Video number 47 created by mary jean ziska/added to blog posts 11/19/15

video length: 32 minutes 24 seconds
Life Lock phone call speaking with Alisha who wanted my birth certificate/ my social security info and my drivers license info…. To anyone who actually speaks to the rel life lock people… they should not ask all that information to assist you in an identity theft…. something very stinky about is phone call… and actually haven’t been able to reach any genuine representatives from life lock… even last week a woman told me Maurice would be calling me back for the life lock…. never got a call or assistance especially weird when I received a notice that life lock was trying to send me a registered letter… The great thing about a service like life lock is their guarantee of that million dollar assistance in legal services to get money returned to you when your identity has been stolen… and life lock was the company who sent me a notice that the fraudulent 5th 3rd bank account had been opened…. but still not received the money stolen…. or the fraud bankruptcy removed and expunged from my credit report… but i guess it would help if the crooks who did the crimes wouldn’t interfere with me actually being able to contact the life lock services i pay for… where are the police/sheriff and even the FBI who are supposed to be stopping and catching these career criminals…

number 45 created by mary jean ziska/added to blog posts 11/19/15

length of video: 46 minutes 58 seconds
Conversation to remove fraud chapter 7 bankruptcy ref #1408053CED
created by marion gregory/ linda yerger and the help of Antoinella Scarpa to bully manipulate and to fraudulently create a fraudulent chapter 13 bankruptcy then transfered it to a fraudulent chapter 7…. when i had no debt… and ruining my credit… as of today 11/19/2015 at 11:58am I still have it showing on my public records even though I have written to lawyers/ the department of justice and even senators… for help to remove this! If anyone can help Please contact me ASAP!

video number 42 created by mary jean ziska /added to blog posts 11/19/15

length of video 6 minutes 24 seconds
Capture 1 6- 2015 2:45pm initial waiting in Dr Rawlings office

I was trying to get a mini evaluation independent and objective…. since when Patrick weber wanted to still be a limited guardian in 2011 and decided not to give me my freedom… and subsequently opened up a bank account at regions bank in 2012… which led to a an identity theft where not only 7 fraudulent accounts were set up in my name but a false mortgage was also established where $65,000.00 were stolen and used to buy someone a new car… some college classes… all new appliances….
money /accounts and my ruined reputation and ruined credit…. that I only found out about by a life lock alert in 2012…. Well, i thought if i went to an independent doctor who was NOT making a profit off my name… that perhaps I could dispute any or all the lies being told about me …. the lies that also were used to set up a fraudulent bank account at 5th 3rd bank… Lies: that i was under 18 years of age..that i was incompetent or incapacitated… so went to PROVE I wasn’t incompetent…