email to invite family to my condo for thanksgiving dinner…

Dear everyone, family and friends…  hope all is well….  getting excited for my 2nd home made attempt
at thanksgiving… and my cooking of all of it…. last year turned out delicious…  or so i was told..hopefully everyone was
honest…. ha… I plan on the same dinner menu…. turkey… and stuffing,
cranberries, and green beans and peas… and corn souffle  and spinach souffle, mashed potatoes.. and
apple pie and pumpkin pie….  maybe
an  hor’ dovier   … and mom said she will bring the
salad…  but the best will be the
company…. my Mom and Mattie will be here … and Maura, Eric, Caroline and
Ella   and Dad you are invited as well…..
and Scott if you were in  town of course
you and Olivia….  are invited as
well…    so i was thinking  that 1pm would be a great time to start
dinner…. well actually lunch then 2nd time eating may be dinner…HA… and
we can visit and watch a movie … or if you bring swim suits  or walking shoes you are welcome to go for a
swim or a walk….    please email back
your plans.. and  who can and can’t
come….  so i can know how much to
prepare…  i missed watching Joel Osteen
this last week.. I did watch a couple great catholic masses….(Joel)  he had a great email sent today… .  i wanted to share… no pressure  hint on the answer  for 
the thanksgiving invitation… but hopefully you will enjoy the   email…. luv Mary jean Ziska…. I love and
miss my family every minute of every day…. 
and today and every day i am thankful and grateful for having you in my

so remember time approx. 
1pm…. location:  5632
Whisperwood blvd. 1601 Naples Florida 34110  
( remember in the strand at cypress cove complex.. Maura and dad.. if
you want i can write out more specific directions…  if you decide to come…  just let me know…

hey remember that song….” thanksgiving day is coming
.. and Mr turkey said… ” How very careful i must be or i will lose my
head… said the pumpkin to the turkey.. I’m frightened me oh my.. they’ll mix
me up with sugar and spice and I’ll be pumpkin pie!”.. HA!  . that is all i can remember with a bit of
prompting from mom ha…. anyway great memories…  of great holidays with great family
luv mary jean ziska  /

Say “Yes” to His Yes!  
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE:  “For all the
promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through
us.”  (2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV)    TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the
right people, the right breaks and the right open doors. In other words, He
already had your “yeses” planned out — Yes, you can accomplish your dreams.
Yes, you can overcome that obstacle. Yes, your children can fulfill their
destiny. Yes you can succeed. YES is in your future!  The question is, are you going to say “yes”
to God’s “yes”? Are you going to dare to believe Him — to get into agreement
with His promises?    Start right now by
declaring His promises over your life. Start declaring that He is good and that
His plan will come to pass. Don’t let doubt and discouragement distract you
keep your eyes fixed on Him because He is faithful. His promises are always yes
and amen. So say “yes” to His “yes”!    A
PRAYER FOR TODAY    Father, today I say
“yes” to You. I say “yes” to Your promises and “yes” to Your ways. Help me to
live a life pleasing to You and bring You glory in all that I say and do, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.    — Joel &
Victoria Osteen                                             Tender
Loving Care Service     Marion
Gregory   Director  239-598-1515  Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director  239-234-4065

Tuesday November 13th 2012 @ 2:20am Joel Osteen God’s YES

Say “Yes” to His Yes!


“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him
Amen, to the glory of God through us.”

(2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria


When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the
right people, the right breaks and the right open doors. In other words, He
already had your “yeses” planned out — Yes, you can accomplish your dreams.
Yes, you can overcome that obstacle. Yes, your children can fulfill their
destiny. Yes you can succeed. YES is in your future!


The question is, are you going to say “yes” to God’s “yes”?
Are you going to dare to believe Him — to get into agreement with His promises?


Start right now by declaring His promises over your life.
Start declaring that He is good and that His plan will come to pass. Don’t let
doubt and discouragement distract you keep your eyes fixed on Him because He is
faithful. His promises are always yes and amen. So say “yes” to His “yes”!


Father, today I say “yes” to You. I say “yes” to Your
promises and “yes” to Your ways. Help me to live a life pleasing to You and
bring You glory in all that I say and do, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Wednesday september 19th 2012 @ 4:08pm sections of last will and test. for mary jean ziska

hey did i happen to mention that i just now figured out that th same scum that had ruined my life actually must have started in 1999…. the idenity theft for the redit cards for capital one stated in 2002… but ther is anothe mortgage on my home by my dad… th origional one  listed in his name only for when we boguth this conodo..when he bought theth is for me… in 1999…. adn  it wwas for only 132,000.00…. i was lied to that it cost my dad 169,000.00….. so someoen might have scammed my dad adn bougth it from hiem.. and made a 32,000.00 profit… on mmy lis tof mortages the ones that included an entire fake or false line… of mortages someone  kept buying and  selling…   sother ethey made hundreds of thousands of dollars.. but for me alsone they made a profit of  82,000.00 before my name was on the mortage… and another lie… tha ti owed money to the IRS…. which i didnt … and which was the reason i didnt put my name on my mortage in 1999….. criminals all criminals… lall liars and all scum since 1999….. not one honet rpersonin teh bunch,,,, so this is why i wrote my will…. 

funural arrangements:  
   as for my funeral, i would 
a final blessing in a catholic church 
but more of a concert… during and afterwards and some of my favorite
christian and regular  songs sung or

toby mac:”made to love you”/ james
taylor”you’ve got a friend” & thought i’d see you
again”/eric clapton wonderful tonight’/news boys”shine”/song
from  stigmata “what ever happend to
mary”/dido”life for rent”/.

special initentions: want Karen Kahel and her group along with  Gerard Ahler and his group to be sued  for their part in ruining TEN or MORE  years of my life. I want a private
investigator to find each and every conartist/criminal/idemnity theif
responsible for lying/cheating/stealing/hacking/manipulatiing/starting from
when my dad/mom helped me buy my condo(strand).I was lied to about the cost of
the condo/lied to/manipulated/stolen from/harmed every  minute of every day since…  I want the state of Florida to be sued for
their misconduct and negligence in never listening to me about the abuse,  the harassment,the stealing, bulling and
their disinterest in assisting me to bring justice for all of it!  I want the state of Florida including patrick
weber and everyone involved since 2006-2012 to be included in the law suit and
in the changes that need to be made in their policies/procedures for
guardianship criteria and guardianship assistance and monitoring!  I want sanctions/disbarment   for them to be held responsible for the  misconduct/ negligence and their part ruining
years of my life ( from 2006-2012) 
instead of helping/assisting my life! I want the police/sheriff’s  department sued for not stopping the people
responsible for continually stealing from me or harming me. for not writing up
official reports or doing any thorough investigations into the identity
thieves, the  thieves  who stole my personal physical property.. and
the thieves who stole  my intercultural
property from my website, my external hard drives or internal hard drives.. who
stole files and businesses and who were allowed to bully harass and
manipulate/spoofed numbers never investigated… hacked voice mail and accounts
never stopped… businesses stolen/ lives/families  ruined and no police ever stopped anyone!
Caught anyone! but instead in some incidences… they actually protected the
villain/ the identity thief and belittled the damage and harm done to
me…  no one was ever prosecuted or  put in jail

condo dostribution: my condo in the strand golfing community located at 5632
Whisperwood Blvd. 1601  Naples, Florida
34110 to my  blood related DNA verified
family my condo in Naples Florida.  I
want to make sure that my  mother and my
sister Mattie have a residence they can call their home and no one can take
away from them. If both of them have  a
residence  that is safe from foreclosure
and they  want to stay  in their own home /and if an agreement can be
made by all 4 remaining members of my family to sell the condo and split the
proceeds equally. If one or any of the 
members needs a residence, then a payment should be made to the
remaining members  who will not be
residing in the the residence to eventually equal the  value of 
a sale. this seems very fair.. i want the payment to the other members
remaining to be only what they can afford so as not to be a burden as i want
the condo for once in its existence since i started owning it  in 1999… to be place full of love and hope
where  dreams can come true and
opportunities can succeed… instead of being the place where I  have lived the worst experiences of my entire
life.. and where i have had to experience due 
to criminal intent..the worst crime and loneliest years of my life…crime,
abuse manipulation which caused so such emotion devastation i would not want
them to go thorough any of those experiences in my condo which was supposed
to  be full of promise and joy and it was
not due to the  horrid people who lied,
manipulated, and cheated me out for the life I envisioned, in the life ,i
planned, and in the life i wanted!… No one 
stopped them…ever…. and they ruined my life forever! i don’t want my
family to be hurt by the same scum that hurt me….  I want their lives to be happy and this condo
to be an asset to their lives… to be helpful and to be a  wonderful experience for living here. i loved
you all and missed you evey minute of every day!.


monday sept. 03rd 2012 @ 3:34pm about blogging and supportive people

So labor day…. day of rest right?  i am watching  Julie  and  Julia or is it Julia and Julie… i can’t remember…. anyway it is about passions… about blogging…. and even about the supportative people who  want the people they love to be happy…. you know those elusive supportive and  unselfish people who are genuine friends and who want there genuine friends to be happy… really happy….from personal experience i can barely remember what it was like to have  really great friends in my life… the ones  who love talking to you on the phone, to enjoy hearing about your  dreams.. who light up when you  help them to find their dreams.. and to find their passions.. and to  believe in therm selves… and  know their future is limitless…. especially when you have those great friends  who support what you want to do and who you want to become ,, who love you just as you are but who cant wait to  be around when you grow older and wiser and  who just plain like you..,
i can say i barely remember what it was like…. because I think  my life has become as limited as having just one friend … an old roommate scott renshaw,.. at least i think he is still a friend….  
and no one on  the phone or on skype.. or in emails,,, has been supportive or  encouraging unless they get something  out of my choices in life.. and that has been for years, i think…. they want me out of the way… want to discredit any of my memories and  anything i say or do…..  they have not helped me to find the truth of whothe hell stoelk my identity or my credit… or my clothes… or my jewelry…. or who the hell are all the fake freaks on the  phone…    i get tossed around talking  to  whoever answers the  phone… and they are never my friends ….they have a limited memory of my life…. pretty much the last horrid experience  they put me through…. is the topic of discussion…. i get no phone  calls ..hey i was just thinking of you and  missed you,,,, or  i remembered this funny thing you did or we did together…or do you remember that time…. nope…. none of that…  no encouraging ideas of a business… unless they wanted to steal the business… so  like the pro-line Brooklyn  crook &contracting asshole,…. and  whoever stole the  M&M decorative painting …. that little girl will not have been the same girl who will know anything about being  in tree tops or on mount Everest.. or shopping with my mom  in Paris…. or boarding school, or working for  the etiquette school, or the babysitting business….or taking care of the elderly or even creating  websites,,, or even blogging… or getting  a Westlaw account to stop injustice….But  i did all of that…..  you have the girl who stole my life so she could become a teacher….. or some  girl who steals my birthday presents… or  my phone calls…. or my life….. and  they are not supportive about finding out who the criminals are…. OF course not… they are the criminals !

watching julieand julia … seeing how loving adn supportive her husband is… and how he wants her to suceed… wants her to be happy… hell he even help her set up her blog!   must be nice…  i used to have that .. with real friends  and real family… before imposter bitch stole  my life and wanted me to deal with the  leftovers….. that they think i should have….
i’m even thinking that  the most reacent of the  imposter life stealing criminal freaks probably got to go to france…. i ahd wanted to go to France with my sister who shares my same birthday… for years.. and i was promised for at least 5 years in a row.that i would get to go back…  but it never happened,. i figured that imposter freaks they are USUALLY JUST NICE ENOUGH AND MANIPULATIVE ENOUGH TO GET ME TO SAY… SURE I’D LOVE TO DO THAT…. OR HAVE THAT … OR  WHATEVER….. SOTHEY COUDL STEAL THE OPPORTUNITY….i MEAN SINCE THEY WERE ALREADY STEALING MY IDENITY …..THEY WANTED EVERYTHNG THAT WENT ALON G WITH IT… A BIRTHDAY PARTY… A PRESENT…. MY INHERITANCE…..ANYTHING I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET.. SUPPOSED TO DO….. 

 wait i was going ot use this blog post to elaborate of the joys of blogging.. on having supportive peple in our lives… and  my love for this movie….. but th e skype call and the crying has ruined my entire day….. and yes i did get to throw up earlier…,. and my eyes are still bloodshot…. but i stopped crying .. ate lunch an even some choc chip cookies i made that I was going  to share but am not now….. i am not goin to share or do aNYTHING NICE FOR THESE CRIMINAL CREEPS WHO ARE SELFISH ,,,, AND NOTHIGN LIKE MY FAMILY OR FRIENDS……  BU TI’M SURE SELFISH  IMPOSTER BITCH IS IN TOWN .., INFACT I WILL BET SHE WAS ONTEH PHONE THE OTHER NIGHT TRING TO TELL ME  THE LIES THAT MY MOM WAS AT A LAUNDRY MAT.. JUST A BUNCH O FLYING MANIPULATIVE SCUM….. PLEASE DEAR GOD MAKE THEYM DIE SO THEY WILL NEVER GET A CHANCE TO HURT ANYONE  EVER AGAIN… OR STEAL FROM ANYONE EVER AGAIN….. OR LIE  TO ANYONE EVER AGAIN….OR STEAL ANYONE’S IDENITY EVER AGAIN!……..  YOU IMPOSTER FREAKS… GO TO HELL!


wednesday august 29th 2012…. maybe no great people left on this planet….

yep… maybe there are no great people left on this planet… wait … ann romney … her speech  was amazing…. and  i got to speak with my old roommate scott renshaw … who was nice…    but other than that…. where are the great  people who are noble, honorable, honest, descent, trustworthy… who have scruples, and morals, who   are inspirational, and normal….  i miss those type of people in my life…. every minute of every day….  i miss my friends, my family,  and  great people  in my life …..every minute of ever day…. 

Wednesday August 29th 2012 who starts a conversation with …

Who the hell starts a conversation with … I need to tell you something but I don’t want  you to get upset.. when they know darn…. well that the information will get me upset….  

Then they  say that they are writing an email to Patrick Weber about  automatically taking the money … the $500.00  deal they  came up with together.. with out my knowledge.. with out my conscent…. More like the winkning blinking patrick weber and his black  arm-banded witch…. Or the voice sounded like  a “kimberly”, or “Katie”..  some dingbat….one of the paralegals   who actually  work for the HOA… not my mother  no real mother would ever allow such  a horrendous deal….  Who would be so worried about  being paid on time? excited that they want to have patrick take out money directly form my account to pay her… or them….  But yet…. Not at all concerned about the selttlement ? about the settlement that  is not what was promised by Patrick weber .. at all… not what  would be livable ????? The person who is getting the money right?  What a greedy and horrid person!  … so if it’s not the bullies on the  phone I get these fake and greedy  parasites… great!…..

I left a message for them to look up in the bible….  1kings3:16-28…. ABOUT A MOTHER OR I MEAN A FAKE mother who  is willing to cut a child in half because she  doesn’t care about  the child… because it is not her child!     

Fri. July 27th 2012 @ 9:09am where is the mythical william….

Blog post: mythical “William”

There’s a gentleman I meant, you told me not to worry that the right guys out there claims his name is William is 42 years old is tall thin blond has no children and is professional.  He said he was religious ethical and moral didn’t break the law as profession has changed a few times.  This mythical William is supposed to be either a stockbroker, a lawyer, read something to do with me winning or to steal at a lottery!  Sounds like a dream in which case more than likely since this is not a real person is mythical money and does not exist.  I’m thinking, but the oen of this gentleman in person is speaking to me and may be trying to reassure you that women of my age is granddaughter star in law or someone else but great guys still exist and in which case is talking…  At me…  And not really to me.  When I first heard the name William of funny story hadn’t thought of in a long long time came to mind the assure that this gentleman.

As you may recall my mother has a babysitting business but how ther went to that subsection and I use to meet absolute me sing people and family’s on breaks and holidays from college and even after college up until today…  Which is 46 years old.  As babysitting for a family in an amazing high-rise here in Naples and had a son named William.  This absolutely adorable young boy at eh five years old, requested and make a date with them to meet him on top of a tall building in Chicago.  I remember the name being sleepless in Seattle and an affair to remember and humor him as we decided September would be a great mom had a great ad in my book or safe couldn’t wait to tell his parents how cute of a request and out adorable for him to decide that should be someone he would ever want to date of course when he grew up…  You will be amazing!  Of that point in time it was probably the only person who had actually officially asked me how the needy in forever and it touched my heart!

It’s amazing when children can say something out of the blue and it makes your day!

So, we’re we’re WHERE might this mythical WILLIEM really be?

July 27th 2012@ 8:56am met a woman who’s husband worked for aramco!

A few days ago by chance, I met a woman prohibited. Began chitchatting. It always amazes me that you never really understand who person is where they come from without conversation. This woman when I mentioned I grew up in Saudi Arabia. My father worked for a company in Saudi Arabia and my father’s company was Aramco also receives Aramco world! I was thrilled to find that her 2nd-husband was the recipient of the Aramco world magazines. When I had a moment I was able to view slides of adventures and explorations. She had on one of her travel excursions. We discussed how people and generations have changed. We talked at length about the differences and generations and how these differences have made a culture and generation that is lost to me a little bit of the gentlemanly manners that my father and his generation actually always upheld. We talked it length about how men will wear their baseball caps even at church should of course. But that was completely unacceptable. Even though I hadn’t thought of it. She was right. The sign of disrespect, and the manner in which casual attire and casual manners has invaded our culture seems to really have created a culture devoid of the gentleman ideal. We also talked about how generations changed from being outside, exploring, how travel excursions cruises etc. bus tours are all set up for a very superficial of any locale. She described how she loved being able to explore areas meet people learn of culture and customs out of the way but authentic restaurants, shops and antiquities. I also said I messed when I was at one France being able to not be considered at worst purple and then be able to shop or review sites in a manner that allowed you to truly see the real area. Not talking of back streets or garbage or dangerous areas. I’m talking about not just the superficial commercialized souks were set up stalls with elevated prices and generic products.


I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to experience what my mother was able to provide when we took tours with her. We are able to not only see amazing sites to go to wonderful stores, restaurants, hotels, to experience amazing locales and a host of people who were there specifically to make sure our experience was enjoyable but being the daughter of the person in charge gave me advantages a behind-the-scenes look at so many unique and amazing sites. I’m not sure if you can experience the entire country, city, town, in a weeks time, seems to me entire summers should be devoted to exploration, classes, and taking advantage of all the world has to offer. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still the same girl loves to be pampered, who enjoys luxury, it is not available for camping or any rough-and-tumble type activities it’s just not my style. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not able to observe culture cities sites and all that encompasses a great exploration. Who knows, maybe if God does answer prayers I’ll be able to go on such trips again in my bucket list. I have listed various classes that seems they would be even more beneficial when learned in various countries. Wouldn’t it be amazing to take a cooking class in Paris, and art class, or language class in Switzerland or Sweden. To be able to stay in a locale for a few months at a time making acquaintances and friends, learning local customs finding your favorite sweet shop, restaurant, and Park. Being able to sample foods, sports, shopping, in the midst of learning would be wonderful!


The chance meetings of people put some point in time have something in common, such as a subscription to a magazine for company your father worked when your child seems remote, but in this great big world with so many people so many experiences there’s bound to be the overlapping of lives and experiences. Could this possibly be predestined? Could this possibly just be random? Who knows, but when the opportunity to meet amazing people and discuss topics of interest and share common beliefs or values actually does occur, it brings a smile to my face and it makes me remember I’m not allowed in this world is not as big as it seems. And we are all not separate in our life.

on the flip side  i also met a couple who were part of aramco…. they wer both doctors and lived in saudi arabia wy before i ever did… but then they moved to new york… and this is the wierd part… after i spoke ti the woman for a whileafter i was very excited tomeet a perosn who had such a unique history …. and teh common element of aramco… i guessi alwys think ther is some type of bond… a connection that is  somthign  like a surviror of a disaster or of a unique experience woud have.. you know the feeling that  no one else woudl understand  liek someoen who has gonethrough the same event.. or lived the same place… or that type of  connection…. but thisother lady… in contrast must have thought i was someone else… or thought that she knew something about me…  
she actually told me that i must be the girl who spoiled everythng for everyone… i’m not sre if she was refering to the conartist i had met whoruined my life.. or to teh  conartist i had met whopretende to be people they were not… ie imposers and idenitiy thieves… or what the heck she was talkign about.. maybe becasue i notified wtih police or or tried  to stop  any of teh conartists form stealign or lying or cheating me or my family…. or maybe because i stood up for what my  family was /is truely like..and didnt beleive the lies people tried to  throw down my throat… whoknos.. it atakes all kinds.. adnit was a bit shocking ( as i alsway s am… when  i mistake people for potential friends…as these dpctors fromnew york wer clearly not really interested in beign freinds with me… but i guess you are supposed to think it is ther loss… right? eventhogh  it woudl have been nice to have  frids again in my life… i miss  my frids every minute of every day…. for at least teh past ten years…
i miss talkign to them instead of a bunch of conartists and  imposters on the phone… 
anyway… the woman i met who was really nice … refreshed my view.. and my mamory of howwonderful my  freinds form friendly and safe…. in this world full of such rotten people… it is nice to meet a nice person… really refreshing….  
but i must  

july 22nd 2012 @ 1:34am ( life loyal…Thank GOD for Kappa Alpha Theta for life….

At the end of june I was able to join life loyal…for kappa alpha theta… after a year of payments i will have my fees for corporate paid for life….. so iwill be a sister of kappa alpha theta… for life…paid in full…. what a great feeling…
I look through the theta magazine…. and see all the amazing women who have really made such greataccompllishments in ther lifetime ..

I wonder if I will ever get the opportunity to actually have the life i planned unstead of having to fix allthe horrid experiences these horrid criminals caused….

My sisters adn i all pledged teh same kappa alpha theta… when i look at so many of the alumni I am so proud to be in such great company….and to be an alumni….

women like Laua bush and her daughters….
signory weaver….
and each month… more and more woman who make a positive impact on this world…

there are groups within groups to join… adn you find out htese women are everywhere!

I hope and pray i am able to meet so many more of these women.. who are role models… who are inspirational, who are just great women… the kind of women you can or want to be best friends with …
I see such a marked difference in people i have met… who’s morals and values.. who’s upbringing..and belief system are not like those yousee in sororities… and it makes a difference…
i dont mean to be a snob.. but it makes a difference… when youare brought up not to bully… or not to lie or cheat or steal… when you have strong women in your life who show youthat anything is possible.. and who are encouraging and supportive of hopes and dreams… who wouldn’t break the law… but become the lawyers( like my sister) who uphold the laws… or the judges.. or the congressmen..(or woman I mean..)
and when they work together to make a change.. or for a cause… that is power…

and just knowing that these women are my sisters… maybe not all by blood… ( but two of my real life sistrs are also kappa alpha theta sisters… HA!) knowing they are there to help.. to encourage.. to uplift… to inspire…. or even to shop with… to laugh with … and even to cry with….
when as you get older, and somedays when it seems really lonly knowing somewher outthere … are girls and women.. whoshare the same values.. and who are your soriority sisters…. it makes teh world seem more connected somehow… and I’m really glad that I joined life loyal…for kappa alpha theta… even the name of it.. loyal for life… is what life loyal means in a way…. and what better way to describe the peole you want in your corner.. in your life… but by being there for your entire life!…. luv mary jean ziska

it just makes a huge difference…

July 23rd 1:31am ( Life Loyal…. thank God for Kappa Alpha Theta!)

 At the end of june Iwas able to join life loyal…for kappa alpha theta… after a year of payments i will have my fees for corporate  paid for life….. so iwill be a sister of kappa alpha theta… for life…paid in full…. what a great feeling…
I look through the theta magazine…. and see all the amazing women  who have really made such greataccompllishments in  ther lifetime ..

I wonder if I will ever get the  opportunity to actually have the life i planned unstead of having to fix allthe horrid experiences these horrid   criminals  caused….

My sisters adn i all pledged teh same kappa alpha theta…  when i look at so many of the alumni I am so proud to be in such great company….and to be an alumni….

women like Laua  bush and her daughters….
signory weaver…. ,

and each month… more and more woman who make a positive impact on this world…

there are groups  within groups  to join… adn you find out htese