Wednesday November 10th 2010… seeking a great german guard dog!

 While  reminiscing about childhood experiences…. about  how as a child i got to grow up with German Sheppards… what a wonderful experience….  our first German Sheppard..Nipper….. was shipped from Florida….. someone wanted to remind me that  got her from a breeder in Florida and shipped her from….Brandon when we were moving to st. croix virgin islands ….. yes my parents invested in property in Florida … Brandon Florida…. in fact…… they ended up having a 16 unit motel!  and actually did really well in most of their choices… I am and will always be really proud of my parents and the choices they made while i was a child….

Pretty smart actually… when they were first married they bought a home in  Cleveland Ohio… later  they had a beach front condo in Naples… a motel in Brandon…. some property in a ski resort in the Carolinas… some other property…..elsewhere….

While we were young  my parents actually  part  owned a motel in Brandon Florida.. with my aunt and uncle……. i remember visiting with my cousin Nancy ( now deceased- who was only 4 months younger than me..) Each summer we would take these long walks and talk until  we had caught up on all the experiences of the year… and we were back to being best friends….   I  remember visiting and going on huge shopping sprees with my mom…. when we would go on vacations from Saudi we would shop for a full year….  for the next year of clothing… of growth…..a full year of growth….some years she did a great job …..a few years with some serious growth spurts…. well…. we had to go shopping else where HA! but then it was fun to go and travel…… to go shopping… who doesn’t like to go shopping right?….  

Speaking of Florida… my sisters were born in Florida…I was born in Ohio….  we had this babysitter (who mysteriously enough looked like Karen Kahel) …. UCK right?… double uck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  she also looks eerily like the  Washington housewife..  you know the one with the same white blond hair…   no one liked or trusted.. who lied and snuck into state dinners  at the  white house….. the one who was a poser and a wanna be?… what was her name? anyway… she looks just like  karne kahel and the babysitter we had when we were  young…. I  think the babysitters name was was Laura… A

Anyway…  Just a side thought….  maybe people who look the same …. act the same? or somewhere in the  genetic cosmos.. they are related…. so that is why they have the same lack of morals or values or ethics….  right? Someone should  do a study on that… …HA! ….  not only did i get bullied by Karen as an adult… but who knows what that person who was the babysitter….. then…. was like….especially if there was a correlation between people who look alike and behave alike…  seriously someone  should do a study on this….

I even babysat a little girl and her brother while her mother was out… she had been given a referral from a girl named karen …..  she also looked like a younger version of Karen Kahel…. UCK…. Trust me i kept a close eye on my belongings just in case  was genetically related to the girl who bullied me…  

Anyway… what was i taking about?…..before i got off the subject….  oh yes… growing up with German Sheppard dogs… and other pets… what a joy to have nipper…. and then our second nipper we actually got in Germany….  so when i was calling and trying to get the information on the second Nipper…. we figured out it was Reg ens burg  Germany…… we found a great kennel: />