November 16th 2010 ( some favorites/books a little on the business side)

 Just wanted to jot down a few books that are some of my favorite books that are a bit on the business side but still favorites….. i  just think are wonderful… if you have read them perhaps you would agree…
1.  The girl’s guide to building a million dollar business by susan wilson solovic

2.  The new gold Standard ( 5 leadership principles for creating a legendary customer experience courtesy of the Ritz Carlton Hotel Company) by Joseph A. Michelli

3.  Google speaks( secrets of the World’s Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page) by Janet Lowe  

4.  Customize your career ( how to develop a winning strategy to Move up, Move ahead or Move on ) by Roz Usheroff
*”fireproof” your career without crashing and burning
*surefire ways to make your employer need you
*proven tips for bringing value-added services to your company and clients 
On a side note… Roz is just  an amazing woman i had the pleasure of meeting and  befriending   her through my sister.  Roz was one of her clients… and as everyone  does….. she just loved my sisters….so me being the “invisible sister”…( HA!) i got to meet her through them….