May 12th 2011 @10:47pm ( my aunt and grandmother’s b-day)

you know how some days stand out in your life.. or you somehow remember them …. today was my grandmother’s b-day. she has passed but somehow i remember it.. and the  b-day of  my aunt Dottie… one of the sweetest of aunts… It is her b-day today as well… … so i wish her a very happy birthday… and best wishes … in every aspect of her life…  i called to speak with her and  wish her a happy b-day… but it was wierd.. the phone kept echoing…  why would it do that?… i mean her voice wasnt echoing.. but i head myself repeating the entire conversation…. i asked he  if we were being recorded..   she said no but it is really weird…

 i haven’t had a phone do that to me in a really long time… in  fact it scared me a bit since that happened  when i had the bully girls on my phone… and after doing all sorts of research today and yesterday about  biometric recognition of the voice… and knowing what i have learned about spoof cards… and i still need to learn more on how these people were able to manipulate a person’s voice.. i was told they have the ability to change  a mans voice to a woman’s.. and if they can use the compute programs to change a voice.. i wonder if a voice is recorded if they can then make it sound like a specific voice… now that must be illegal… right… especially if that voice is then used for a fraud of some sort… which i could only think of one reason for a person to  copy and mimic a specific voice is for a specific purpose and that purpose  cannot be of an honest nature…    otherwise the real person would  be using their own real voice to make a call.. right… i think i will put part of this in   their has to be someone who has the right answers…

 i also got to Skype my uncle Doug … I just love Skype… being able to actually see and speak to someone .. is so nice… i was even able to share a picture of Nancy( his daughter)  and myself when we were only almost 2 years old….  i told   him.. when  i think of her i remember memories… but also think of what /who she would be like now… I’m pretty  sure she would be  like a friend or sister…   like when we were kids… at least i hope we would be… anyway.. dont want to get all teary eyed…so….     

I hope to be able to add more people on Skype and be able to keep in touch with people better… 

also there was a  widget.. or link for the st. Jude novena… just 9 days of prayer for a specific petition… .  so here goes for anyone else to go on the website and say the prayer and see if your prayers are answered…  I’d love to know..


may 6th 2011@ 10:27pm ( detailed car on april 26th 2011)

I need to also putthis note into the webiste .. but i had the car cleaned… i mean really cleaned at the carwash over by cosco…. they did a nice job but they had to vacume again to ge tthe dog hairs out of a car wherei have no dog…. when i got home i also went through it with tape… to simulate a lint brush and got outall and i mean all the dog hairs that someohow mysteriously  ended up in my car… in the back part of mycar… where it is  usually  full of binsand those bins are  full of  babysitting items  right now i dont have to have the bins in my car since ther are no recent babysiting jobs.. actually ther was one .. i was emailed by my mom…. at 1am when she finished babysitting… and then a email at 10 am tellin gme that tha tjob was cancelled…. gosh i hope its nto the same girls stealing babusitiing jobs again… but to be on teh safe side i will put allthis info in the  other webiste and make sure it is well documented for the police.. did i mention that i really appreaciat the poice who honestly protect and serve our community…   one day they are goign to fidn the criminals… adn i will be able to not only have them arrested and put in jail.. but be able to civiily take them to court    and mae sur ethey willnever have the fundsot be able to harm another person in this town … or anyone for as long as they live…  i hate criminals…


oh the point of this blog entry…. no dog hairs.. lets see how long it stays that way… should be until i get a guard dog… right?  

May 6th 2011 @ 10:02pm ( hgtv green home giveaway… and info on next dream home)

so here it is…. the next  green home giveaway….    I emailed   my sister about it…. at least i think I did… ha…  and then i told my mother on the phone about it…  this year it is a home in denver… howfun woudl that be to have a  vacation home in denver….( thought i think vail  would be better…. i love my aunts place in vail… ) anyway…  adn gueswhat.. the net dream home is in hawaii… howfun woudl it be tohavea  home in hawaii… as well.. HA!  i know i didnt have either of those destiinations on my affirmations or wish or goal list… but i can be flexible….HA!  anyway.. the  website for the hgtv link  contest  is:

May 6th 2011 ( eharmony- darn missed my next three months for 14.95… i think)

Well without a computer… and without a phone… ( honestly to not have any wierd people and bullies to deal with concerning the phone…. has been soooo nice… but i really do miss my real friends  and family … chatting with them… about everything and  anything… sharing  lives…dreams.. and just  sharing….  anyway… without my computer i missed the special  for 3 months of eharmony  for 14.95…. at least i think i may have missed   it… i will try ot go online again and see… the last time i was online… and a man from  australia and california replyed… they had the  special….   sohere’s hoping that they will stil have the same special so i can  correspond for the next three months and possible meet or at least email some really great people….

There has to be some great people out there still right?  

May 6th 2011 @ 9:20pm ( projector from brookstone)

  my mom made such a wonderful decission to purchase this amazing projector from  Brookstone…. it is called :    Cinemin  

you can use your laptop.. or  iphone or with the adapter even a dvd player….  it’s wonderful…. i will put a link  to the information or website   but i think it will be so helpful for activities for her large groups of babysitters… or at the  conferences for  groups of sitting… or just  even for personal use and entertaining…  anyway… more of how it goes when  i use it ( i tested it  at  my home….. but to test it  in  areal group… that will be fun!)   

May 6th 2011 @ 9:10pm ( charms on my charm bracelet… sautered )

So the charm bracelet that i have and i wore forever.. the clasp broke.. while i was at my; mother’s house i went on line looking for a bracelet making store to take some  of the babysitting children ….  they used to have a great store down town  but i guess it went out of business… I had taken  these wonderful children from switzerland… and they made such beautiful bracelets one time….

( opps did i get off the story again? ) anyway…. when i was babysitting in april we never did have the opportunity to go and make bracelets but on April 19th 2011 i wen tby myself to see what the store was like located in the outback plaza the store was /is called:  

anyway.. i wnet ther  thinnking  perhaps i can buy a clasp  so i could continue to wear my bracelet….

May 6th 2011@ 8:10pm ( post on mothers’ day wishes)

so mother’s day is coming up… this sunday… 

perfect mother’s day.. a spa day with my mom and sisters…  with a brunch and with them all at the ritz or some great hotel… being  able to give them great gifts…make great  memories.. and  cherish the laughter and togetherness that only a family has ….. laughter at memories.. at moments captured in time… that cannot ever be repeated… or ever happen again… 

anyway… when i was babysitting for a little girl in april i took her to the ritz for an ice cream manicure…. what a great and wonderful service in the spa… once again.. love the ritz carlton here in naples florida…  while I was there  I had  inquired about any specials they were hosting for mother’s day… they didn’t  have  them set up …. at that point in time..  but I’m sure they will have something  wonderful  by sunday…

I will not be able to do any of that this year for mother’s day… though i really had wanted to… for some reason my mother wants to jsut do a quiet mothers day and i’ll do it at my home…

i know the boys who didnt want me to bother them at thanksgiving… and christmas.. or any holidays where they were takign their dates will be pleased.. especially the fake freinds who took me to capital grill two years ago instead of the ritz for mybirthday… it was a wierd year.. very manipulated… i went to capital gril in  may with my mother  even had a birthday picutre taken… when it wasnt my birthday… wierd right… then mymom was goging to be in town for my birthdaybut since mysister and i share a birthday she wentto coloardo innstead… and then on my actual birthday one of my fake or shoudl i say false friends… was i guess made to take me out on my birthday…   he want too happy about it i guess  because he showed up really late the day of my b-day and  the funny thing was that when i made a fuss and said i wanted to at least go to the ritz and get icecream…. i actully saw a look alike in a silver honda with the white blondie… leaving  the ritz….
think someone stole my birthday… HA!… actually i am not smiling or laughig about it…I know for thanksgiving a whoel troop of the “boys” took ther dates to  the ritz… and i stayed at my mother’s house OUT of the way… so to speak…. … i just miss my real freinds and family soooo much…. youknow those genuine people who actually rally like your company… who smile when they see you adn cant wait to see you and visit with you…  who you can’t wait to share your thoughts or your dreams.. or even the events ofthe day…..  the best freinds who would do anything for you….. the people you love so much it sometimes hurts…. or you laugh withthem so much you actually can cry….  

the fat disgusting italian gerard ahler nand karen kahel… ruined so much…. but this website isn’t supposed to be about that or them…  they are selfish and horrible  and criminal..  and bullies.. and just  horrid… and ruined lives and families and futures… and for that i will never forgive any of them. ever……