.So here are some of the desires I hold in my heart for my perfect guy, my hero, partner, future husband, for my life, my dreams… for real.. and its my turn this time..
I desire a man who believes in himself, his wife, (me) and his family! Who values his family, loves them and believes his family is a main priority in his life and exhibits the loyalty, dedication and determination to allow them them the best life has to offer including the pursuit of happiness, and pursuit of their passions, and dreams no matter how large or small they may appear to him. He will validate and support ideas, he will allow for the freedom to pursue dreams and passions and will help to create the best possible outcome and choices. If he doesn’t’ have the answers he will help to find the correct material information to make the right choices and create a positive outcome for each and every decision. He will be a partner to me and a leader of his family and help direct them in positive decisions and outcomes both financially, morally and socially.
I believe he will be a man who is romantic and believes in love, knows how to demonstrate love, and knows how to make the people in his life feel loved. He will share experiences, moments of life and thoughts and dreams with his wife and family. He will be a safe haven for my hopes, and dreams and will be encouraging in any of my pursuits.
He will be encouraging, and a true gentleman. The way he presents himself in public will be the same as the way he acts, reacts in private… authentic! In that manner, he will be a true gentleman, in the classic sensibility.. he will hold open doors, he will put his hand out to help a lady out of a car, up from her seat, and hold her by the hand when crossing the street or any situation that warrants it and he wont do these things because he feels he is just taught to do them, but because he is concerned for a woman’s welfare, and taking the concerned role that exhibits caring!
His daughters will learn to know how a man is supposed to love and treat a woman because he will exhibit his love by little kisses, hugs to his wife… genuine affection..bringing her flowers ( not because he did anything wrong.. but because she loves flowers…) /who leaves his family little notes, writes them letters if away, and goes out of his way to keep in contact and create a strong family unit……. taking them on wonderful vacations that they can experience amazing once in a lifetime events, together like hiking, on mount Everest, safaris in Africa, sailing expeditions, golfing trips, tennis or other activities together, creating family traditions like Vail ski trips for Christmas, and taking one trip a year to visit a wonder of the world and documenting all these travels and adventures! He will be encouraging and have the family play games in evenings play sports or support each other in sports, and interact in activities together whether it is science projects/contests or even sharing movies and books along with promoting intelligent conversions at the dinner table and throughout their lives! He will believe in education and provide for a college and grad school from birth for each of his children. He will also provide for a residence for each of his children to inherit when starting college, and start form birth by buying property and also putting away a trust fund account that should also start at birth. He will also provide for an insurance plan including medical and dental. His children will be well provided for no mater what happens and will have the advantages of pursuing their dreams and passions instead of just getting a job.
He will not only provide for his family but ensure the education and necessary knowledge to continue with the correct choices and make it a part of their education Thus the entire family will know how to manage their inheritance, their futures and hopefully at least one area of life taught to them and retaught each and every day /year if necessary! He will start his children in business choices, in stock choices, and enterprises that will teach them the fundamentals of being an entrepreneur to know how to be a leader /a manager/ and provide for their own future and the future of generations to follow.
He will be better than financially secure…. as he will have already made so many right choices, that he should fl into the affluent category… o.k. lets be honest… to have a decent future he will be a multimillionaire, or be on his way to achieving this goal… One who is passionate and excited about business ventures, and sees the potential in investing in new businesses and successful businesses… one who would be helpful in creating that t.v. show or foundation where philanthropists are able to mentor and create other multimillionaires.. wouldn’t that be exciting!
o.k. now for some of the particulars….
He must be caring , loving, thoughtful, sensitive, ( but not tooo overly sensitive) he will still be a man, a protector, and a hero to his wife and children! he will be intelligent, articulate, and be able to carry on an interesting or humerus but definitely intelligent conversation on many areas and with anyone he meets or does business with ,… therefore, he will be well rounded, and know a little bit of everything but that doesn’t mean he will have to do everything..
He will be great leader in our household and be able to assist in hiring and delegating the maintenance areas of our life that will free up more family time and more time for business and to pursue passions…. he will be actively helping to create a better easier lifestyle for the family he cherishes……
He will enjoy spending time with his wife ( me) as we will not only be husband/wife lovers but best friends… he will want to have me be the first person he wakes up next to….to tell his dreams or first thoughts of the morning.. and i will be the first person he will want to say good night and sweet dreams and i love you to…. every evening…
I want my husband to be one who respects women definitely ME but all women… to be the one who will come to the rescue and help my women friends and relatives, his women friends and relatives but most importantly his wife and daughters…
(of course his sons as well but we are just talking of women right now …)
i want my husband to cherish his wife (ME) and believe in marriage. Believe in the sanctity of marriage the commitment involved in creating a healthy and fruitful marriage, and WANT to marry me… in fact wants me to have my dream wedding, and know that a wedding even though it is not a marriage is still valuable and important…. i want a husband who wants to grow old with me… and to want to share a life with me!
Words to add to a List:
1. respectful
2. honest
3. sincere
4. loyal
5. friendly
6. able to be eloquent with communication skills ( both verbal and written)
7. loving
8. dedicated to family, to career to future plans
9. eyes that steal your heart and know your soul
10. a voice that is soothing and comforting
11. a demeanor that is solid strong and stable
12. intelligent /well educated…. college … grad school…
13. well read
14. well traveled
15. fun to be around
16. great sense of humor
17. adventuresome able to experience new places, activities, and enjoy them
18. athletic build ( thin muscular… but not steroid body builder type..
. just real muscles… normal… )
19. loves animals
20. and is good with animals
21. loves children and is great with them
22. able to prioritize and put life in perspective and make it count!!!!
23. able to make others feel comfortable in all types of social circumstances
24. looks great in a tux! …. had actually wanted someone who owned a tux…( but is that too James Bond-ishHA?…. but i guess since this is my wish list … i can wish for anything I want… )
25. loves spending time with the people he loves and loves people….
26. knows how to make his wife feel cherished , loved and special
27. loves to laugh.. not at you but with you
28. loves to see his loved ones ( family and friends) happy and to see them smile
29. strong business man/ great work ethic/ makes a positive difference in the world
30. even tempered/ non aggressive but yet till able to command a board room and handle any situation
31. loves to enjoy and share music, the theater, movies, and literature
32. stylish… not a poser… or wanna be…. but authentic in his own style…able to go from classic.. casual to formal dinner wear…
33. able to make and keep friends.. who are as amazing as he is….
34. enjoys pampering his wife and believes and does not complain in a woman’s maintenance… ( ie: manicures, pedicures, massages, hair and fitness instructions / sports lessons such as golf and tennis or even classes….) he will not ever complain about such things… of the cost of the maintenance…. and will believe that such maintenance helps to keep his his wife happy…. ( I learned this lesson from one of my great sisters…. that even though some people think of such “maintenance” as luxury… that instead… a person should believe it is necessary!) i must agree i LOVE that type of thinking….. HA!
35. believes that his home environment… keeping it happy and tranquil, will will help to create a refuge… a real home… no matter how many homes you have… and where they are located… He will believe ( and i learned this from my dad…. that there are two separate areas of a person’s life… his work environment… and his home environment…. these are the two areas where an adult spends most of his time… and both areas should be happy…. if a man or woman is happy in one without the other he is living only a portion of the best life he could be because ideally happiness should be created in both areas of life…..
36. he can also create the same sense of peace and a great happy environment at work, for his employees, and his business by creating a business that incorporates his passions and instills a desire /philosophy to follow dreams for himself, his employees.. and even for his family!
37. Happy… I hope he is generally happy on a daily basis.. and in most situations.. HAPPY… and enjoys seeing the people around him including family friends and employees happy!
38. a gentleman.. with character, manners and knows etiquette…..