DEcember 1st 2010 ( who are the people who think it is better to lose everything?

So here is a question… who are the people who think it is better o lose everything?  I have actually been told by someone that it makes you more God like…WHAT?… HUH? that it makes you a better person to not have any material possessions to worry about? What? HUH?……I totally disagree …. i have had so many idiots try to ” Teach” me these life lessons that they themselves needed to learn..or thought they they needed to learn… . and yet they aren’t really great lessons to begin with…and not everyone needs to learn the same lessons….

like if you lose everything you just have to start over…. what is so great about starting over?  you can never achieve what you could have achieved had you been able to succeed from the start…maybe you will reach a level of success… but just think if you hadn’t had to start over where you could have been?….