video 29minutes 11 seconds in length
Capture 1-6-20 2015 at 12:32PM video on tithing
Monthly Archives: November 2015
video number 25 created/added to blog posts 11/18/15
video length 20 minutes 23 seconds
Capture 1-8-14-2015 9:30am
Court case canceled august 14th 2015
Thank God…. maybe the abuse through guardianship manipulation will stop!
video number 24 created and added to blog posts 11/18/15
Length of video: 26:33 minutes
Capture 2-5-29-2015 at 4:00pm
Florida Statutes guardianship 744-part 1 744 101-744-301-4
Video number 23 created/ added to blog posts 11-18-15
length of video: 35 minutes 46 seconds
Capture 2-6-20-2015
Florida Statutes 744 part 3
video number 22 created/added to blog posts 11-18-15
length of video = 30 minutes 22 seconds
Capture 2-5-31-2015 5-12 PM
Id theft and geo codes and aliases on credit reports
video number 21 created/added to blog posts 11-18-15
video in length: 19:13 minutes
Capture 3-5-26-2015 11:45am
Dennis Vasey Lettres and meetings from March 2015 (wmv)
video number 20 created/ added to blog posts 11-18-15
Capture 3-5-30-2015 @ 8:28pm
News article about Farzad
video number 19 created/ added to blog posts 11-17-15
video 30 minutes long
capture 3-5-31 2015 10:59 PM
Email to Scott Renshaw about beinf a guardian January 11 2013
video number 18 created/ added to blog posts 11-17-15
video 32 minutes long
Capture 3-6-25 2015 8:01 PM
Immunity broken article from family rights association
video number 17 added to blog posts 11/17/15
video: 19 minutes 15 seconds
Capture 4-5-31 2015 1:16 AM
Email I sent to Asling Swift and Jacob Carpenter from Naples Daily News