Wednesday November 10th 2010 charm bracelets

 Memories….. tangible memories like photos and letters.. keepsakes…. and this blog entry is all about charms.. and charm bracelets….. how wonderful to look on these items  and know how thoughtful the gift…   not only the thought and preparation in giving such a special gift… but  the knowledge of the person who  gave it to you…  My mother collected these silver charms while we were young and traveling all over the place….  I wear the charm bracelet today …. it not only symbolizes and reminds me of the places /countries we were luckily enough to travel through but it reminds me of my mother’s thoughtfulness….
Countries on my bracelet:
Italy, Saudi Arabia, France, Germany, Austria, Egypt, India, Jordan, Africa, Spain, Holland, USA-Florida, and the keys-Florida, a big heart that says happy birthday and two charms that fell off… were England and Greece… other charms that i haven’t put on yet….

Charms i need to collect from countries i already have traveled and visited…. ( many….. )

there was a time a little while ago when everyone seemed to have charm bracelets… with other trinkets  attached… and charms that meant to each individual as much as my charm bracelet means to me…  I’m just really glad that my mom was….. and still is so unique and individual in her meaningful gifts…  one year when she came back from Saudi… at Christmas she actually gave us frankincense,  gold and myrrh (sp?)… like the wise-men…  another time for a friend of her’s Pete…  she gave him this preppy puzzle and them proceeded to give him all the items that  made up the puzzle….  pretty clever right?… another time…. we went on trips to celebrate birthdays or holidays….even once gave us sand from the rubalhahli(sp?)  ….  she was really great at  making holidays special and memorable and most times went to  great lengths … to make them  extra special…. all the time and effort  that went into all the holidays and gifts…. was and is still appreciated….  

I just think a charm bracelet  it is such a thoughtful and really  meaningful gift and memento.  I am so glad my mother gave me this gift… i hope someday if i ever get married and have children of my own… that i can pass along not only the charm bracelet idea… and travel experiences and a life full of memories when traveling to places together… but i hope she would appreciate it as much as i do now….  Thanks MOM!