Fri. March 04th 2011 @5:24pm ( just found a great new website.. one billion / and Joel Osteen’s latest video streemeing.. wow how great! )

i think it was last night or this morning when i was flipping channels and found this great new website..( )  I think they said it is starting… the collection of stories… but from what i gather this gentleman is or was going around collecting positive catholic stores…. of faith and god… and putting them on the website…

I just briefly went onto the website and will go explore it more… but I’m really glad to see that not only youth and technology and a positive message can come from within the catholic church…  to get a more positive message about god and god’s love and to actually feel good about myself and not give up on the novena i have now been saying for over one year and six months…
I’m going to email Seth and see if he has any stories of people’s novena’s being answered…Also to make a quick comment.. that under the contact information it is really easy to insert a contact box with all the  information boxes.. might be helpful for him to start with a list  he could use with constant contact, or donations… or to know his followers.. hummmm…….. i wonder if I am i being too full of questons and  suggestions.. hope he doesn’t  take it the wrong way… i just really love to see people succeed.. and be happy and he seems to be soooo passionate about  what he is doing… and it’s such a great idea.. and a great goal.. and to bring a youth movement that will sustain or help to motivate more people.. that has to be positive right? 
i have been listening to Joel osteen…(  his video streaming messages and sermons.. WOW… really powerful ….

so the ones i really like recently have been:
message: 2011-02-04  #458 God is preparing the way for victory
message: 2011-02-11  # 490 Receive your  Inheritance  
message:  2011-02-18  #491 Heaven is cheering you on
message:  2011-02-25  # 492 Hold on to your peace  
 *there was one about “2011 being the best year”…. but i  will try to look up the contact information…. 
I ordered the I declare DVD collection…. Iwas able to donate one dollar… but I haven’t received it yet…

when Iordered the gift of the GRACE DVD collection also for a donation of a dollar… I   never got it… ?????? weird right? So hopefully ups or fed ex or whoever is in charge of bringing my mail… will come .. will not miss my house this time around.. anyway, these dvd’s …. they look really positive and nice ……….

If you see any of these and have any comments about   them  ….please  let me know… lluv mary jean ziska