Well i thought this morning was going to be great….. all ready to pack and ship cookies i had worked on… carefully putting love and attention into my gifts…. but when i awoke… the lids were off the two bins of sugar cookies.. i am hoping they don’t get dried out ad stale… I asked my dad and he said he didn’t take off the lids.. and i know i didn’t when i went to bed early i actually made sure the lids wee on tight…. but then also i had this one pink polo shirt that “mysteriously” switched from an extra large to an extra small…. even said extra small on the tag…. i haven’t worn an extra small in …. well it feels like forever…. and so i was sent real extra large replacements… i washed them a few days ago… and somehow today they shrunk or were switched out again.. they are about 5 inches too short!…. This is ridiculous… i understand identity thieves the con-artist scum probably stole sorority date function pictures… and letters and diamond earrings to continue to set up their scam… and it is horrid that i have still after 15 years never had any of my real possessions given back to me… but these shirts were just plain regular polo and Lilly Pulitzer shirts…. i mean are they fat and need the extra large for them selves? or just mean and selfish and greedy and jealous? …. I dont get thieves at all… i hate criminals!!!! I may be missing a pair of $400.00 boots.. I have had since the 1990’s…. used to wear them with long flowing dresses…. . i’m pretty sure i packed them when i went to Tampa to try to remove the fraudulent bankruptcy…. which also seems like ages ago.. and still not a single person to help to fix all the damage all these crooks have done… so my question is… is it just in Florida that these con-artist and criminals reside or visit to steal from women children elderly and the disables?,,,,or am just still the victim of the same con-artist scum… that started stealing my life and possessions when i moved into my condo in 1999…. they have ruined my life…So I prayed with the 700 club today and went around the house binding evil… i bind their evil mouths shut/ stopping their lies their deception and manipulation…. their evil hands tied stopping their theft con-artist schemes and scams… and their feet from running away so they will be caught and punished….by the laws of GOD ( hint: thou shalt not steal not a suggestion but a commandment!) rendering them unable to do their theft their manipulation and their schemes and scams… manipulation and deception… Please pray for me..and pray god stops evil…..
Monthly Archives: December 2015
December 02nd 2015 GO FUND ME INFORMATION
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December 2nd 2015 I sent an email to the alleged legal counsel for 5th 3rd bank and guess what the email did not go through to the address I was provided…. more lies and more crooks…
Dear Ms. Langsam, December 1st, 2015
Here is the email I sent to my attorney Larry concerning contact information: my address and email address to rectify the felony 5th 3d bank account allowed to happen by harboring the stolen funds from social security in the fraudulent bank account.
It has been almost a full year trying to rectify these crimes and this horrid situation. Please email me how are mailing me the funds ie tracking number/ check number and date mailed.
Thank you for your kind attention to this email, Take care God Bless, Sincerely Mary Jean Ziska
Dear Dorthea (Thea) Langsam: Deccember 1st 2015 @ 2:53pm
I received an email from my attorney Larry on November 19th 2015 setting that he had not yet reached 5th 3rd bank with my current mailing address and my email contact address concerning the money stolen from me via social security and placed into a fraudulently opened 5th 3rd bank account. Attached is the document I emailed him with the information you may use to return the stolen funds. I will also attach documents pertaining to the fraudulent bank account that will be helpful and the same documents / video I sent the beginning of the year to show proof of the fraud.
I am at my fathers during this holiday to rectify additional criminal situations caused by the same people.
Please email me: [email protected]
Please mail the check ($1222.66) with tracking verification to : Mary Jean Ziska C/O Elwin J. Ziska
7066 Verna Bethany Rd. Myakka City Florida 34251
Thank you for your kind attention to this horrid situation started in Jan od 2015.
Take care, God Bless Sincerely Mary Jean Ziska
mary jean ziska
Nov 18 (13 days ago)to larrypivacek
Dear Larry, November 18th 2015 @ 4:51pm
I have not heard anything from 5th 3rd bank concerning the return of the finances that were stolen and put into their bank through the fraudulent bank account opened the beginning of this year by Marion Gregory. Have you heard back from them as to when they will be returning the money ($1222.66)? Its very odd that I have not heard anything since you sent them all the information they requested as to how to reach me ages ago…
Please update me on the progress of the return of the stolen funds as per the petition to compel you filed and who in the legal department I can speak with or email Thank you for your kind attention to this email, Take care God Bless Sincerely Mary Jean Ziska
mary jean ziska
Attachments Nov 9 to mary jean
Dear Larry, November 9, 2015
Thank you for your email asking permission to give the legal representatives of Fifth Third Bank my personal information for the return of the stolen funds ($1222.00). These funds that were placed in the fraudulent bank account created by Marion Gregory based on her fraudulent and unauthorized activity. I’m assuming that the legal representatives do not want to be associated with the illegal actions of Marion Gregory and the felony that occurred when my social security money was stolen and placed into 5th 3rd bank.
You have my permission to give 5th 3rd bank account the following information:
1. My email address:
I had been using an email I created specifically for the fraudulent bank account’s closing however I would prefer that with the return of the finances and our future correspondence we can use a new email I created that Marion Gregory or anyone else except the legal representatives of 5th 3rd bank and you and I will not have any knowledge of or access to this email account. Please be sure the proper authorities have this email address. Thanks!
As to the email: I would like them to use: ……………..As to the phone: I left Naples to go to Tampa and seek assistance in rectifying the fraudulent bankruptcy mess and to have the recall car repair work on my car done. I have remained here still trying to fix all this mess! Presently at my father’s it is difficult at times for the phone situation so, I would prefer to be contacted only by email so that all correspondence will be in writing.
As to the most recent order in the case: indicating that I am in charge of my own finances, I have been in charge of my finances since I was 14 years old and went to boarding school! Neither Patrick nor Marion were ever allowed to harm my finances (ie) steal or control my finances or even interfere with my bill and bill payment! I am still dealing with the aftermath of this entire mess…. I have overdraft charges / late charges and returned payments for cable and electric!
A. For cable(Comcast): I had to cancel my internet service, and contacted Comcast twice concerning the billing mess…. I am dealing with a bill of $128.88 (when it should have only been $26.00 per month!) Today I was told through Comcast that to correct all of this I need to file paperwork with the FTC because she placed her name on my account and they consider that id theft as well as her unauthorized change of billing …. when she illegally switched my billing to this fraud account.
B. As For ELECTRIC(FPL):Electric is even worse…. I am left with a 394.00 bill…. With an additional deposit of $242.00 Online(11/08/15)… when I called(11/09/2015) the automated service does not reflect this…. it says I only have a $64.00 bill but that is after I paid $150.00 on 11/08/15 and after trying to contact Marion $175.00 payment! Within the billing it reflects overdraft fees/returned payments (when I closed down the 5t 3rd bank account) and I believe she even changed my email billing from my email address… To say the least I freaked! I called for an extension… for assistance and was told to get assistance I was to stand in line in Immokalee Florida to receive aid from the Florida farm workers…. When an extension would only relieve the bill for a few days in an extension! Today ( 11/09/15) I was told there are no viable walk in offices anywhere in Florida to try to meet with a rep and have this fixed…. I spoke and recorded the conversation with a representative from FPL named ROY (id number GXToGCB) located in El Paso Texas… who spoke with his supervisor Arlene id number GX0HoZ but instead of her being able to help I was transferred to Hamilton in West Palm Beach id number 5058 who was supposed to be the FPL supervisor …..but he could not hear me…. So I am back to trying to fix all this mess…
C. As to the address: 5TH 3RD BANK may send the return of the stolen money($1222,66): Please have 5th 3rd Bank send the $1222.66 to me (MARY JEAN ZISKA) via registered/with tracking number ( ups or fed ex or even USPS postal tracking) in care of my father’s house. Please make sure there’s will be documentation of its travels so there’ll be no mistake when it arrives. Upon the payment of the $1222.66 Social Security will need to be notified has I’ve also called them and they may have filed federal paperwork concerning the felony that this bank account in the stolen money created.
D. His name and address is:
E. Back to the official paperwork that 5th3rd bank should already have… I had given out three copies of ( the police report (1500006645)/ the petition to compel/ my identifying information ( driver’s license) and even sent a You Tube video to a representative in the fraud department proving I was not under the age of 18 nor incompetent or incapacitated. I personally visited three branches of 5th 3rd bank in Naples and went to the Social security office at least 3 times to try to make sure the bank account was closed down and the funds returned! Is this the information they need again?
F. Larry I know you know all this information because you were so kind as to file the petition to compel! I know the petition to compel was filed to stop Marion from stealing my social security money and to assist in closing the fraudulent bank account opened at 5th 3rd bank and to return funds. I received a letter from 5th 3rd bank ( Kevin) dated July 17th 2015 to notify me that upon 5th 3rd’s investigation they have also come to the conclusion that the bank account opened by Marion Gregory was fraud and I have emails of correspondence I directed to 5th 3rd bank that request the bank account be closed down and that monies be returned. You have my permission to give then any documentation that will require them to return the stolen money to me!
I am assuming as your last email suggested that Marion was denied the ability to harm me or my finances again thorough her manipulation of the court system or the lies told about me….
I’m not sure if you are aware or not but , I have had my own bank accounts since 14 years old when I entered boarding school in Penn. Continued with my own bank accounts in college and when I had my own business and moved into my condo in Naples 1999! I have retained my current Naples bank account (not at 5th 3rd bank) and pay my own bills from this bank account for the past 7 years. I submitted a years’ worth of billing statements and banking statements and paid to have them filed at the clerk of courts for proof of my continued ability to pay my bills on my own! It also reflected that social security direct payments were being made into my bank account for the past few years, until Marion Gregory lied to have these payments switched to the fraudulently created 5th 3rd bank account!
Again I repeat myself but want this on the record: the current bank account I have held for at least 7 years paying all my bills on line and on time for entire time I have had the account. I gave the court the documentation of a full year’s worth of bank statements to prove I paid all my bills myself and paid them on time and on line. I could have provided the past 7 years’ worth of documentation but there was an extra cost to obtain the documentation which on my limited finances and still trying to rectify all the theft and damage done to my name , my reputation and fight for my freedom…. was a huge expense. This banking and bill payment information I also submitted to the court system and paid to have it on record and listed in the court documentation with the clerk of courts and wrote letters to the judge attesting to this information and also submitted by me to the clerk of court!
As to the additional financial mess this Fifth Thirdrd bank account has created, I’m still dealing with the aftermath of the fraudulent Fifth Third Bank fiasco. In addition to the stolen money, I have overdraft charges on both electric and cable bills where Marion Gregory switched my payments and even my emails to have automated payments drawn from the fraudulent account. When the bank account was successfully closed down, the bill payments were still being issued and now there are overdraft fees and late payments and I am fighting to have a new deposit removed along with and all the extra charges that were caused by the fraud and misuse of my accounts and my name and my life!
I am sure you are also aware, I have still not received the finances stolen from Social Security ($1222.66) that were illegally placed into the fraudulent Fifth Third Bank account . I am assuming that the contact information they request is so that they will be able to reimburse the stolen money to my bank account. I am giving you permission to tell them I am giving them permission to directly… they can reimburse these stolen funds through a certified check. I’m sure that the 5th 3rd bank legal department must be aware that the social security department needs to be notified concerning the repayment to me for the stolen funds. That would alleviate them of being held culpable concerning this felony! Or, does 5th 3rd bank need to give it to social security department?….Then social security does a direct deposit to me at my bank? … or Via a check in my name…. then WE need to tell social security about the repayment of the stolen funds? Please email me on how this transaction is legally and properly to be accomplished and completed and the time frame of this plan of action. Thanks!
In addition am also writing to ask you to submit a motion on my behalf:
I believe it is called a request for: ”a motion of expungement” of the fraudulent bankruptcy created by Marion Gregory and Linda Yerger {fraudulent bankruptcy reference number(1408053CED) July 2014}: This felony created at a chapter 13 and then a chapter 7 is still damaging my credit my reputation and my finances! I’ve been to Tampa twice to rectify this horrid situation to no avail! I have contacted all credit bureaus, the Department of Justice, and numerous agencies for advice and to help rectify the situation!
I was told that a dismissal and even vacating of the fraud bankruptcy would not be enough to ensure that my credit and my public records would be cleared of this injustice…. I was told that that expungement is the solution to remedy this horrid situation! I have researched cases both federal and Florida and even found a case in South Carolina when expungement was granted due to fraudulent filing impersonation i.e. identity theft/ and when a lawyer filed the bankruptcy without the authorization of the person whose name was listed on the paperwork!
I once emailed you a document I created, listing 10 infraction I personally found in the Florida Bankruptcy Code…. and with all of the additional infractions to the Florida bankruptcy code. ( I will include that again in the attachments of this email) This fraudulent bankruptcy should have been dismissed and expunged from my records especially when I received an email from Linda Jaeger dated October 7, 2014 with an apology and a guarantee that the chapter 13 bankruptcy she helped to create would be dismissed and my request was for it to be removed from my record!
Since receipt of that email, I’ve learned that not only a dismissal is required but an expungement of all records needs to be established so that this fraudulent bankruptcy will no longer exist on my record. I contacted two government agencies to receive documentation of this bankruptcy ( I DID NOT create it/ DID NOT pay for it/DID NOT authorize it …. So I have no paperwork for it! ) . I was told by one agency it would cost $95 and the paperwork consists of approximately 200 pages. Within the documentation I was told Linda Jaeger was fired(?) so perhaps there is another person responsible for the chapter 7 bankruptcy that took the place of the chapter 13. I don’t understand how this fraudulent bankruptcy along with the fraudulent bank account the theft of social security money…. How all this could have happened and is not all rectified by now?
Upon investigation through the help of Experian, I found, Marion Gregory’s address ( 9202 Vanderbilt drive Naples Florida 34108) is still listed as my permanent address and the identifying code for her address is listed as my address (which is listed on the bankruptcy paperwork). I don’t know if my name being listed with her address allowed her to get away with this fraud….or how it allowed Marion Gregory/ Linda Yerger and Antoinella Scarpa to commit yet another FELONY!
I do know I confronted (via email…. I never met the woman LINDA YERGER!) linda yerger and sent documentation to the Department of Justice about the lies concerning me/my condo/ or my debt…. I have and had at the time they created the fraudulent bankruptcy…. NO PERSONAL DEBT! I have no personal debt!….I have no credit card debt!….. I have had no credit cards since 2006- 2007 when my identity was stolen for the second time….I have no car payments and no car debt ….. I have the old 2003 Saturn that I inherited from my Aunt Rita Sheppard when she died ….. so no car loan debt! I have no mortgage on my condo since 2005-2006 with AEGIS and the mess up of all the id theft/ robo signing and false mortgages within that time period….
It’s all still a mess with these fraudulent accounts still ruining my credit I could really use your help in rectifying all this…. Filing a motion to start…. And finding out who and how we fix all of this…. I should not continually be punished for the crimes of others who have done nothing but abuse me/ my life / my credit my finances and my condo ownership!
I can send you all the documentation I found including the court cases ( that support expungement) I found that follow almost point by point the infractions and violations of the bankruptcy code and give the reasoning just cause for the expungement of this continued felony and remove this horrid injustice off my public records.
Please email me concerning the repayment of my finances stolen from Social Security and the removal of this fraudulent bankruptcy as both are still standing in my way for complete freedom happiness and maybe finally I will be able to have a GREAT thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas… I continue to pray daily for God’s protection from harm / I pray for a huge financial miracle… you know like if Ephesians 3:20 where GOD is able to do more than I could ever hope, wish, dream, or even imagine! I pray for the restoration/repair and return of all that has been: stolen/ ruined /broken/ destroyed and … I can’t wait to see God’s power and give him glory for all the divine connections and help in giving me back my GREAT LIFE! These have been the worst years and experiences of my life….
I like to be able to return to Naples with all of these situations finalized before any Christmas season begins as this interferes with my personal life as well as moving forward. I keep praying for the ability to make my famous “gingerbreadman sugar cookies”… and not have the treat of abuse or harm hanging over yet another Christmas season!
Thank you for your kind attention and pray for me as well for a financial miracle, protection from harm, restoration of everything that’s been broken destroyed ruined and in stolen these past years and that through all these horrid situations God will turn what the devil meant for my harm into my advantage. Thank you Larry for all your assistance and please let me know if fifth third Bank needs additional information or if you need additional information for filing the motion of expungement.
Take care God bless, Sincerely, Mary Jean Ziska
PS I will attached:
1.. video on closing fraudulent 5th 3rd bank account
2. approved police report 1500006645 on theft of funds
for email capture 5 (5-28-2015 2-37pm ) close f…
2 Attachments