december 5th 2012 letter to joel osteen mailed today by my mom abut gingerbreadmanstory

Dear Joel Osteen                                                                     
November 16, 2012

Hi my name is Mary Jean Ziska.  I  love
your show and watch it religiously….( 
Sorry for the pun or is this just a play on words…) ….  What I mean to say is that I really enjoy
your sermons….. and everything about 
your  message… from the jokes  at the start of the program …. To the
message  about God’s unconditional love..
and the wonderful / great  life God has
in store for each and every one of us… it 
is so refreshing and so inspirational! Your show has made a difference
in my life and I look forward to hearing 
your sermons each and every Sunday… Here in Naples Florida your show
airs at  8:00am at 8:30am and 9 am I have
tried to get my mom, and sister involved …. I remind them of the shows and I
pass along  your email messages to
them  when I find them really
interesting….. and inspirational and will 
help to encourage them….   I was raised Catholic and have a strong belief
in God’s love for us….  And I want you to
know how much your messages have touched my heart…..  I have been praying with my mom each
night…for probably about 5-6 months…. And I have been praying for special
intensions each and every day for the past 4….almost 5 years…. 

I have two reasons for writing you today…. I wanted to share
a story I wrote to my sisters for Christmas in 2003… it is based on God’s
perfect plan for our life… about Gods plan for the right person in your
life….  and it was so remarkable  that your sermon  based on having  “yes 
in your future” …. Made me want to share my story with you…    When I wrote this story about “my
gingerbreadman”…I even started a website I named
.  I started the website thinking I could
have such an amazing story  about meeting
my prince charming… and what a lovely story to tell our kids… someday….

 In 2003…  I just knew so many amazing women who I hoped
would find  such great happiness in life
and love….  I wrote the story about “my
gingerbreadman”….  when my faith was
soooo strong… I honestly believed that God ‘s fatherly  love and his promises  would come to pass in my life…..

Alas, when I wrote the story….    I did not even now that at the time I   had been the victim of identity theft for a
full year… or more…. And  later,  as I had gone through tons of research I
uncovered  I have  found that for the past 13 years I have not
been protected by God …. I have been victimized…  by somne really scummy people…. And  my life has been completely ruined….. I had
not only my identity  stolen, but false
mortgages were placed on my home… and over $200,000.00 were stolen  off those mortgages.. I have been the victim
of  actual theft where  clothing 
jewelry and  even   items that were person  to me were stolen…  like date function pictures  from college were stolen…. And personal
items…. Mementos… and  keep sakes…. Like
pearl  earrings my dad had given to me… a
cashmere sweater my mom  had given me for
Christmas… shoes my  sister had given me  were ruined… and from the start….  businesses 
and files on clients and  even
personal account were  compromised….  Which led to two businesses being completely
stolen….  And leaving me to each time
have to try to pick up the pieces and 
move forward… with less in my life and less in my heart and less of my   future 
and my dreams ever  happening… I
have been conned  and lied to and hurt by
 so much and by so many people… so that
my trust in people …. Well let’s say it is definitely not what it used to
be….   Almost  each and every time I went out of my home I
found  that people had come into my
home  and not  just breaking and entering … to steal ….they
used my home as if it was their own home… and people  knew it was happening and they let my  life be violated…. while these criminals
ate and partied and  ruined my life… 13
years of ruining my life… for their own selfish intent….. I kept praying…. Kept
filing police reports… kept trying to do 
the right thing… while the criminals 
continued with   their
manipulation… and their schemes and no matter who I tried to contact  I never seemed to get thought to  the right authorities who could help….    I
have been through more bad experiences   in these 
past years  then my entire life…..
and ones that have really e really ruined my life…. and I don’t  understand where God has been in all of
this….…  I can’t believe that  he would have ever wanted me to have had
to  had all these criminals who have
ruined my life… I can’t believe that  God
would have allowed this on  purpose…..
allowing  13 years of my life to be
ruined.. my credit to be ruined.. my home ownership to be threatened…. For me
to be bullied until I was throwing up and 
lost 30 pounds…. And to  presently
be on medical disability with an abusive guardian who harmed my  independence and homeownership and for me to
be on food stamps….

I actually had a great life… a great child hood and amazing
family and friends…  I had a great
credit  score…I had a successful business
and plans for  my future  even 
had money put away for  either
going to interior design  school or get
an MBA…. I had worked hard,   been honest
and  tried my best  to do the 
right thing in all instances….. I had 
tons of great friends and a loving wonderful family…..  for crime 
and slime to ruin  all I had.. all
I wanted…. It was not God….  Or goodness….
or love…. I prayed and believed God was like my dad… someone I could always
count on,  and who made my life better.   I
believed in  a God who made my  life better …. And not just financially … but
with divine connections…. And with placing hopes and dreams and opportunities
in my life…. and this God I believed in, made those dreams   he placed in my heart….   He made those dreams come true…. 

After these 13
years worth of the worst experiences of my life…  I am asking you to pray for  me…

In my prayers each night I pray for  a huge financial miracle…. So that my home is
not  foreclosed upon… that  the identity thief damage  and fraud is made right… that  monies 
and possessions stolen are restored to me…  that I can restore to my family all that has
been ruined and destroyed by these same criminals… and that all of our
affirmations hopes and dreams can be realized… I pray each and every night for
protection  from all  harm…I pray God stops all the people who have
lied , cheated and stolen from me and my family…. That  God will remove from my life  and my family and friend’s life all the
hackers, fakes, fraud and manipulation, the trespassers, bullies identity
thieves, imposters con artists and that God grants protection and freedom  from all the evil horrible selfish mean  people  and especially 
for all their selfish and manipulative intensions….

  I pray that God
Blesses me and my family   and
restores  with his one breath of his
favor…. everything that was stolen and 
broken and ruined by these criminals and con artists….  in my life…and in my family’s life….   I
prayed that God grants me  the
finances  far beyond my wildest dreams…
and in a way that cannot be stolen from me… or conned away from me… by the
identity thief…  and their criminal crew…
 that the horrible mean people are never
allowed to ever harm anyone  like they
ruined my life… that they are not allowed to ever do such damage…. That they it
all on purpose… and they  did it with
malicious intent….

My life if so far from any of my hopes and dreams I  can’t wait to die and be in heaven … with real
people who really Love me and won’t isolate me… so they can hurt me….or  steal from me or my family and they won’t be
ever be able to manipulate…  and lie….
and harm me ever again….….   they have
taken away everything I love … and I see no godly  reason behind it….   I
guess I am hoping since God can’t possibly 
be listening to me.. that perhaps if you pray for me…. That  God’s 
favor will return and my prayers will be answered… 


You mentioned in your prayer about not casting away my
confidence which has great reward….. that “when the intensity heats up that
mean s you are closer to your victory”….. 
But for 13 years?…..

I think it all started when I moved into a great  gated community… and  since my dad was so honest… and I was soo
honest and we believed the best in people… there was a group of evil con
artists who decided to  ruin our lives
for their own benefit…. And once ensnarled in their  web of their constant manipulation and lies…
they stole everything they could…… they lied about everything they could  and they ruined everything they could….. and
the worst part….  they got away with  it …. 
They even dressed up as authority figures… like police… or contractors… or
people I once knew  and loved ….. or
anything…or anyway to manipulate….  they
manipulated phone systems…. hacked into phone messages….  And they are still getting away with it… they
are trying to have horrid lies become the truth….. like my mom losing an income
property….which is her home… or  lies
like  laws that are supposed to  stop criminals ….. and  protect innocent people… that they don’t
apply….. they want to  make me believe
that their  criminal activities are not
subject to  being punished….. I even had
the unthinkable happen…. There were people even 
protecting  and sticking up for
these criminals…. Like  the girl karne
kahel who bullied me until I was shaking and throwing up… they wanted me to
believe that  the laws  don’t apply…… that it was alright… that she
must be more important than me…. And it was alright that  she bullied me…. These horrid  people on my phone told me the unthinkable
that  they were my family… that they
didn’t love me … that   they had all sorts of problems… and  just more and more lies…. About my family,
they are sick they are dying … they need money… they are taking this or
that  and doing this or that with my
families possessions….    With  items my mom had saved for us….      

And just as they  stole
lives… and hopes and dreams… … just as they stole  my mom’s baby-sitting business…or stopped the
etiquette school…. Or stole my  faux
painting business… just as they stole possessions  she had gathered for her children  all over the world… and saved for us…. Even
my baby blanket was stolen…. This is how low and evil they are…

 and even though I
pray each and every night… there are too many of them and they are too evil for
just me to fight them…. And I  am soo
tired of not living the life I should have had… missing my friends every minute
of every day… and missing my family and my hopes and dreams…. I am so tired of
having  to  fight a bunch 
of horrid people with evil intensions….  When there are more of them and they are so
evil….  And when I pray for miracles… I
can’t see God or his plan in any of it…. …. And I can’t believe that when you
say that all things are known by God… how could he have ever let this happen?…A
God who is my father….. who had a great future planned for me… why couldn’t he
protect me from these criminals… why can’t he protect me from these criminals
now?    My dad would never have ever let any of this
happen ….  Not the dad who took me to
school in france… and gave me a round trip ticket… so I could go  back…. Not the dad who wanted me to have a
great safe condo of my own… or the dad who was my biggest fan… who  I got interested in the bible stories on CD….
Even he would never have ever let me or my life be harmed…. And my mom… the
fiercest woman ever …. who protected her children…  an loved them and  really wanted them to be happy…. And did
everything she could to make that 
possible… she would never …. Never  
 proteted some girl who bullied me…

 and I sure  would have never let any of this happen  to any of my children… being  the victim of identity theft, where my
credit  was ruined, nervous breakdown
after being  bulled… and then the bully
being protected by the same criminal group who 
lied cheated, and stole  from my
family… having these criminals go through my 
mom’s house and my home and steal each and every year…. And then their
lies… constant  lies…. And constant
manipulation…. I have been manipulated for 13 years by a group of people who
think they are God and can do anything 
to anyone and get away with it…. And they still do and have…. I am the  victim of people lying and harming my life for
their own selfish intent  cheating and
stealing from me… I have been harmed on all levels of life……. Had been bullied
to the point of a  nervous breakdown…
backer acted three times  when I
wished  I was dead instead of having to
endure any more abuse… I have had bully mail and  emails and 
phone calls… I am constantly disappointed in people who pretend to be my
family and friends and only do so to harm my life… I’ve  I confided in 
people who  I thought  could 
make the criminals stop and instead I was punished…. None of this was
ever in God’s Plan….   I didn’t get
sidetracked.. I didn’t have any problems.. I was living my life and  was nice and innocent and sweet… I was happy
and had so many hopes and dreams… for such a great future…   and I am saddened that  no matter 
how much I have prayed  I still
feel really  alone…   and feel that I am surrounded by con-artist

Its thirteen years stolen from  me… that I cannot get back… I guess I want to
know if you can pray for me ….just a regular real girl… mary Jean Ziska  and  I
wanted to make sure you  had a copy of my
story….   Maybe there are others who
actually do get happily ever after story book lives…with the right
gingerbread  man that God has
selected….  I hope so… perhaps next time
I write I can tell you that God finally answered my prayers and protected me…
and that he answered my prayers for that huge financial miracle…. And allowed
me to  have the life I was supposed to
have before a bunch of criminal scum ruined everything…..   I still hope there is a happily ever
after…  but I guess we will have to wait
and see….

I also started  two
websites… one on the damage these criminals have done  to my life….                             (  and the other which was supposed to be
hopeful  light and fun  with possible dating stories… (
but instead of funny dating stories and tips some of the blog posts  are 
where I can put other thought s and even some about the  trials and tribulations….. and an overflow of
the  website www.mysearchforjustice….

In any case…   Please
know that  I still love God and believe I
am going  to  heaven…. I pray each and every  day for a better future…. A great
future….  And followed the  show where you discussed with oprah  about saying … I am…..  so I started to say I am a born again child
of God expecting great  and wonderful
miracles  to happen for me each and every
day…. I am protected from harm, I am blessed, I am  a billionaire ( the world just doesn’t know
it yet) I am loved, I am happy, I am successful, I am  fulfilling all my hopes and dreams… I am
fulfilling all of my affirmations,   I am
restored  and blessed so  much so I can bless others… I can lend and
not ever have to borrow or go without…   I have everything returned and  opportunities 
, businesses  renewed and
successful,   …..

So I guess I will see God’s plan for my life I hope it is
great I used to believe it was supposed to be great but now I don’t know….

If you want to  use
“my gingerbreadman” story to help inspire people that God does have a plan.. a
perfect plan for their lives… for their futures for happiness

I give you permission….

I thought when I wrote the story that I was supposed to be
that example of how   God can have this perfect plan and perfect
person waiting for us..  but maybe since
It  never happened for me.. maybe my
purpose was to give the story away… that this story  that started off as m y story…. And that
I  was hoping would be my  story… of happiness and love and God’s

that instead….  It was
my story to write… but  to give it
away  to someone who could better pass
along the message that God does love us and want us to be …happy..

Joel, Mr. Osteen….. you have the platform to tell so many
more people about how God fashions us each to be and to have a  perfect Gingerbread man or woman…. 

Thank you for your kind attention to this letter I hope
it  reaches you  and 
you can use my story  to help
other people to believe in Christmas miracles… 
and God’s love and favor…. I wish I could have been that true  example of what would have been possible and
allow people to see  God’s goodness and
favor for my entire life…. . I’m sorry that God forgot me  for a long while.. and I hope with your  prayers he will remember I exist… 


Mary Jean Ziska                                                                                                                                                             
5632 whisperwood blvd. #1601                                                   
Florida 34110                                                                                                                                                     
