December 24th 2010(5:23pm… christmas eve just a thought on my mind….)

 something has been bothering me since yesterday so i thought I’d write about it ( blog about it actually) adn maybe someone out there has some answers…( now that i know i do have a reader of this blog… a bit exciting sort of I guess… HA!
anyway… Have you ever felt that you were mixed up with someone else?  Sometimes its the weirdest thing but some people have said some of the strangest comments.. I must admit some fo them worry me a bit… some are so off the wall… i just wonder what are they talking about….?????
then later it bothers me… and I’m dealing with some unanswered questions and trying to figure out if their bizarre comments are going to hurt my life…

one comment was made about people who find faith/God when they “hit bottom”  I must clear up for the record….. I went to ca catholic boarding school where there was an entire housing facility where they had a convent…….. My mom taught CCD classes in our house i guess you could say that religion and God was always fairly important.
I was raised catholic but even went to calvery with my sister adn a freind of ours.. ( but it was in fort lauderdale and the commute form Naples to Fort Laderdale was a bit long…… even went to a few bible studies… and i must admit that i was moved at times by the sincerity and the devotion to studying the actual word of the bible.. For awhile as far a television personalities.. I found Joyce Myers very  inspiring.. and as far as TV preachers I must admit that  Joel Osteen has been both inspiring and i own  a few of his Cd’s I love his belief that God is still not  only concerned with us but that he wants us to prosper and be happy.. to go ahead and ask and you shall receive  actually is rally nice to hear.. to know that God is able to do all things.. and that he actually loves us… and wants us to prosper adn be happy… well that message just warms my heart and soul…

But actually had this one woman believe she knew that i was saying the st Jude prayer because i had some alcohol or drug problem…or this girl made a weird comment about “hitting bottom”… which is not the case at all..…at least not for my case…. i always had faith and God in my life… someways more than others….. but such an assumption is totally inaccurate … such  an assumption is just as inaccurate as all the other lies that were told about me… and that is what prompted not only the website of but also my due diligence to make right all that was damaged by the lies and stories told about me .. or whom ever i keep getting mixed up with….  the bad experiences i have gone through in my life are totally the responsibility of a few horrible mean and evil people who actually manipulated situations.. lives and purposely harmed me and I’m sure others as well.. that is why i want them stopped made accountable for their crimes and not only punished according to the  the laws of the United States of America… also damages should be given to all those they harmed….and if i am really blesses… they  will be put in jail… to serve time and be punished so they will never be able to harm another  human being … ever!!!!!!…Ii hate criminals…  criminals  should be caught and arrested and put in jail……. end of story! .

so since all my freinds and family are normal with no serious issues or problems… this is the qustion I pose on christmas eve…. Where are all the normal Christians.. Catholics.. the peole who are successful caring loving intelligent.. and actually give thanks to God for the blessings they have received?  There are great peole who have had great lives.. inspiring people who have made some amazing life choices.. done wondrous works for humanity… who have accomplished a great deal…who are still honest and have no major  issues and problems… I pray for  great, wonderful, nice, kind, generous,  intelligent, evolved, authentic multimillionaires to be included as my  genuine friends, divine connections, and mentors…  (I’ve actually been praying for that in my  St JUDE  novena… since August 12th 2010..)   ..