Since the loss of my original hard drive….( actually believe it must have been stolen when my money belt was switched and the hard drive was in it) see my website … and then of course this computer without all the messed up documents…/ files …( encrypted or something ….. but hopefully will have it fixed or get my original computer and hard drive back… what a horrible little girl who is sooooo pathetic that she has to steal instead of creating files and documents of her own for a business of her own instead of stealing my mom’s business… or trying…. I was actually praying for God to stop them … if he has to kill them for them to stop being horrible criminals than so be it … i cant see any deterrent that would stop them.. they lie they cheat and they steal without any remorse… isn’t that the clear definition of a sociopath????… consciousness…. and the impersonating…
Just today i was going through some things in my closet and found a purple jacket that i had in a locked suitcase hanging in my closet…. first i knew it should have been in my suitcase because it was for the cold weather…. and i had put everything away when i thought that it was going to be warm… and second because i keep out items that i hope don’t get ruined by these parasites… but more as decoys…. hoping that the scummmmmmy girls will not bother my nice clothes…. and since i rarely wear them the jackets had dust on the shoulders… all except this purple jacket… HUMMMMM ….
actually when i found it I broke out in huge sobs and this horrible feeling of being violated again came over my entire being…. its like when you think abuse is done or over.. and it starts up all over again…. the relief .. the feeling of safety and security the trust and the feeling of contentment is shattered….. i cant explain the horrible and devastating feeling of knowing a total stranger took it upon herself to help her self not only to my clothing… but had to take the time and effort to break into my home….. my closet….. and my locked suitcase… then had the nerve to actually wear my clothing out.. probably while i was babysitting for the Eatons or the Orrs… (i will put down my schedule when i was working over the holidays… so that if anyone thinks they saw me out please write in and let me know where and what i supposedly did….. the impostor.. has been doing this SHIT( excuse the language… for far too long and obviously the entire community thinks its o.k. for criminals to con people….. to lie to people… and to cheat and steal….. but i am really mad by now…..)
and the most disgusting par of all of this….. the entire community has allowed it to happen.. allowed my holidays to be ruined.. my family to be fooled…. lies to be told … for me to go through absolute HELLLLLLL and my life to be ruined …. my God never have mercy on her and the entire lot of the criminals… i would never in my life ever think of doing such a bold and criminal act… how do these disgusting girls get away with it?????? .. and when will someone actually own up…. be a responsible adult .. a nobel and honorable person…. ….. and do something about it…..??????? WHEN?????????
I actually think i may have seen one of the girls who i believe to be the one criminal.. remember i told of the brown and white polka dotted dress… how one girl wore my dress for a wedding …. while i was babysitting for La Playa… of course scummy criminals ….. well when i was babysitting at
La Playa..the same place where my DVD’s were stolen .. anyway….
the family was supposed to be from Ohio… ( same as karen kahel… remember she went to Ohio state…. ) and where Johathan the guy who first copied all my information from my hard drive …. remember the the blond haired criminal/ i mean boy/ guy with the tattoo around his upper arm…( tattoo of a rope or something)…. ….. who supposedly worked for the cech republic family the Sabatovas….his true identity was never confirmed….
where there was this family i was sitting for …. and instead of actually sitting for the real parents… i got to sit for the babysitters while they went off and destroyed people’s lives… most noticeably mine….
anyway…. i think once again i was siting for the babysitters …. and this girl who is probably 105 bls… tan or slightly blond hair …. cut also in a bob…. was on a golf cart today here in the strand… she may have been the criminal who has been in my house… probably even dating someone … UCK>>>>> what if was the myrtle beach golfing guy again.. the one who had actually had sex with her or some other whore…. in my bed and left the golfing emblem…. in my bed….. UCK>>>> bringing them to my home…. while i was babysitting…. now that i think of it … even while i was hearing weird stories on new years eve from this babysitter from Atlanta… that i don’t really ever want to sit with again…..
so atlanta… boston…. charlotte… ohio……. what other boys had the pleasure of being in my house and screwing this girl…….??????
shocking…. really … bold and criminal and shocking …. anyway…
Where is GOD??????????????? and where is JUSTICE………. ????????????????
so much for prayers being answered…
so much for God, or the police, or even honorable people protecting me or my home or my possessions… or my life or my hopes or my dreams or my goals… or my businesses…..
so much for wishes, dreams, or a great life of happily ever after coming true….
how can you make up for at least 7 years stolen!!!!!!! how can a disgusting criminal justify their actions??????….. once again i ask.. WHERE