my biggest fan!( I actually think he was pretty proud of me). It would be great to meet someone who has a great relationship with his family… holidays and vacations could be really nice when everyone gets along! 
I  know my father  is  really proud of my sister’s accomplishments (who is a real estate  attorney)… she was born to be an attorney… wrote a letter to santa claus when we were young stating that he was unfairly giving better presents to me(HA!)or more presents… don’t remember the exact words… ( she might HA!) but had our youngest sister sign it and  to top it off… it was typed!….

I even wrote in my Eharmony piece about my sisters… of how they were not only my best friends but i wrote of how much i admired them… both wonderful women both unique individuals  and both I am so proud of them as people, professionals, and as my sisters…. maybe i’ll copy the quote… ( one more item to test on go daddy….!)   copy and post option…. enough for the moment….luv mary jean ziska   

september 6th 2010

 Its labor day and a new entry for September!  I have been signed up for e-harmony for a while now and have not really had much response.  well, that is not exactly true… there were supposedly 900 something matches…  yes that typo is not a typo.. I said.. nine hundred….and change…so… as for all these perfect matches…  still no dates…. actually not even any responses….I first started to do these introductions  with what  they call an icebreaker… no response… I was told … ( should I really listen to all the helpful advice?HA!) anyway I was told that was too impersonal.. so now I send everyone a sample of questions and then see who responds… yesterday there seemed to be a few actual prospects… of course I am not sure if they will live up to the entries that they have posted on
EHARMONY I’ll have to wait and see…

back to some of the qualities… for the mythical perfect guy….. so intelligence… has to have gone to college and be intelligent… yes I know, I know… bill gates quit Harvard… but that is not the point.. the point is that he went to Harvard..that he was accepted to Harvard.. that he a billionaire who is not only doing great and wonderful things for philanthropy… but that he also created an amazing company and products… so yes there are exceptions… but intelligence, creativity, articulate…. definitely a must… 

Another  important quality… communication, and romance…. I am a die hard romantic… or at least I used to be… I would put my whole heart and soul into romance…. love to plan and execute romantic get a ways… or trips… or even dinners or day’s activities…. I must admit I am a bit of a planner… and love having everything work out according to plan…. of course sometimes things don’t exactly work out.. but having a great sense of humor would be great for him to have at such moments…. 

ideally I am  physically attracted to tallish, blond haired, blue eyed, slim athletic build…. type Those are the guys that can turn my head… amazingly  enough I have rarely been able to date guys that fit that physical description…. but I am still looking HA!  

Just wondering what most families and their friends are doing this holiday?….. for me I bet it would have been a great day to be out at the beach…at least  i’m sure if the beach today was as nice as it was yesterday… i bet it was nice… I went out to my aunts condo which is right next to where we used to live… on the beach…   or if I had one at a beach front condo…. one with a boat dock… go and have a nice lunch out on the water…or at a local yacht club…  maybe time with friends or family and  a jet ski.. or water skiing… here in florida it was a great day for most of the day… lots of people out on the golf course…( of another thing I would love to learn to do.. play golf)…and get much better at tennis… also take a real cooking course in france or italy… no in france…. also  would love to take so many classes… and travel… gosh… travel all over the world  again….
But since I am alone… i just did chores… so no boating.. no picnic lunch.. no friends over for a nice lunch… or even a game of golf…maybe if this contest ever would work this will have to be the last lonely holiday I will ever have to spend…. HA!   luv mary jean ziska