Tuesday March 07th 2011 @ 4:14pm ( theta groups…. LOVE KAPPA ALPHA THETA)

so the perks of actually being a part of a sorority… the alumni associations .. all those amazing woman who are accomplished .. who have a love for philanthropy… and making their lives count … i am so proud that  Laura  ush and her daughters are Kappa alpha thetas… so many others are  also members of the kappa alpha theta… even Peggy post… from the emily post institute..  infact the emily post  institute is where i wanted to take their teach the teacher classes… and have the etiquette school be associated with such a wonderful organization….. 

within the organization there are so many perks.. and so many wonderful  additions… today infact i found  that there is a blogging group…. and have shared this blog (where i am writing right now.) with them as they have shared their blogs withthe other members….
Mine again are: .. www.mygingerbreadman.com  and www.mysearchforjustice.com   

How neat is it to share ideas… and blogs…  

If i am allowed to share the blogs here i will add their links….