Wednesday May 6th 2011 @ 6:47pm ( easter post…. catch up on easter post…)
I didnt have a computer ( it died before easter… and of course havent had a phone since decemb er 23rd 2011) so really had no way to catch up on all the events since my last post was april 9th 2011… really long time… anyway… i had asked my mom to come over for easter…
May 06th 2011 @ 6:12pm ( slaughtered horse artice from documentary on abc)
First a quick note.. having some wierd trouble getting onto my blog and post the posts i wanted… so not sure if i haveantoher hacker… or what the problem is… if i cant post thearticle that is the reason.. i kept trying to log into my blogcast and it wasnnt doing anything…. i mean for a botu 10 minutes it wasnt allowing me to jsut click onnteh blog cast and enter my post… wierd right.. i was laready signed into the account.. and had already been writing on my other website for… but it wasnt’talowing me to write to… a thought… i hate criminals… so here is the article onthe horses…
The discovery of another slaughtered horse — this time a prized racehorse — has deepend the mystery of a spate of grotesque mutilations in south Florida this year.
Police and animal rights advocates believe the slaughters may be sparked by the exhorbitant asking price for horse meat in that part of the country, but have not been able to track down who has killed as many as 20 animals.
The latest horse to be mutiliated was a 4 1/2-year-old racehorse named Kristi, found in it’s Miami Gardens, Fla., stall, her throat slit and back legs removed, according to the Miami Herald.
Owner Yosmel Luis found his horse dead earlier today when he visited the stable to feed her.
“He has no idea how bad I want to find him,” Luis told the Herald, referring to the killer. “It’s so cruel. It’s murder like if they killed a person. The only thing worse than killing my horse would be killing my daughter and my mother and father.”
The Herald also reported that the Miami Gardens police were in contact with authorities in Miami-Dade County, where more than a dozen horses have been killed since January.
In what has seemed like scenes right out of a Wes Craven horror movie — the equine version — horses have been killed in that time, some even hacked alive while the butcher did his work, their carcasses strewn along roads and farms.
Public information officer Nick Pimentel of the Miami-Dade Police Department said investigators are working hard to find the perpetrator and the officers directly involved in the investigation were unavailable for comment.
“All entities are trying to locate who these people are and what they are doing with the horses and what they are doing with the meat,” Pimentel told ABC News.
Richard Couto, an investigator with the South Florida Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, was on the scene of the latest ghastly discovery.
“It is one of the more disturbing stories. There was a foal, a baby involved. I got to the scene, the horse was killed by a knife that went under her chin, and she died a slow, grueling death. The reason I know this is because the blood trail was just everywhere,” Couto told ABC News.
“And the foal never leaves the mother’s side, so the baby was certainly by her side while they were carving her up. The owner found the baby trying to nurse off the mother’s carcass,” he added.
It appears that no neighborhood is safer than the other. According to Keith Dane, director of equine protection at the Humane Society of the United States, the killings have been all over the map.
“It’s been really varied in terms of who the owners and victims are,” he said. “There have been some farms that raise horses, private families that own horses on their property. Most of the instances have been in remote locations where there isn’t a lot of traffic. The more remote the location the less likely the violator is going to be caught.”
Illegal Horse Slaughters ‘Alive and Well’ in Miami
With no suspect yet arrested, the motive for the killings has not been confirmed, but Karen Gustinger, a local horse lover and member of the Homestead Rodeo Association, is convinced the horses are being sold on the black market for meat.
“It’s solely profit-driven. There’s a black market down here for horse meat. My understanding is it’s selling for $20 per pound and it ranges from people eating horse meat in other cultures to the rumor of horse meat being a miraculous medical discovery that cures all ailments.”
Couto says the meat is definitely being harvested on the black market and for even higher than $20 per pound.
“The reason we know it’s becoming an issue is that there are people living in rural areas who are having people drive up to them at their homes or on the street and asking if they want to buy horse meat… There are reports from a few of the law enforcement agencies out of Broward County saying the meat’s going for up to $40 per pound,” Couto said.
“Many people in the U.S. think horse slaughtering is only being done in Mexico and Canada…..slaughter and the black market trade is alive and well in Miami,” he added.
According to Couto, some local ethnic groups believe that eating the horse meat is a cure-all.
Not only is the horse meat not a wonder drug like some falsely believe, but the meat being harvested is contaminated.
“These horses are being seen by vets on a monthly basis. Tranquilizers and even just a basic fly spray all are labeled not to be used on animals to be used in the food chain. People are spending a lot of money on contaminated meat that’s going to make them sick,” said Couto.
Miami-Dade Not Just a Beach Community
Though most think of palm trees and night clubs when they think of Miami, Couto paints a different picture.
“Miami-Dade isn’t only about the beach and the sand,” said Couto. “The majority of Miami is more in rural areas and our horse population is extremely high. It’s the second most populated horse state in the country. It’s horse country,” he added.
Gustinger said local horse owners have taken up arms to protect their beloved pets.
“The horse community is getting edgy and very upset,” Gustinger told ABC News. “We’ve started community watches, people are patrolling their yards with guns to the point where some of the horse owners are looking forward to it. They’re starting to hunt these people… they want it stopped,” she added.
“The fear that is in place right now for anyone that owns a horse in South Florida… people are having a hard time sleeping, worried that when they wake up in the morning they’ll find a massacre in their barn,” Couto said.
The Humane Society Society of the United States is offering a reward of $2,500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for these horrific acts.
“If the meat is being sold for consumption, that would be in violation of federal law,” the Human Society’s Dane told ABC News.
“These are alarming events that we’re hoping the authorities will be able to stop and that they will be able to track down and find the perpetrators and prosecute them under state animal cruelty laws,” he added.
Losing ‘Family Members’ a Shock
Gustinger organized a rally last Saturday night at the Homestead Rodea Arena. It was her way of trying to involve not only the area’s horse owners, but the entire community to prevent any more unlawful horse killings.
“We’re trying to say as a community that this is not acceptable… this isn’t how we want to live,” Gustinger added. “We’re not turning a blind eye to this anymore because it just keeps happening.”
“These are our pets and they’re considered as mostly family members to these people,” he said.
Gustinger said, “We’re really looking to the community to solve this.”
Dane adds there are a few precautionary measures horse owners can take.
“If there are gates that are accessible to the road, put locks on them… Use flood lights where that’s feasible…Spot checks throughout the evening,” he said.
“One thing we don’t recommend is locking horses in barns because if there was a fire… If there is a community of horseowners they may want to set up taking turns monitoring the area.”
Anyone interested in learning more information on how you can help save the horses can go to Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade. In addition, the SPCA of Southern Florida has its own Web site “Help the Horses.”
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May 06th 2011@5:37pm ( slaughtered horses in florida )
There was a documentary on the slaughtering horses in south florida that i saw on television… it was so graphic and so sad i had to put it on the website for I think i will also put a copy of the abc documentary article that i found on the web. it is three pages long but gives vital information to not only the horrid practice of these criminals but also ways for us to get involved and help….
I sent an emal to my sisters as we had horses in saudi…. and coulnt ever iagaine anytngso horrible for these beautiful animanls… i thought withthe kentucky derby jsut aorund the corner that attention to this sad plight even to race horses shoudl also be addressed….
in the documentary the man who sarted doig searches to find the slughter houses and to stop the destruction of the horses…. acrtually saved a horse that was realated to secretariate…. amazing right? the horse would have been slaughtered for meat to sell ont eh black market… absolutely outrageours…
The horses we had in saudi were mainly cared for by the grooms at the hobby farm… and upon seeing the documentary i remembered th fun times we had riding the horses in the dunes… and even riding the horses to our tlast home in saudi which was located right on the persian gulf.. amazing expereinces…. to actually be able to ride into the water… and on the beach….. If anyone gets an opportunity to notonly own a horse but be able to ride at a beach…. take the opportunity…. i dont know if you will get to have the expereince i had… since our beach was really private… but it is jsut amazing…
“These are alarming events that we’re hoping the authorities will be able to stop and that they will be able to track down and find the perpetrators and prosecute them under state animal cruelty laws,” he added.
Losing ‘Family Members’ a Shock
Gustinger organized a rally last Saturday night at the Homestead Rodea Arena. It was her way of trying to involve not only the area’s horse owners, but the entire community to prevent any more unlawful horse killings.
“We’re trying to say as a community that this is not acceptable… this isn’t how we want to live,” Gustinger added. “We’re not turning a blind eye to this anymore because it just keeps happening.”
In addition to the shocking brutality of the deaths, Couto pointed out that losing horses has also been emotionally traumatic for the owners.
“These are our pets and they’re considered as mostly family members to these people,” he said.
Gustinger said, “We’re really looking to the community to solve this.”
Dane adds there are a few precautionary measures horse owners can take.
“If there are gates that are accessible to the road, put locks on them… Use flood lights where that’s feasible…Spot checks throughout the evening,” he said.
“One thing we don’t recommend is locking horses in barns because if there was a fire… If there is a community of horseowners they may want to set up taking turns monitoring the area.”
Anyone interested in learning more information on how you can help save the horses can go to Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade. In addition, the SPCA of Southern Florida has its own Web site “Help the Horses.”
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Saturday April 09th 2011@3:06pm ( the women and when harry met sally…. great shows!)
Must say… powerful women like powerful women freindships.. so refreshing to see… the women with meg ryan was on today on TBS… really nice to see women stick together… and to know that women realtionships can last and arent cut throght or petty adn not immature…
Guess i am so sick of the small minded and selfish women who will have the afairs.. who will ruin lives and families…. jsut to get what they want….. can you imagine… what a nice world it would be to actually have real genuine freinds in your life… who have your back so to speak…. and who see the value of your hopes and dreams… who actually help you to acheive your hopes and dreams.. and who cherish real freindships and relationships!…..
anyway… today that movie and when harry met sally…. one of my all time favories… is on… again with meg ryan…. and a very nice relationship… .. back in the day when realtinships i gues could actully be relationships.. and not have some major life changing and horrid issue to overcome… AHhhhh L’amour….
Fri April 1st 2011 @ 2:25pm ( note sent ot police and sheriff for additonal monitoring for residence)
A Tender Loving Care Service
Mary Jean Ziska Assistant Director and
Fri April 1st 2011….. ( note on honesty… integrity and the girls who don’t have any of it!)
So I’m a bit upset today…. having someon in your house whe n your not ther can actuallydo that to a person…. but these cummy whre to door servce girls shoudl have name sont you thnk… i mena everyone shoudl know karne kahel by now… i’ve had the opportunity to tell everyone including the police and the authorities… everytime she bullied and harmed mylife…but i thnk maybe givivn her allthe credit for being a deceitful horribel perosn who manipulates lives and destroys hoeps and dreamsand runes familes and everyhting i ever wanted out of lofe mybe that is givngi a small minded and deceitful human being too mauch credit… she didn’t do all the lying and cheating an stealing herself… she had help she planned and pltted and contrived various scheems to steal and lie to be deceitful and to harm nromal hapy individuals…
there is erin donavin form new jersey..lived in autum the time i babysat for her……. i had paperworkd stoelen from my briefcase concernign clieint and ffiles and even blank forms stolen….when i babysat for them…. but she is supposedly moved to chicago…. and her hubby got a beter job wiht meryl lynch….
a group of babysitters who broke into myhome and consistentlytook files of clients…. and of course the babysitters from la playa and even some of the sitters who were suposed to be loyal to my mom and our business…
i had items stolen for bbysitting…supplies i had to go out an buy again…
the best i can surmise…along with not having any honesty, integrity, morals and values…
this group of girls and boys… whether they come from great families.. or dont… whether they have any money or not… they obviously are nto my true freinds.. they are not people who have anyinterest other than makign sure they thnk of themselves first…. and only them selves…. they take care of their own.. which now makes more sense when erin told me that she “thought i was one of them????? ” I had no idea what she was talking about… abu tthought maybe sinc eshe did theater.. she thought i was some actors or fake lke so many of the people i’ve had to meet….. but now i thnk it must mean somthing a bit mroe sinister.. the grop of girls and bos sho choose a victim… use there house steal ther busness… steal they idenity..and steal whaever theywant …. I was tld even recently concerning a guy in a white mercedes.. the fake friend.. fake scottrenshaw… sho had on airline piolet glasses.. and who was comign into my complex at the exact time i was leaving..agian to go and babysit….. and i was told that the guy was hiding…. to seehis girls…. ( there were threein teh car at the time…
So perhaps someone decided that myhumble abode was good enough to test out ther girls… and seeif they could cook can clean… and care for thier children…. and do allthe necessarey duties…. whatever that may entail… ( think back on the mertlyl beach emblem left…. ) UGGGGGGGG…
Tuesday march 29th 2011 @8:10pm (song from…catholic pick up line song)
Today i received an email from it took me to the website where i was able to see a really cute song…. called the catholic pick up line song… ( I think i quoted the song correctly…. adn i hope the link actually works …. if it does… enjoy!
Sunday March 27th 2011@4:08pm having a bad day..
so have you ever had one of those days… a bad day just because you know when people are manipulating yoru life…. and today was a classic example of the stinky scummy karen kahel or some other “whore to door service girl” who is running around ruining lives for her own selfish intensions…. today it botthered me that i was beign used to take the place of someone i dont even know… and being mistaken for someoone i dont want to be mistaken for…Uggthe whit haired whore and tresspassing bully karen kahel… UGGGG for the last time i was born in ohio… did not go to ohio state… never went to ohio state like the bully karen kahel did…. UGG dont want her life or to be her or even to be mistataken for her…. or to be mistatken fo her at all!
today i believe someone got it into ther small little head that I should or could be mistaken for someone else.. not just anyone else .. but the worst person possible person on this planet…. the bully from ohio state…. the mean and vicious.. girl who made my life hell… from ohio state ….. carlton lake living bully and scum of the earth….karen kahel … I’m not sure who she is screwing this weekend but since i have been baysitting… i’m assuming i’m being kept busy so she is free to destroy more lilves.. and pleasure any of the scum i mean actors.. or conartists… what ever you want to call them… ( to me they are the scum ofthe earth…. ) but they are the boys…. mean boys who are in town for the weekend of probably many weddings and many events. but usually ( at lest since my old roomate scott renshaw and karen kahel were speaking in my driveway….. years ago… then chris ( the handyman seemed to like her….) and can’t forget the boys from ohio in the neighborhood who like a loose girls who can trespass from the next neighborhood over …..and “PLAY” i think is wheat they called it…. and god only knows whom ever else she used to trespass into my complex to go and see …..
So my suspicions were aroused the day a woman… came to my door with a different story of looking for a neighbor… then when i came home after baysitting… the front door and the guest agrea had the same key when i usually make sure that when i change the keys and locks on all the doors… that they are all different.. to make it more of a derterrent for the scum who used to break into my home whie i was babysitting and use my home to entertain themselves. Extrememly criminal… adn invasive adn wrong but these scum have not morals.. no values..and cannot tell right from wrong… they ar eactually to me worthless criminals and should be in jail… ( see my other web site i had to start because of all the infractions they havae committed…
anyway after the woman came to my door tehn a wierd series of messages via email about jobs cancelling… which is usualy what the conartist scummy whroes of the boys who dont have jobs or educations usually have done in the past … but they used to do allther crimiansl activity adn stealign over the phone ….. then last night this guy was walking outside on the golf course toward the interior of the complex… i only noticed him because of his gait… his walk was similar to a cousin of mine tommy bodnar… but he held a phone over his face.. and was smoking a cigerette… he was wearing an orange baseball cap… but since my real cousin is a dentist..and married with tons of kids…and has other condos and homes in napels… I knew it couldnt have been him… but maybe it coud have been… one of the scummy guys screwing around with karen or kimmy orkaty…. whoever was in town…to service the boys…but not me… never thought that once again i might be mistaken for that trash and scum karn kahel…
anyway.. i figured… it was probably just some scummy actor… conartist or idiot who is the person screwing the white blond haired little whore this weekend.
God i hate them! go ruin someone elses live…. i had a life.. i had a great life… gosh i wish i had never met that scummy little whore in 2005… and definately never met the criminal gerard ahler in 2003….
T be honest, I was actually having a fine day… at home……before I went that is… to go and run some errands.. had to go and get some super glue and had a gift card left over from having to have locks changed after breakins by the scummy little “whore to door service girls and boys” … also went to publix to go and pick up the wall street journal that I had on hold over the weekend…today they came out with the wsj magazine that I just love to read…
but today started off bad when cut in line in front of me while we were in the in the 10 item line….and wanted cigerettes… wanted to buy 4 packs of cigeretts…. she cut right in line… and said something really wierd.. like… “she’s not mine” I don’t know if she was speaking to someone else in the store …or since I was the only other perosn in line she was talking to me… or eventrying to speak of the cigeretts…. … I told her what a nasty habit cigeretts were… and that i don’t smoke…. then it was just like the one idiot who was in line at mobil gas station made it look like i was buying beer… when i was not…. … the cigeretts were right by my wsj.. so i picked up the paper ( that was all i was buying… and after paying for it left… ) then when i was leavign this car about cut me off… and had an ohio state liscense plate… which brought back all the horrid memeories of karen kahel.. and the bulling … and all the crap i went through by these people who use the crap out of my life .. and ruin lives through ther manipulation and the games they play to gratify their own satisfaction! what disgusting selfish people! definatley freinds or family woudl never do such things… but this has been going on since 2003 and i ve hated every minute of it !and curse the idiot who started all this selfish manipulation! what scum.. they had choices to make loves better… and instead they selfishly ruin lives.. for ther own selfish intension… i cant thnk of a lower form of person… they have the same mentality of child abusers.. and any criminal on the face of this planet…
reposting sunday march 27th 2011
so have you ever had one of those days… a bad day just because you know when people are manipulating yoru life…. and today was a classic example of the stinky scummy karen kahel or some other “whore to door service girl” who is running around ruining lives for her own selfish intensions…. today it botthered me that i was beign used to take the place of someone i dont even know… and being mistaken for someoone i dont want to be mistaken for…Uggthe whit haired whore and tresspassing bully karen kahel… UGGGG for the last time i was born in ohio… did not go to ohio state… never went to ohio state like the bully karen kahel did…. UGG dont want her life or to be her or even to be mistataken for her…. or to be mistatken fo her at all!
today i believe someone got it into ther small little head that I should or could be mistaken for someone else.. not just anyone else .. but the worst person possible person on this planet…. the bully from ohio state…. the mean and vicious.. girl who made my life hell… from ohio state ….. carlton lake living bully and scum of the earth….karen kahel … I’m not sure who she is screwing this weekend but since i have been baysitting… i’m assuming i’m being kept busy so she is free to destroy more lilves.. and pleasure any of the scum i mean actors.. or conartists… what ever you want to call them… ( to me they are the scum ofthe earth…. ) but they are the boys…. mean boys who are in town for the weekend of probably many weddings and many events. but usually ( at lest since my old roomate scott renshaw and karen kahel were speaking in my driveway….. years ago… then chris ( the handyman seemed to like her….) and can’t forget the boys from ohio in the neighborhood who like a loose girls who can trespass from the next neighborhood over …..and “PLAY” i think is wheat they called it…. and god only knows whom ever else she used to trespass into my complex to go and see …..
So my suspicions were aroused the day a woman… came to my door with a different story of looking for a neighbor… then when i came home after baysitting… the front door and the guest agrea had the same key when i usually make sure that when i change the keys and locks on all the doors… that they are all different.. to make it more of a derterrent for the scum who used to break into my home whie i was babysitting and use my home to entertain themselves. Extrememly criminal… adn invasive adn wrong but these scum have not morals.. no values..and cannot tell right from wrong… they ar eactually to me worthless criminals and should be in jail… ( see my other web site i had to start because of all the infractions they havae committed…
anyway after the woman came to my door tehn a wierd series of messages via email about jobs cancelling… which is usualy what the conartist scummy whroes of the boys who dont have jobs or educations usually have done in the past … but they used to do allther crimiansl activity adn stealign over the phone ….. then last night this guy was walking outside on the golf course toward the interior of the complex… i only noticed him because of his gait… his walk was similar to a cousin of mine tommy bodnar… but he held a phone over his face.. and was smoking a cigerette… he was wearing an orange baseball cap… but since my real cousin is a dentist..and married with tons of kids…and has other condos and homes in napels… I knew it couldnt have been him… but maybe it coud have been… one of the scummy guys screwing around with karen or kimmy orkaty…. whoever was in town…to service the boys…but not me… never thought that once again i might be mistaken for that trash and scum karn kahel…
anyway.. i figured… it was probably just some scummy actor… conartist or idiot who is the person screwing the white blond haired little whore this weekend.
God i hate them! go ruin someone elses live…. i had a life.. i had a great life… gosh i wish i had never met that scummy little whore in 2005… and definately never met the criminal gerard ahler in 2003….
T be honest, I was actually having a fine day… at home……before I went that is… to go and run some errands.. had to go and get some super glue and had a gift card left over from having to have locks changed after breakins by the scummy little “whore to door service girls and boys” … also went to publix to go and pick up the wall street journal that I had on hold over the weekend…today they came out with the wsj magazine that I just love to read…
but today started off bad when cut in line in front of me while we were in the in the 10 item line….and wanted cigerettes… wanted to buy 4 packs of cigeretts…. she cut right in line… and said something really wierd.. like… “she’s not mine” I don’t know if she was speaking to someone else in the store …or since I was the only other perosn in line she was talking to me… or eventrying to speak of the cigeretts…. … I told her what a nasty habit cigeretts were… and that i don’t smoke…. then it was just like the one idiot who was in line at mobil gas station made it look like i was buying beer… when i was not…. … the cigeretts were right by my wsj.. so i picked up the paper ( that was all i was buying… and after paying for it left… ) then when i was leavign this car about cut me off… and had an ohio state liscense plate… which brought back all the horrid memeories of karen kahel.. and the bulling … and all the crap i went through by these people who use the crap out of my life .. and ruin lives through ther manipulation and the games they play to gratify their own satisfaction! what disgusting selfish people! definatley freinds or family woudl never do such things… but this has been going on since 2003 and i ve hated every minute of it !and curse the idiot who started all this selfish manipulation! what scum.. they had choices to make loves better… and instead they selfishly ruin lives.. for ther own selfish intension… i cant thnk of a lower form of person… they have the same mentality of child abusers.. and any criminal on the face of this planet…
Sep 10, 2009
Sep 10, 2009
Sep 10, 2009