video length 36 minutes and 6 seconds
Capture 1 6-21-2015 at 6:35pm
Business ideas i may never gt a chance to try
video length 36 minutes and 6 seconds
Capture 1 6-21-2015 at 6:35pm
Business ideas i may never gt a chance to try
length of video: 46 minutes 58 seconds
Conversation to remove fraud chapter 7 bankruptcy ref #1408053CED
created by marion gregory/ linda yerger and the help of Antoinella Scarpa to bully manipulate and to fraudulently create a fraudulent chapter 13 bankruptcy then transfered it to a fraudulent chapter 7…. when i had no debt… and ruining my credit… as of today 11/19/2015 at 11:58am I still have it showing on my public records even though I have written to lawyers/ the department of justice and even senators… for help to remove this! If anyone can help Please contact me ASAP!
length 7 minutes 17 seconds
2nd phone call to sheriff where I have been rerouted
length of video 6 minutes 47 seconds
Capture 2 6-4-2015 Naples Sunset on Beach at 8:09pm
length of video 6 minutes 24 seconds
Capture 1 6- 2015 2:45pm initial waiting in Dr Rawlings office
I was trying to get a mini evaluation independent and objective…. since when Patrick weber wanted to still be a limited guardian in 2011 and decided not to give me my freedom… and subsequently opened up a bank account at regions bank in 2012… which led to a an identity theft where not only 7 fraudulent accounts were set up in my name but a false mortgage was also established where $65,000.00 were stolen and used to buy someone a new car… some college classes… all new appliances….
money /accounts and my ruined reputation and ruined credit…. that I only found out about by a life lock alert in 2012…. Well, i thought if i went to an independent doctor who was NOT making a profit off my name… that perhaps I could dispute any or all the lies being told about me …. the lies that also were used to set up a fraudulent bank account at 5th 3rd bank… Lies: that i was under 18 years of age..that i was incompetent or incapacitated… so went to PROVE I wasn’t incompetent…
length of video: 3 minutes
capture 1 6-5-2015 at 9:46am at collier County Court House petition to compel brief video outside court room… I was asked to leave when trying to defend the lies being told about me…. by a new nasty lawyer of marion gregory …
what a crooked experience…
length of video: 32 minutes
Capture 3 6-25-2015 8:01pm
Immunity broken article from family rights association
video length 26 minutes 09 seconds
Capture 1 5-29-2015 2:20 PM My unfinished life
length of video 35 minutes 51 seconds
Capture 1 6-24 2015 7:58 PM Texas guardianship bill seeks to close current due process loophole
length of video 23 minutes 42 seconds
Capture 1 5-26-2015 3:35pm order appointing successor interim guardian