September 25th, 2010

 Just went to the movie last night…not actually night time… but 5pm seating…. took my mother to go and see WALLSTREET! wonderful, amazing, GREAT!  I actually own the first movie so we watched the DVD the day before when she came over and was looking at homes in my complex… I suggest everyone do the same.. really…. you pick up so many little connections  when you see the first film the  day before….It was GREAT!  Seeing all the appearances  of everyone from CNBC…. or MSNBC…  even warren buffet … terrific… I may actually go and see it again.   The father daughter relationship/ the relationship between all the characters and each other… relationship with money… concepts.. not of greed.. but of revenge… or justice… or money providing freedom and power to accomplish both… ? The bubbles… at the beginning and the ending… did you catch that?… just loved it… all of it…  the cell phone differences.. hilarious…! at the beginning of the movie… i personally think  Gordon actually looked a bit like Maddoff don’t you think? 

If anyone has seen it… what did you think?

Went to a Great movie theater  to see WALLSTREET…. Silverspot… Great display of Mercedes by the tickets… cream and tan… great seats… great experience… ! they will be hosting the international film festival… or at least they did .. and there were signs up around Mercado… don’t know the exact dates… but should be great!.. they even had or still have foreign films … went to go see a movie about coco Chanel… with Saks fifth ave (Chanel) .. …. they  had great hordorivers… loved seeing the film in french… loved it so much I now  actually own a DVD of the film…  what was my point.. oh yes… great movie theater and great films…. cant wait for the film festival… should be wonderful!

BAck to Wall street…..and….. Professional Men in great suits… or in a tux… always look amazing… so that is one more item to add to the gingerbread list… I understand florida is casual… but to be able to dress and be well dressed says something about a man’s character… about his style… about his personal taste… mostly that he has style and taste… and class… perhaps along with manners… charm….

For another item to add….  I’ve heard that the way a man treats his mother or sisters is a big clue as to how he will treat his wife or daughters… like my dad… loved his mother.. was really great to her… and she loved him…  and it goes without saying that my dad was great with his daughters… he encouraged us to follow our passions…. to be happy and I believe he really believed that if you found joy and passion in your work  you would never work a day…

I think my father took the opportunity to get to know each of us as adults and I know when I had my own business at one point in time he was my biggest fan!( I actually think he was pretty proud of me). It would be great to meet someone who has a great relationship with his family… holidays and vacations could be really nice when everyone gets along! 
I  know my father  is  really proud of my sister’s accomplishments (who is a real estate  attorney)… she was born to be an attorney… wrote a letter to santa claus when we were young stating that he was unfairly giving better presents to me(HA!)or more presents… don’t remember the exact words… ( she might HA!) but had our youngest sister sign it and  to top it off… it was typed!….

I even wrote in my Eharmony piece about my sisters… of how they were not only my best friends but i wrote of how much i admired them… both wonderful women both unique individuals  and both I am so proud of them as people, professionals, and as my sisters…. maybe i’ll copy the quote… ( one more item to test on go daddy….!)   copy and post option…. enough for the moment….luv mary jean ziska