11:36 on August 19th 2010 and addition on August 28th 2010

 So my computer  or my using it today…is  a bit challenging… the posts won’t keep to the fonts I choose… or the size type…. since these hardships are making it much more burdensome to write my thoughts in a free flowing manner …I’ve decided to write down all the ideas whether they exist in a man or not …. the ideal perfect gingerbread man!

New day… 
August 28th 2010 and the computer is running great… so ….
So here goes… from my typing …..ahhhh….to gods ears….  now if there is a guy out there who will fit all these characteristics… for real…. and this contest can actually take place… then…. maybe there will be a large jackpot… who knows.. maybe wouldn’t it be funny to have a million dollar jackpot to find the right guy …and if it catches on… perhaps another woman will be able to find her right guy…. having a million dollars or more for a contest to find the right guy for me…HA! boy would that be fun….

Now, I’m a pretty average, normal  girl… who has or had some really wonderful  expectations of finding the perfect guy for me at the right time… (I don’t think they are too high in the expectation category… so lets see if he can exist…. you be the judge…)but as I mentioned,  time keeps ticking… and I thought I’d help out a bit in this search for this guy… I once got a card at a card store… it read on the outside ….There is a perfect person out there for everyone  (when you open it up it read… ) Yours is in ( pick any country far, far away…..) with this mother and nine sisters….  

So here is the delima… if this guy is sooo far away… ohhhh lets say in Sweden..or Denmark… or even Germany or Switzerland…  the internet is probably one of the only ways to get a message out there to him right? Aside from the old note in the bottle trick…(which I think only worked in the movies If I’m not mistaken…HA!) 

Anyway… back to this mythical man who may or may not exist….this great guy…. one who is honest… I mean really honest, not even in a habit of those little lies… because if someone can’t be honest in the little things… why would I be able to trust them in the really big truths… like being faithful.. so he has to be faithful… and trustworthy… someone you can turn to and tell your most personal fears or joys and you know they won’t betray your confidences… so this is pretty much describing your best friend right?  So this guy would have to be a friend… the person you want to share your stories… your life adventure.. want to help you achieve your goals and dreams… and would be someone you could or would want to spend time with…. not all your time.. but be able to definitely want to “hang out” with you and somehow could make even the most mundane tasks enjoyable just by being there… isn’t that what a great friend is?  

o.k., how about a great sense of humorkind, thougtful, romanitc, considerate   
someone who has a great outlook on life and is positive… o.k realistically no one can be positive all the time but wouldn’t it be great if  after a bad day… you had a friend  who could and would listen… maybe even a shoulder to lean on or a hug and a nice comment like ” don’t worry… we can work it out… lets  put our resources together… I know we can solve this” not someone who talks down to you… or make you feel inferior… but a person who believes in a relationship as working together… as someone who has your back so to speak… I mean , life can really throw a curve ball every now and then… its nice to know you dont have to go it alone…

How about varied interests… like, athletic… but loves the theater… is that possible?  or is that a contradiction?… How about a great cook a great father or potential father… you know the kind of man you sneak a peek  into a room when he doesn’t think anyone is watching… who is rocking or singing or even dancing with a baby… now is it possible for that same man to still command a board room meeting or company? Seriously……do these guys still exist?…. I mean on the t.v shows.. the qualities that are supposedly beneficial to win a game like bachelorette or bachelor…they don’t necessarily seem to make for a great guy to settle down with do they?… I’m not looking for a game player… I am who I am and though I may change for better or for worse… ( hoping changes are always for the better right? I am hoping there is someone who likes me ( as in the famous words of Bridgette Jones…) “likes me just as I am”    Wow maybe even loves me Just as I am… 

would absolutely love someone who has traveled a great deal in their life… and who still enjoys traveling … but I must admit that I definitely prefer traveling in a more comfortable style than when I was in  a teenager or in my 20’s when backpacking and jumping on a train and sleeping on a couchette was a solution for “making time” to get to the next destination… now I would really love to have someone to travel with who enjoys similar expectations for traveling in a more comfortable style… there is jsut nothing nicer than a great hotel with the softest sheets and the best of service and comforts… when after a long day of sightseeing and excursions you can enjoy a nice dinner and a great room ….now at this point in time of my life… that  is  a great way to travel….   dont get me wrong… I can still rough it at time… but it is so much more pleasurable  to  make travel /vacations and trips so nice and comfortable….  so i guess that is enough for today… does anyone have any great qualities to add…. and yes…if you want to correct my spelling… please feel free to let me know!HA! thanks for your input and your time… luv mary jean ziska