Wednesday March 23rd 2011@6:53pm ( list of how you know you lived in saudi or your an aramco brat.. can’t remember where i got the list!)

1. You cnat answer teh question “where are you from?” ( and when youdo youget into an elaborate ocnversation that gets everyone confused and or makes yousound very spoiled.)
2.  You flew befor youcold walk.
3.  You have a passport , but no driver’s license.
4.  Youthnk california is cold
5.  youwatch national geographic specials and recognize someone ( actually recognize many plaaces!)
6.  you run into someone you know at every  airport
7.  conversations with riends take plac at 6:00in the morning or 10:00pm at night
8.  your life story uses the phrase “then we went to” five times 
9.  can speak with authority about the quality of various international  airlines 
10.  You live at school and go  home for vacation 
11.  you have ever had to wait for prayer call to be over to  finish shopping
12.  you know it is truely is a small world 
13.  you have ever gone to the “hammam” or endured a “shamal”
14.  you get allhth ejokes in aladdin 
15.  rain is still one of the most wonderful sounds in the world 
16.  you haggle wiht the checkoutclerk for a lower price 
17.  your wardrobe can handle two seasons: hot and warm 
18.  youthink visa is a document spamped in your passport not a plastic card ou cayy in your wallet 
19.  your dorm room apartment living room looks a little like a museums with  all the exotic things  you have around   
20.  you have sat  in a men’s’ or women’s section in an airport /restaurant/ hospital 
21.  you ask your roomate wen te hhouseboy is scheduled ot come clean 
22.  you have never spent a summer with your friends from high school because youall go back to yoru home town state country June – august 
23.  yougot days off for  christian and muslim holidays 
24.  traveling  to the states required buying candy, CD’s and abercrombie and ritch clothing for your friends back overseas.
25.  youdidnt know how to do your daundry until uou left for collee ( actually i had to learn for bordign school…. no laundry service at my school… but most bordign schools had laundry services!)
26.  one world “yalla” 
27.  you   call a taxi a limo and are confused when its not a mercedes … also  all ac mercedes busses…
27.  any time you submit an appication you  atttach 500 riyals to “help ” it along 
28.  you   think the speed limit is just good advice not something really to pay attention to  
29.  you start a stamp  collection from  your own mail 
30.  you start a  have a doll collection.. from all the countreis you have traveled
31.   you have a charm bracelet with  real charms from  real countries you’ve traveled….  

9.  you