Monthly Archives: December 2012

decembe…..r 21st 2012 @ 2:50am christmas unfinished christmas card to my mom marion j gregory- ziska- gregory

Dearest mom, Marion Jean Gregory Ziska Gregory…..

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012!

I wish for  my mother….
All the happiness and love a daughter can give…. I  wish for you that  all of your hopes and dreams  will be  realized…  I wish for you, joy and happiness, laughter
and love, financial independence , prosperity,  freedom from worries and an abundance of
everything your heart desires…. …  a
youthful exuberance …in spirit…. Knowing how much you are loved… how  valued you are to all who have known you….  your presence has…. Made such a positive
difference in my life…. and I wanted to thank you  for enriching our lives in so many ways….

You and dad gave us such an  amazing opportunity  by  taking
our entire family to Saudi…( with Aramco…)
to grow up in a very safe environment that enriched our lives soooo much….
But mom. I have to say… . you were the one who
took full advantage of making sure that we were able to go on the trips
with you… to see all the magnificent sights … to make lifelong memories … to  have so many varied experiences…  interesting cultures… and  even
exotic foods….

You tell me all the time that you love me more than I will
ever know…. and I always want to make sure you know overflows with gratitude  for all that you have done in my life …and  that I want to thank you for everything” more
than you will ever know… “

Dearest mom, I gave you a book  for Mother’s Day a while ago  …  titled:   A mother’s legacy,  your life story in your  own words the book was separated into
different sections the last section entitled “inspiration:   it is a  miracle  how a life can be touched so deeply by one
caring gesture, one small kindness at a time.”

For the insert of the book I wrote:  remember this special day… all for you… the
loving mixture of family, of memories…..  family of memories,  and love,  the warmth of a hug… the kiss hello the joy of
having loved ones near to celebrate…. knowing you….. and loving you…. we are so
blessed to have had such a gift!

Dear mom,  you’re the
light that inspires hope, dreams, and wishes for futures and lives we could
never have imagined possible….. your gifts to your children, your friends, and  your community are so abundant there marked
only by the  stars in the sky… just as
you are the star in our lives… may  you shine
forever….. all my love,  Mary Jean Ziska

I look at these questions and think of the answers you would
write concerning my family and childhood,    and your own childhood…   of how
lives are intertwines with experiences and I think of how these questions could
be answered   by us…by  your children: (the three daughters:  Maura, Mattie , Mary Jean)  how the answers would  draw a picture and illustrate the amazing life
you  provided for us…. All  the opportunities …. And the blessings  just by  having you as a parent…

How can I express to you how my life was made wonderful and
great through the opportunities you provided… you gave us  advantages that not all people have…

One of the questions in the book asked who has made the greatest impact on your life?

I would have to say, one of the people who made an indelible
mark upon my life has been my family with my mother as the matriarch she has
been a source of comfort, inspiration, guidance, a constant  source of love,  encouragement all of my life  and my life has been made  better because she  was  a
part of it….

another question what
are the most important characteristics of a good friend?

Two other questions  under the topic of events:   do you enjoy travel why or why not? What
was the most fun, interesting or exciting places you’ve ever visited?

Please share a
cherished memory from a family holiday celebration:

Did you begin any
new traditions with your children

Is there anything
you know now that you wish you’d known when you first became a mother?

What similarities
do you see between yourself and your children

what are your most
vivid memories of your children’s earliest years

what activities
did you most enjoy with your children when they were young

how did becoming a
mother change your life

in what ways are
you like your mother what is a favorite memory of your mother grandma Gregory

what was your
mother’s attitude toward life how did her attitude affect you

Mom I thought  it
would be fun …. And more productive if instead of my rambling on about how much
I love and cherish you…. we could answer these together…. On Christmas…. All these
questions  sparks so many memories and
thoughts that I wanted to be able to share  them with you…

The true test of a mother to me is 1 Kings 16:28

then two women who would become mothers out of wedlock came
and stood before the King and one woman said oh my Lord, I  and  this women dwell in one house; I was delivered
of a child with her in the house. The third day after  I was delivered, this woman also  delivered. We were together; no stranger was
with us, just we two in the house. And this woman’s child died in the night
because she lay on him. At midnight  she  took my son from  beside me while your handmaiden slept and laid  her  dead child in my arms . When I rose to nurse
my child behold he was dead but when I had considered him in the morning behold
it was not the son I had born  but  the other woman said no! The living one is my
son and the dead one is your son! And this one said no! But the dead son is
your son and the living is my son. Thus they spoke before the King.  That  this is my son that is alive and yours is the
dead one. The other woman says no! But your son is the dead one and mine is the
living one. And the king said bring me a sword, and they brought a sword to the
King. The King said divide the living child in two and give half to the one and
half to the other than the mother of the living child said to the king for she
yearned over her son, “oh my Lord give her the living baby and by  no means slay him” but the other said “let him
not be mine or yours but divide him.”   And the king said ” give her who pleads for
his life the living baby by no means slay him. She is the child’s mother”  and all Israel heard of the judgment which the
king had made and they stood in awe of him for they saw that the wisdom of God
was in him to do justice

this  story was  about  King Solomon

the Testament of a true mother to me has been  in the  end …the selfless  gift of wanting a child to be happy healthy
with a prosperous life….  the  Testament of the mother is what she will do to
make sure her child is able to follow dreams , hopes, goals, and passions… …
Without hurting anyone, with the sole intention of making lives better, a true
mother goes to any length to not only protect her child… support her child… but
also to make their lives better…

Looking back, My mother provided us with such an amazing
childhood…. I  could have never dreamed of
all the  opportunities she provided for
us…. the plan she had for making our life experiences extraordinary…. for
fulfilling and exceeding expectations of not only a motherly love but of
exceeding a mother’s  capabilities…. You were
the village that raised a child… actually three children…  and we learned so much… and  am so  grateful  for so  the many
wonderful experiences…

I love you now and  always…  god bless, merry Christmas.. and happy new
year… luv mary jean Ziska

 ps.  Mom I’ll add to this note once we have had a chance to chat
about  all those questions… HA!

December 21st 2012 @ 3:00am christmas card to my sister maura, eric caroline adn ella 2012

Dearest Maura, Eric, Caroline, and Ella,                                                                                         December 2012

Merry Christmas 2012… and happy new year….  I wanted to  make sure to

write to you  this Christmas…to
tell you that  I hope this past year of 2012
was  great  for all of you … I wanted to say that  in my prayer every evening  I pray  that your family is  protected from harm, that you are  blessed even more in 2013… That all your
wishes and dreams do come true, that love, family and friends surround you and
your family now and always…

I can’t put into words all the  love I have for all of you, (even though I’ve
never even had the opportunity to meet Ella… yet…)  I can’t believe time has gone by so fast and
it’s already Christmas and New Year’s… awaiting 2013….

Maura, Eric, Caroline and Ella… May you be blessed  now and always – I honestly wish only the best
for you and your family… I am so proud to have had the opportunity to have you
as my family and I honestly do love and miss you all every minute of every day…

There are  so many
important and valuable things to remember and to say  during the holidays…so let me start by saying  that I don’t
believe that love ever dies or  that
true just doesn’t go away… or end…
you know that true love of family, friends even cherished  memories…  they don’t go away….. and I
am hoping they stay  with you  even in heaven….

I have cherished all
those great memories and kept them close to my heart  these past 13 years…. every minute of every
day… No matter what people said to me or tried to make me believe….. I always
knew the real truth… my real truth… the truth of what I know of my family and of
how amazing they are… Of the honest and genuine love I have known   my entire life from my real family…  that has been my constant  through these 13 years of horrible
experiences… ….and  I want to thank you
for your constant love and your friendship over my lifetime….

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, love Mary Jean Ziska

My Dearest Sister Maura a special note:

I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much you made
a difference in my life… From growing up together in Saudi, (Ras Tanura), to
boarding school (Villa Maria) to college (the University of Florida) and
beyond… Your strength and character… Always so evident… I always admired how
you stood up for your beliefs, your friends, and your family… How you were able
to do and be anything you set your mind to…

I loved the softer side that you didn’t always show
everyone, the ability you had to love and the openness of your heart and your
authentic friendship! I was blessed to have you as a sister… To spend time with
you while we grew up and grew into the people we were supposed to be…

I’m genuinely glad you became such a remarkable woman and I
know you’re mark on the world will be amazing: strong and lasting… Your legacy
will not only be your children,  family
and career… But also the lives you’ve touched… All the people you’ve helped who
have better lives today because you were a part of their lives…

My life was  better by
you being a part of it…. And I thank you Maura Ann Ziska for your love, your
friendship, and for being my real sister –

Nothing is like the  genuine love, devotion, and caring that real
family and friends can give…  And I mean no one lives up to the
expectation and the reality of who  authentic, genuine,
family and friends really are….  Maura, your
past, present and future are showcased in the genuine love you have for your
family and friends!

These past 13 years have been the worst years of my life,
with the worst experiences, and the worst people ever imaginable!  I have hated the experience,  every minute of every day    I hated that when I went to reach for the
phone… with the expectation of genuine family and friends of conversation and
encouragement… of shared beliefs and shared goals… of true  friendship
and unconditional love… only to find manipulation and lies… bulling and
constant destruction of my life and my family by the  untruths  and cons and criminal manipulation of a group
of people I never asked to be in my life and never wanted in my life…. and who
ruined my life, who destroyed my soul and who were never  my family or friends….

 I have missed the constant contact of genuine
family and friends every minute of every day!

I regret almost every moment   of 13
years of my life but most of all I regret never being allowed to continue the
relationship with my real family … a relationship that had been uninterrupted by con artists, criminal scum,  and  greedy  manipulators
selfish motivation ruined my
life! I regret the horrible people who conned their way into our lives because
I was trusting, gullible and honest…. I regret that they have harmed my life
beyond repair,    and allowed me to go through hell for their
own selfish intent… I regret these people, through their manipulation, their
God like complexes, their lies, their cheating, their stealing, and their deceit
stole my hopes and dreams…. And manipulated relationships and opportunities…   and I regret that I learned to hate…. Because
of all of them….I regret everything,

but most of all I regret never being allowed to be the person I was meant to
be…  to have the  relationships I was supposed to have with you and your family… to be the sister, the aunt , and the friend  with all the corresponding relationships and memories we were supposed to have…I am mostly sorry for all of that most of all…. the missed opportunities, the missed memories, the missed genuine ,great moments that create great relationships…

I am sorry  i was not
allowed to  be just me… and be happy….  and to share happy moments with you and your family….

selfish vindictive horrible people who
were  never supposed to be in my life and
who ruined lives and families….
businesses and  by  bullying, lying cheating and stealing  they ruined lives and they were never stopped
by anyone…

what was destroyed by these manipulative con artists cannot
be repaired…. what they  stole has never
been replaced  ….. the time and  opportunities of 13 years cannot be regained
or  duplicated…   It’s all unforgivable ….

But most of all….I miss all of us….  and I wanted to tell you this Christmas…. How
much I valued you as my sister… and  Maura,
like the  beautiful card/note  you gave me at our sorority initiation  we are sisters in real life… and in Kappa
Alpha Theta,  “all things were  possible”  you wrote of how you wanted us to be able to
have families  where we could babysit
each other’s kids… where we   were  supposed to be able  to, make holidays special with families… and
friends….  be able to support each
other’s hopes and dreams… and lives… and I had imagined  the closeness we shared throughout our
lives   would continue forever… I wish we
had been able to  share the same  moments and memories  for holidays and for those life changing
important moments…   or even the daily
conversations of friends and sisters…. I miss that  we  didn’t
get to talk every day…or even once a week…. To keep our bond  strong…
but I loved and missed you every minute of every day… over these past 13

 No matter what
happens for the  rest of our lives…  I want you to remember how much I love you… always
have and always will …. Some  days I can’t
wait to be dead  and  in heaven so that one day we can be safe… and
be  with the same  real amazing sisters  again….where  bad horrible people will never be able to harm
us… I pray for your protection from harm every day…. for the criminal scum to
not hurt you or your family for the con artist’s lies, cheating, and stealing
never to reach you,  your family and your

I’ve never been the type of sister who was or is ever
jealous of you …. Because  Maura, instead
I have always been so proud to have you as a part of my family  and to have you as one of my best friends  and my sister…I always believed when mom would
sing  from the movie White Christmas “sisters”…
And believed our bond could withstand anything …. I believed that together we  could  do anything…. Like The Three Musketeers….    ” all for one and one for all” …  the dreams we dreamed  individually or collectively… would all come
true I know it now sounds a bit sappy…
but we each had our strengths… and together  mom knew we would be so strong….together…..

I don’t know if I did enough for you… or told you enough how
much I admired you…. how intelligent you are,  how beautiful you are both  inside and out…. and how I always knew you
would be successful… that you would be a great mother and lawyer and how much
you are loved by your family and friends…

I hope I told you enough  that your ability to draw people toward you –
to command attention  in the most subtle
ways and to make friends and acquaintances
everywhere you go is amazing… All that you do…. For so many people….. For
all of it I  thank you!

I thought one day I would be so successful I could bless you
and your family… I thought I could  come
in and make sure your hopes and dreams would come true…I’m sorry Maura,   Sorry
my life wasn’t able to turn out anything like I had hoped or planned  and I couldn’t bless your family …. I’m sorry that
these 13 years of hellish  experiences
that I have hated… being  a part of…  I’m sorry if I was a burden  for you and your family… I’m sorry that the
people who stole identities , who stole my business,es, my  possessions,   and even my dreams my hopes my wishes and my GREAT future….
who ruined everything in my life….. I’m sorry if their slime has ever rubbed
off on to you  or your family…. I pray
the slime that hurt my life didn’t also ruin parts of your life… I want you to
always remember how much I loved you…how much  I tried to keep positive but it’s too hard
when evil “WINS” it just gets too hard……

I really  miss what
should have happened in this lifetime with the three Ziska sisters …  for these past thirteen years…  I miss the life I should have had and I miss
my family every minute of every day… I miss that the hard work and purposeful
achievement of business  goals  were stolen ….  that hopes and dreams once realized  were stopped… and that  that ambition and intent were manipulated only
to be crushed….  that  beliefs and faith were not only tested but
destroyed….. and that the hopes and dreams
of a lifetime have been ruined….  But
that is my life…   luckily not your

I am so proud to have been a part of your life Maura…  and hope you’ll always remember our sisterhood
and relationship with fondness and friendship  with  genuine respect and love I have always had for
you… That belief in you and all that you are and all that you will accomplish
in all that you have already accomplished…. Maura,  I am so full of pride and admiration when I
speak of you… and the amazing woman you have become… I smile  when I think of how you are so capable of
everything… you can  do everything  like a super mom…. bake and decorate sugar cookies for holidays…. Be a
successful lawyer,  wife and mother… sister and friend…
and  do everything…. I don’t know how you
do it all…. And on top of everything…
you are  an amazing person and
sister…. Whether now…. Or when we were kids… you and Mattie  are the most
amazing sisters anyone could have ever asked for…   I
could not have  wanted anything else in a
sister and I love you and miss you every minute of every day… when I wrote
the  “my gingerbreadman”  story
in 2003…  you were one of my
inspirations…  …. An amazing.. woman  who was successful,  accomplished,
well rounded and could do anything…. And you did everything…   your amazing and  I am so happy you  and Erick are together…. That you have  a beautiful family… and someday I hope you
all can  come to Naples again to visit
so  I
can officially meet Ella…  and see
Caroline again…. You are a true success story Maura… and I am so happy for
you…  and your family… I really truly am
sooo happy for you….

 I’ve thought of what I
would have changed….. If you could live your life over….. but know what you know
now….. perhaps going back to when we visited Kathy Young at Miss Porter’s… Or
staying in school in France… I keep wishing to erase all of this  but can’t and in reality there’s “no way out”
and no way to recover all that has  been
ruined … I can definitely say the story of “my gingerbread man” from 2003 has
never been realized  for me… nor any of
the hopes and dreams I’ve had for my life ever been realized…  once my idenity was stolen and  And I’m truly
sorry that no happily ever after will ever be in my future… but  knowing that your life  and family will be able to  have the
most wonderful  and GREAT, and happily ever after
story  book ….. beginning ….middle
and ending…..  is just so amazing and
great… please make the most of the
blessings you are given… and please treasure your children and your  husband .. your career,  your home your family and your friends…   I am truly happy for you…  and hope your blessings will continue  for your entire  life…

 I would not want to
miss one moment of time I got to spend with my family laughing … taking mom’s trips to India, Africa, or all over the world…  or talking for granted all the GREAT
memories or experiences that I had as a child… If I could go back in time and
erase everything…horrid… I would change it all… …

And despite the destruction of my life…… may you and your
family have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year I do honestly hope all
of your hopes and dreams for 2013 will become a reality for you and for your
family and know in  my heart I love my sister Maura Ann Ziska-Christu , more than you’ll
ever know and realize God’s  blessings … I know this has been really long card/letter… but I
wanted you to know everything and to say  everything I wanted to say to you ….

LUV, Mary Jean Ziska

5632 whisperwood blvd. 1601

Naples florida 34110

December 21st 2012 @ 2:58am christmas card/letter to my dad elwin j ziska

Dearest Dad, Elwin Joseph Ziska,                                                             December 2012:

I wanted to take a moment to write you a personal note for
Christmas. To my dad, my protector, my hero when I was growing up, to a man I
admire and respect…Dearest dad you’re a man of integrity, honesty,
intelligence, and always did the right thing! You are  a rare and precious person in my life and I
want to thank you for all that you have  given me… all you’ve done for me and for your
unconditional love!

You wrote me letters while I was at boarding school, those
letters full of encouragement acknowledgment bits of wisdom and full of love
were so cherished by me and at such a critical time in my life…  When most people were just getting letters
from their mother or their friends or their sisters and brothers every now and
then…..always made sure to write me…..all the time…. your diligence in making
sure that I knew I was loved that you are still in my life and that you  valued me as your eldest daughter made a huge
impact on my feelings of safety and security , of my knowledge in the love my
family had for me,  and in branching off
on my own starting at 14 years old…I was 
far away  from Ras Tanura… at
Villa Maria… but I never felt lonely or forgotten….  And I want to thank you for that…

Dad, they say that the way a father treats his daughter shows
a young girl her how most men act…  I was
really blessed to have you as an example 
of what a man should be like… 
your  entire character, and living
by  your example …. It was great growing
up with an ideal father!   I even had a
discussion about how easy it was for me to believe in   God as my father…. Because I had a great
father… it was easy to  know that  if God was like my father… he would want me
to have a great life, would want me to 
be happy and protected and to follow my passion and do have a
career  that never made me feel like I
was working…. But was one I really enjoyed…. I remember you talking to me about
choices… and how it was so important for us to make two really important
choices in our lives….   That would
affect your home life and our work life….….

The first important choice was who we would marry… who we
chose to share our lives with… to fall in love with … to have families with….

  And the second
choice….  That was so important… was to
choose a profession that we loved… to follow our passions… and to choose a
career where you loved it so much it didn’t feel like work…. Like a hobby but
you got paid for it… and    a career
where you couldn’t wait to get up in the morning to continue what you had
started the day before…. And to do it with purpose… and to do it well… you

You demonstrated integrity…. And always wanted us to do our
best….  Whether it was art, or grades or
sports… or hobbies… and you always made us feel valued and our projects feel
important….  I don’t know where all our
art projects went when you “took them to work”… but you must have known the
impression you made on our daughters… was enormous…..   

I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity you gave our family
by being able to grow up in such a wonderful safe environment as Aramco in
Saudi Arabia! The opportunities I’ve had over my lifetime started with the
choices you and mom made to better our lives… to offer an abundance of
opportunities and to provide us with such an amazing way to grow up!

The opportunity of school in Europe…. school in France…. was
the opportunity of a lifetime! The bonus of the additional ticket you gave me
so that I could always have a return trip to Europe, the bank account you set
up for me, verifying /interviewing… and checking out all my friends for me, I
just want to thank you over and over again for blessing my life, for being my
father, for protecting me from harm, for being the best dad ever!

At this Christmas time, I just want you to know how much you
are loved, how much you are valued, and what a great and wonderful father and parent
you’ve been!

They say the girls learn about relationships from their
parents and learn about what a true husband and father would be from their
fathers… In you….. You exhibited   your
character  existing of… honesty, your
truthfulness, your work ethic, your honor, respect for women, respect for
education, your belief in your daughter’s and their possibility for future
careers, your   manners, your even temper, and dry sense of
humor, for all that you are I thank you… You’re an amazing example of what a
true father and what example of husband should be…   (I think that is why Maura was able to find
such a great husband in Eric Christu …. He is a lot like you in character… and
probably why it is so hard for Mattie and I t find a guy who would live up to
your honesty and integrity…. HA!)  You
always made us feel safe and protected… and you protected mom and us from any
harm…  You provided us with a childhood
of abundance… with everything we could have possibly ever wanted or needed…
with the same love you always showed us…. And I want to thank you for all of

If it had not been your choice of going to Saudi Arabia to
work with Aramco we may not have gotten to see the taj mahal or the Egyptian pyramid…
To go on an African safari or to travel through Europe on an adventure… If it
had not been for your choice of going to Aramco we would’ve never lived on the
Persian Gulf, had horses to ride on the beach…. Right on the Persian Gulf, or
had the opportunity to get our real German Shepard dog (nipper) …. In Germany!  ….So many wonderful experiences that most
people never have in their entire life you gave us all of that and more… in the
most amazing childhood….  How can I put
it into words how you were able to shape and mold our lives and how you were
able to provide us with such an amazing life and experiences   while
growing up!  

So many people have been jealous of the things we are able
to do or even some of the possessions we are able to have but the most
important was having a loving family and a dad who instilled confidence, helped
us to achieve goals, exhibited an excellence in his way of life… that didn’t
contradict anything that he told us… He taught us it was best to be honest and
truthful when so many people would lie cheat and steal …… You taught us that men
were to respect women, and showed us manners like holding open doors…  or protecting us from harm….it amazing… that today
so many people just aren’t raised with the great morals, values and integrity
grandma and grandpa Ziska taught you!  I am
constantly amazed at the difference in people’s families and how they were
raised and in the father and mother they were blessed with…

I must say that my parents were my blessing…. A huge
blessing and I want to thank you every day for being a person I can count on,
someone I could believe in, and a true man of honor and integrity and

These past 13 years have been the worst of my life filled
with the worst experiences and filled with people of unsavory character who are
full of lies, cheating, stealing, and manipulation…

I feel like I must have been an obvious target….  I was raised to live in a world that was
devoid of crime… that had other people like you dad… I honestly   believed there had to be more great people
like you in the world… and I was and still am shocked at the depraved and
revolting people who do exist… who ruin lives and harm people on purpose… and
who are sooo horrid….  They manipulate
conversations to make you look bad… or feel bad… they will bully or lie or
cheat and steal to get what they want without t any care how they hurt
others…   they are callous and ruthless people
who are not good or great in any respect…. 
  And I wish there were more people like you… or
who were raised with the same honorable values and integrity and the “do right
attitude” you have…. Because I regret every moment of every day… of meeting any
of them….   

Each and every time I was hurt by any of them I would
remember what a real genuine loving father was like… And I would remember how
much you loved us… provided for us… and how so very different these people  are 
from anyone I grew up with  or knew
in my life…. these horrible people who would lie, cheat, and steal …… sooooo
different  from anyone I’d ever known
growing up in Saudi Arabia, how different they were from anyone I’d ever wanted
in my life…  and they are not people I
should have ever had in my life….

Because of the horrid events of these past 13 years…. I
think about… and wonder what would’ve happened:

I wonder if I should have changed schools… to go to miss
porters when I went to visit Kathy Young… 
at 16…. And never had my last year of high school here in Naples…   would that have changed my destiny… and kept
me protected from ever coming in contact 
with  the criminal scumm who stole
my identity… who stole my life.. Who stole my businesses… my hopes and my
dreams… and permanently ruined my life…    

I wonder what would’ve happened if you’d bought the condo in
California when we’re looking at colleges in California …. And instead of going
to the University of Florida… went to college in California…… I wonder what
would’ve happened would that have changed destiny…. Again….

 I wonder what
would’ve happened if I just stayed at school in France where I was protected
and where the people were genuine, honest , trustworthy… and nice….the kind of
real friends  who  would never have even thought of hurting me…
my life or of stealing from me or my family…

 I wonder if in 1999
we had selected the other condo here in the strand… the one not under the Russo
boys…. Would my life have been safe? …  My condo been safe? My possessions been
safe?  My identity and my credit … been
safe?  Would I have been safe  and protected instead  of having to live through the worst
experiences of my life… and the  total
devastation  of my  life…. for the  last 13 years …. Would that have been enough
to have stopped all of this from ever happening? 

I pray every night for 
them to  die so they will never be
allowed to ever harm another person or family 
as they did me or my family…. Ever again… I have tried my best to stop
them but I am only one person  … and
they are criminals… they think
and act differently than anyone I have ever known… and   every time they violate my life… I am
shocked, stunned… and devastated….

I want to thank you for everything you’ve given me over my
life I’m so sorry that scummy criminals and low life disgusting deceitful
worthless human beings hurt lives on purpose… And hurt my life on purpose… For
these last 13 years…

Thank you for believing in me… in any choice of my future…  And believing in the faux painting business,
my capacity for business…. And the business I started ….with plans to continue
with interior design school … or an MBA….. thank you for your support and encouragement
in a gift and skill/talent I didn’t even know I had…. and for becoming my
number one fan…: Thank you for the opportunity of letting us get to know each
other better when you lived here protecting me from harm… for sharing in the
bible CD’s and opening your heart and showing me that a real man can believe in
God… and the stories of the Bible… and still be strong and intelligent and a
great DAD… Thank you,  For writing me a
letter when  I was at school in France
and wanting me to go skiing with you in the Alps…  even though I was not a good skier …. At
all…. Ha!  Thank you for the
opportunities you provided…. Me… for protecting me from jealous and evil
people… and for all your love and friendship…. 

You are an amazing man and I want to thank you for being my

You were able to retire at 50… and able to achieve all your
goals… financially and personally… you were a great example….  Of what is possible with hard work and a
plan…. One of your famous quotes about selecting a path to get to a
destination….   “Otherwise any path will do….”  Influenced me in my goals and planning …. And
even helped when I wrote a business plan or even created websites   for mom’s
start of an etiquette school… or even for my websites and blogs…, 

No matter what happens no one can ever take away the
opportunities you gave me, and Maura and Mattie in our childhood…. the
unconditional and overflowing love provided for us… And for having a great Dad
to grow up with….

Kathy’s Young’s father just died recently and I know they
were  really close…a lot of my friends
have lost one or more of their parents…  The memories of having a great dad will live
on forever with her,  just as all the
memories I have of my dad will live on forever with me… 

I will always remember and chuckle at the way when I was six
or seven years old you reprimanded Kathy and I for cooking my Barbie doll food…
in my bedroom in our first house…. Your calm yet stern  approach 
to discipline… and to our “teachable lessons”….  You somehow instilled in us a desire to want
to do better and to be better people….    I’ll always remember the plans I drew for the
elaborate tree house that was turned into a Playhouse at the side of our first
house in Saudi… and your intent interest as I explained the different elaborate
rooms…  (My version something like the Swiss
family Robinson movie I had just seen… Ha!) …. I’ll always remember your
commanding voice that terrified Steven Stegana(sp?)   and
Jimmy Hill  and a few other boys…. And
when a simple game  of “war”  Kathy  young and I agreed to play  with the boys …. changed …. After we (the girls)
changed the rules of the game…. … the boys disagreed… with our new rules…  Until you came in to settle the dispute….
HA!   Your presence gave us security, safety and a true
knowing that nothing could ever hurt us… You were so big and strong…. And made us
feel so safe… actually later in my life… it is that feeling of safety and
security… that knowing it even existed … that growing up in a great environment…
Dad, I knew it was special… but I had no idea…how special it was… and I want
to thank you for that!  Some people never
had the  security of having a dad they
could rely on…. And I did …. Dad I want to thank you over and over for being a
great father….

 Dad, I don’t know if
you knew… but we did well in school, or sports, or even keeping our room clean
to make you proud and I hope at the end of the day the pride you have in your
daughter’s still exists as you had a big part in helping us achieve and become
the women we are today!   

 I hate that I
wasn’t  allowed to become the woman I was
meant to be… it feels like I was just getting started when it was all ripped
away….and my life was ruined by  criminal
scum…  I know the entire blame rests on
the criminals and con-artists of these past 
 13 years…..   But the pride you had in who I was supposed
to be… of what I could have accomplished…  I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to achieve all my
goals… and my hopes and dreams… and of one day being able to really bless you

I even had it on a list of goals….  To bless you… to bless mom and to bless my
sisters… and extended family and friends…. I actually  expected 
to have such a great and successful 
life that I would have been able to 
bless you…  and to bless you  with  so
much…. making sure your retirement was peaceful, happy and to somehow  I would be able to  properly thank you for all that you had given
me… I had wanted to make sure both you and mom 
 were happy in your retirement… (
I even imagined that I could  buy you
each a condo in the Remington… like the Rockett’s… but each of you would get a
condo  in the Remington at bay colony  but on opposite side of the
building..HA!  … Your life Dad, made such
a huge impact on my life in a positive way…. and I want to thank you for

Speaking of pride, and the pride we had in you … and you had
in your daughters….  if there are things
I could take back or somehow change … I  wish there had been no criminals, who picked
on me or my family starting from  when I
moved into  the strand… I found out this
past year about all the damage that was done to my life, my credit, by criminals,
con artists and worthless loser disgusting scum… Dad you wouldn’t believe what
they’ve done… From the moment we purchased the condo for my future ….for a
great future here in The Strand…. for $132,000 according to court records…
They’ve been creating false mortgages and stealing money… It came to over
$200,000 in false mortgages using my name and my Social Security… They’ve
stolen my name and ruined credit cards by duplicating those credit cards, by
creating false phone accounts and most recently… someone tried and may have
succeeded in actually opening up a bank account in October 2012 …. In my name
using my Social Security number at Regions Bank…

I think that everything you and many others may have tried
to bless me with ….. … Whether it was opportunities, or gifts… or
possessions…  I think the  little slimy disgusting impostor con artists
criminal scumbags somehow they  were able
to manipulate  and steal it away from me…
 and in doing so they changed my  destiny and my life….  in the process….   

They actually stole the diamond earrings and pearl earrings
you bought for me… and gave to me from  al Kohabar(sp?) … and both those gifts meant
so much because they were from you….     

I was never raised having to deal with such devious,
horrible, worthless, disgusting, people and to be perfectly honest I didn’t
know how to fight let alone fix anything they destroyed…… I’m still not sure if
I know how to fix anything that they’ve destroyed…it might not be

 I miss my father to
run to ….to fix all boo-boos and make it all better…

But what has transpired… has taken away so many years…. And so
much….. so many  horrid experiences…
instead of  great experiences or  memories…  they put me through so many lies so much
manipulation….it  would take a team of
great dad’s  to put it all back together…
and even in humpty dumpty…. All the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men just
couldn’t put humpty dumpty back together again…. (Not that I am anything like
an egg… head… ha!) and I don’t know how that rhyme came into my thoughts… but I
guess  it’s just that these past 13 years
have affected who I am today… and  I miss
the safety of Aramco… and  the love of
true family and friends….

I miss my family and friends every minute of every day… The
love, kindness, security, and protection of a great family are priceless… I
want to thank you for teaching me values of honesty and integrity, showing me
what a real true father should be ……a man… who elevates the people around him
and makes our lives better by being a part of it… you always put your family
first… and our lives were made better for it… thank you Dad… for all that you
did.. And all that you do for us… now and always…. 

All my love to you DAD, Merry Christmas 2012 and Happy New
Year 2013! 

 Luv from Your first
born daughter,

The original and real Mary Jean Ziska Born July 7th



christmas input for christmas card to maura eric caroline and ella

Dearest Maura, Eric, Caroline, and Ella,                                                  December

Mary Christmas 2012… and happy new year….  I wanted to  make sure to 
write to you  this Christmas…to
tell you that  I hope this past year of 2012
was  great  for all of you … I wanted to say that  in my prayer every evening  I pray  that your family is  protected from harm, that you are  blessed even more in 2013… That all your
wishes and dreams do come true, that love, family and friends surround you and
your family now and always…

I can’t put into words all the  love I have for all of you, (even though I’ve
never even had the opportunity to meet Ella… yet…)  I can’t believe time has gone by so fast and
it’s already Christmas and New Year’s… awaiting 2013….

Maura, Eric, Caroline and Ella… May you be blessed  now and always – I honestly wish only the best
for you and your family… I am so proud to have had the opportunity to have you
as my family and I honestly do love and miss you all every minute of every day…

There are  so many
important and valuable things to remember and to say  during the holidays…so let me start by saying  that I don’t 
believe that love ever dies or  that 
true just doesn’t go away… or end… 
you know that true love of family, friends even cherished  memories…  they don’t go away…..until you are dead and I
am hoping they stay  with you in heaven….

I have cherished all 
those great memories and kept them close to my heart  these past 13 years…. every minute of every
day… No matter what people said to me or tried to make me believe….. I always
knew the real truth… my real truth… the truth of what I know of my family and of
how amazing they are… Of the honest and genuine love I have known   my entire life from my real family…  that has been my constant  through these 13 years of horrible
experiences… ….and  I want to thank you
for your constant love and your friendship over my lifetime….

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, love Mary Jean Ziska

My Dearest Sister Maura a special note:

I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much you made
a difference in my life… From growing up together in Saudi, (Ras Tanura), to
boarding school (Villa Maria) to college (the University of Florida) and
beyond… Your strength and character… Always so evident… I always admired how
you stood up for your beliefs, your friends, and your family… How you were able
to do and be anything you set your mind to…

I loved the softer side that you didn’t always show
everyone, the ability you had to love and the openness of your heart and your
authentic friendship! I was blessed to have you as a sister… To spend time with
you while we grew up and grew into the people we were supposed to be…

I’m genuinely glad you became such a remarkable woman and I
know you’re mark on the world will be amazing: strong and lasting… Your legacy
will not only be your children,  family
and career… But also the lives you’ve touched… All the people you’ve helped who
have better lives today because you were a part of their lives…

My life was  better by
you being a part of it…. And I thank you Maura Ann Ziska for your love, your
friendship, and for being my real sister –

Nothing is like the  genuine love, devotion, and caring that real
family and friends can give…  And I mean no one lives up to the
expectation and the reality of who  real
family and friends really are….  Maura, your
past, present and future are showcased in the genuine love you have for your
family and friends!

These past 13 years have been the worst years of my life,
with the worst experiences, and the worst people ever imaginable!  I have hated the experience,  every minute of every day    I hated that when I went to reach for the
phone… with the expectation of genuine family and friends of conversation and
encouragement… of shared beliefs and shared goals… of true  friendship 
and unconditional love… only to find manipulation and lies… bulling and
constant destruction of my life and my family by the  untruths  and cons and criminal manipulation of a group
of people I never asked to be in my life and never wanted in my life…. and who
ruined my life, who destroyed my soul and who were never  my family or friends….  I have missed the constant contact of genuine
family and friends every minute of every day!

I regret almost every moment   of 13
years of my life but most of all I regret never being allowed to continue the
relationship with my real family uninterrupted by con artists, criminal scum,  and  greedy  manipulators
 selfish motivation ruined my
life! I regret the horrible people who conned their way into our lives because
I was trusting, gullible and honest…. I regret that they have harmed my life
beyond repair,    and allowed me to go through hell for their
own selfish intent… I regret these people, through their manipulation, their
God like complexes, their lies, their cheating, their stealing, and their deceit
stole my hopes and dreams…. And manipulated relationships and opportunities…   and I regret that I learned to hate…. Because
of all of them….I regret everything,
but most of all I regret never being allowed to be the person I was meant to
be…  to have the  relationships I was supposed to have…never
allowed ot be just me… and be happy….  These
 selfish vindictive horrible people who
were  never supposed to be in my life and
 who ruined lives and families….
businesses and  by  bullying, lying cheating and stealing  they ruined lives and they were never stopped
by anyone…

what was destroyed by these manipulative con artists cannot
be repaired…. what they  stole has never
been replaced  ….. the time and  opportunities of 13 years cannot be regained
or  duplicated…   It’s all unforgivable ….

But most of all….I miss all of us….  and I wanted to tell you this Christmas…. How
much I valued you as my sister… and  Maura,
like the  beautiful card/note  you gave me at our sorority initiation  we are sisters in real life… and in Kappa
Alpha Theta,  “all things were  possible”  you wrote of how you wanted us to be able to
have families  where we could babysit
each other’s kids… where we   were  supposed to be able  to, make holidays special with families… and
friends….  be able to support each
other’s hopes and dreams… and lives… and I had imagined  the closeness we shared throughout our
lives   would continue forever… I wish we
had been able to  share the same  moments and memories  for holidays and for those life changing
important moments…   or even the daily
conversations of friends and sisters…. I miss that  we  didn’t
get to talk every day…or even once a week…. To keep our bond  strong… 
but I loved and missed you every minute of every day… over these past 13

 No matter what
happens for the  rest of our lives…  I want you to remember how much I love you… always
have and always will …. Some  days I can’t
wait to be dead  and  in heaven so that one day we can be safe… and
be  with the same  real amazing sisters  again….where  bad horrible people will never be able to harm
us… I pray for your protection from harm every day…. for the criminal scum to
not hurt you or your family for the con artist’s lies, cheating, and stealing
never to reach you,  your family and your

I’ve never been the type of sister who was or is ever
jealous of you …. Because  Maura, instead
I have always been so proud to have you as a part of my family  and to have you as one of my best friends  and my sister…I always believed when mom would
sing  from the movie White Christmas “sisters”…
And believed our bond could withstand anything …. I believed that together we  could  do anything…. Like The Three Musketeers….    ” all for one and one for all” …  the dreams we dreamed  individually or collectively… would all come
true I know it now sounds a bit sappy… 
but we each had our strengths… and together  mom knew we would be so strong….   

I don’t know if I did enough for you… or told you enough how
much I admired you…. how intelligent you are,  how beautiful you are both  inside and out…. and how I always knew you
would be successful… that you would be a great mother and lawyer and how much
you are loved by her family and friends…

I hope I told you enough  that your ability to draw people toward you –
to command attention  in the most subtle
ways and to make friends and acquaintances 
everywhere you go is amazing… All that you do…. For so many people….. For
 all of it I  thank you!  

I thought one day I would be so successful I could bless you
and your family… I thought I could  come
in and make sure your hopes and dreams would come true…I’m sorry Maura,   Sorry
my life wasn’t able to turn out anything like I had hoped or planned  and I couldn’t bless your family …. I’m sorry that
these 13 years of hellish  experiences
that I have hated… being  a part of…  I’m sorry if I was a burden  for you and your family… I’m sorry that the
people who stole identities who stole my business my dreams my hopes my wishes
who ruined everything in my life….. I’m sorry if their slime has ever rubbed
off on to you  or your family…. I pray
the slime that hurt my life didn’t also ruin parts of your life… I want you to
always remember how much I loved you…how much  I tried to keep positive but it’s too hard
when evil “WINS” it just gets too hard……

I really  miss what
should have happened in this lifetime with the three Ziska sisters …  for these past thirteen years…  I miss the life I should have had and I miss
my family every minute of every day… I miss that the hard work and purposeful
achievement of business  goals  were stolen ….  that hopes and dreams once realized  were stopped… and that  that ambition and intent were manipulated only
to be crushed….  that  beliefs and faith were not only tested but
destroyed….. and that the hopes and dreams 
of a lifetime have been ruined….  But
that is my life…   luckily not your

I am so proud to have been a part of your life Maura…  and hope you’ll always remember our sisterhood
and relationship with fondness and friendship  with  genuine respect and love I have always had for
you… That belief in you and all that you are and all that you will accomplish
in all that you have already accomplished…. Maura,  I am so full of pride and admiration when I
speak of you… and the amazing woman you have become… I smile  when I think of how you are so capable of
everything… you can bake and decorate sugar cookies for holidays…. Be a
successful lawyer,  wife and mother…
and  do everything…. I don’t know how you
do it all…. And on top of everything… 
you are  an amazing person and
sister…. Whether now…. Or when we were kids… you and Mattie  are the most 
amazing sisters anyone could have ever asked for…   I
could not have  wanted anything else in a
sister and I love you and miss you every minute of every day… when I wrote
the  “my gingerbreadman”  story 
in 2003…  you were one of my
inspirations…  …. An amazing.. woman  who was successful,  accomplished, 
well rounded and could do anything…. And you did everything…   your amazing and  I am so happy you  and Erick are together…. That you have  a beautiful family… and someday I hope you
all can  come to Naples again to visit
so  I 
can officially meet Ella…  and see
Caroline again…. You are a true success story Maura… and I am so happy for
you…  and your family… I really truly am
sooo happy for you….     

 I’ve thought of what I
would have changed….. If you could live your life over but know what you know
now perhaps going back to when we visited Kathy Young at Miss Porter’s… Or
staying in school in France… I keep wishing to erase all of this  but can’t and in reality there’s “no way out”
and no way to recover all that has  been
ruined … I can definitely say the story of my gingerbread man from 2003 has
never been realized  for me… nor any of
the hopes and dreams I’ve had for my life ever been realized… And I’m truly
sorry that no happily ever after will ever be in my future… but  knowing that your life  and family will be able to  have the 
most wonderful and happily ever after 
story  book ….. beginning ….middle
and ending…..  is just so amazing and
great… please make the most of the 
blessings you are given… and please treasure your children and your  husband .. your career,  your home your family and your friends…   I am truly happy for you…  and hope your blessings will continue  for your entire  life…

 I would not want to
miss one moment of time I got to spend with my family laughing or talking of
memories or experiences that I had as a child… If I could go back in time and
erase everything…horrid… I would change…

And despite the destruction of my life may you and your
family have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year I do honestly hope all
of your hopes and dreams for 2013 will become a reality for you and for your
family and known my heart I love my sister Maura Ann Ziska, more than you’ll
ever know and realize God bless … I know this has been really long… but I
wanted you to know and say everything….

LUV, Mary Jean Ziska

5632 whisperwood blvd. 1601

Naples florida 34110

December 21st 2012@ 2:51am christmas card to mattie

Dearest Mattie,(Madelon Marie Ziska)  December 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Christmas 2012… I wish for you that the
spirit of Christmas.. the joy… and wonder of 
the season… the excitement and anticipation of wondrous gifts and the
love  of family and friends are with you
now and throughout the year…

 I wish You a
continued open heart.. And unconditional love…. A true gingerbread man to come
into your life and who will love you now and forever and love you ( as in Bridget
 Jones: “ just as you are”) knowing how
god perfectly formed you to be such an amazing person…. and finding such an
amazing wonderful guy who can appreciate you 
and all that you have to offer… the great and amazing sister I have
known  and loved as my sister and my
friend…throughout  my life…. Madelon
Marie Ziska!

You were one of the inspirations for  writing 
the story of the gingerbread man…. An amazing woman who has so much to
offer.. and not finding  anyone worthy of
you……  And my sister,…. My friend ,you
deserve to have such an amazing life…   I wanted to write you special a note this
Christmas to tell you   that I believe
you can achieve anything …. that your strength in character, your  resilience in adversity, amazes me…. I know
they say god doesn’t give  us more than
we can handle… but I think that is a bit 
of an off statement… and that  you
had a right to have such a wonderful life… 
growing up in Saudi… you were so sweet and so loving to all…. I wish you
could have been protected and  blessed
your entire lifetime …. I think of you with your  innocent smile… and holding lambsie ( is that
how it is spelled? )If I could have…. I would have made sure you could have
stayed  protected and  blessed 
your entire life…   Mattie, You
have such a kind soul… one that is meant to go to heaven… A pure  soul 
and person who makes a difference in this world… the people you meet…
you make a lasting impression… your presence, your life… and just who you
are….mattie you are  so memorable….
And  so loved by all the people  you meet…   
you have the most generous heart…. The most loving nature…. And  you would help or give of your self without
even thinking twice…..

You have protected me from harm when I didn’t even know it
existed…. And you sacrificed for others and for that I have no words.. .but
total admiration…. The selflessness 
and  friendship you  give  of
yourself…   those are memories I will have with me all of
my life…  your  ability to 
dream up inventions…  to be
creative… to be an entrepreneur… to inspire and to encourage…. The strength you
have in your  belief of God… and
goodness.. and your ability to be such a great friend…. If you wanted to be a
mother… you would make a wonderful mother…  
and  when you choose someone  who has all those great qualities… you will
be a great wife….  Actually  you have so many hidden talents…  you constantly inspire me when I see your
ability to achieve any goal you set….

I loved talking to you on the  phone about anything…  business… or television programs.. or
inspirational books.. or  goals or hopes
and dreams… I shared so much of my heart with you…. You were my sister and one
of my best friends…  and I feel so
blessed that I had an opportunity to have you in my life…. 

When someone in this world wasn’t nice it was so nice to
know that the strength  we had as
sisters  and friends  couldn’t be broken… I knew I could always
count on you…. And  you were always on my
side.. always there… and always such an amazing sister and friend.

I wrote to Maura , and I will say something similar to you…
I don’t know if I did enough for you… for my real sister….  I had always believed that my life would be
great.. that the blessings I had…. I could share… and I always  thought I could be that big sister who
could  really bless you…. To help
you  to achieve your goals and dreams.. …To
help you make all your wishes come true…. 
I wanted you to have such a great life…  
 and I am sorry   that my life was destroyed … and I wasn’t
able to be that big sister who 
could  Bless you  and give you all that you  should 
have had….     

I don’t know the extent of how much
these horrid people have hurt you…they ruined my life… and for 13 years…. Their
lies cheating and stealing….  The
disgusting scum that  made up these
people who had no care for the destruction they did to me.. and to   each of us personally .. and to our family
in total… it is unforgivable… when we never hurt anyone… and they absolutely
ruined lives…. And did it with malicious intent and  with the utmost evil  in their hearts and souls….  They stole my identity… my credit my
business… my hopes and dreams… and  I
will never recover from this devastation…. I cannot fight them alone… and their
manipulation and utter disregard for laws and ethics and morals.. and
decency…goes far beyond  my strength… and
it changed who I am today.. and who I was supposed to have become… I pray  every night for protection from harm for you
and all our family…. And that they will leave you alone and  not destroy 
your life… your ability to love and trust…  and  I
actually pray they will die so that they will never be ever able  to hurt anyone ever again….  I can’t wait to be dead and in heaven where
they will not be able to  hurt us any
more… and where all our genuine family and friends will be and where finally
where all real hopes and dreams can come true….

Mattie… I’m sorry to say my
belief in miracles.. and heroes and 
hopes and dreams coming true…   of
all that is sugar and spice and everything nice…. May only be for  heaven…. 
I  tried to  keep positive… but its too hard when you face
pure evil… who’s total intent is to WIN…. And  
without morals values and ethics..and 
with calculated manipulation, destructive and devious  lies,  cheating and 
stealing…   there are just too
many of the evil assholes around…   and
by them separating me from my family and friends… and ruining my life and not
even caring that they do it…. I just pray that you (Madelon Marie Ziska ) are
protected …. You  should have  had a great life….  you still should have a great life…  one that is blessed and happy… really
happy…  that is my Christmas wish for

I also I wish they had never come
into our lives, never harmed us individually or as a family and I’m truly sorry
they interrupted the amazing and wonderful life you were meant to have…

Mattie, I honestly believe…you
went meant to have a blessed life…. I know it in my heart that God put you on
earth to share your ability to love…  to
shine with the abundance of gifts he bestowed upon you… your talent for
writing… your artistic ability, your success 
at every endeavor…. Your amazing way of speaking your mind…. And
allowing your heart to shine through…. 
Your strength in faith and belief in the goodness of people  … your ability to walk into a room and
radiate this extra something… and befriend everyone you meet… your
authentic  beauty inside and out….. your
talents  and intelligence  exceed anything you have accomplished thus
far… your path to greatness was started long ago… maybe destined from
birth…  the possibilities are endless of
what you can accomplish…  and I know you
are capable of accomplishing it all… of having it all…. And I am so proud to
call you my sister because of who you are…. And how wonderful and great you are

You never were shallow… or
insensitive….and your capacity for compassion and  for 
understanding… even the capacity for 
your unselfish acts… always amazed me… you took time to help me be a
better person… and I did become a better person 
thanks  to you…. I think you
shielded me from harm when I was even unaware of it… I think you thought of
others before yourself…. And your actions when no one was looking proved your
character…. And   even though I was 4
years older… sometimes you seemed to be so much more prepared for the world..
and wiser….and able to manage all it entailed….

Who could have imagined this
little bubbly girl with a bun on top of her head would have the  opportunity to have such an impact on so many
people… but you do…and I hope  you
realize how much you have made a positive impact on my life…. you  were and are never forgotten… and always
loved… by your older sister….( me…)   for
13 years I have missed  having you in my
life.. every minute of every day…  I have
missed talking to you about everything and anything..  of having you as one of my  best friends 
and with the additional bonus of having you as my sister…. Has been a
bgreat  lessing in my life…       

 Your gift of genuine love for people, and
animals, especially animals HA!  Your
wisdom alwayss been a great  blessing in
my life…        

 Your gift of genuine love for people, and
animals, especially animals HA!  Your
wisdom always way beyond your years – your kindness and generosity… Your unconditional
love and friendship remains in my heart always and forever….

Mattie, my untwin,… My sister and
one of my best friends, the time  we shared
our lives our hopes and our dreams our fears and our ambitions… you became not
only my sister but one of my dearest and best friends – you gave me
encouragement, strength, and belief in such a great future I honestly believed
“all things are possible” and I believed the inside quote for the dream big DVD

29:11 “for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for you to
prosper and not for evil,  to give you a
future and a hope!”


May this Christmas 2012 be the
start of a new and great chapter in your life…  May  the
next year of2013 fulfill all your hopes and dreams…. And may all your wishes
come true…

 All my love, Mary Jean Ziska  



december 21st 2012@ 2:53am christmas card/letter dad

Dearest Dad, Elwin Joseph Ziska,                                                             December 2012:

I wanted to take a moment to write you a personal note for
Christmas. To my dad, my protector, my hero when I was growing up, to a man I
admire and respect…Dearest dad you’re a man of integrity, honesty,
intelligence, and always did the right thing! You are  a rare and precious person in my life and I
want to thank you for all that you have  given me… all you’ve done for me and for your
unconditional love!

You wrote me letters while I was at boarding school, those
letters full of encouragement acknowledgment bits of wisdom and full of love
were so cherished by me and at such a critical time in my life…  When most people were just getting letters
from their mother or their friends or their sisters and brothers every now and
then…..always made sure to write me…..all the time…. your diligence in making
sure that I knew I was loved that you are still in my life and that you  valued me as your eldest daughter made a huge
impact on my feelings of safety and security , of my knowledge in the love my
family had for me,  and in branching off
on my own starting at 14 years old…I was 
far away  from Ras Tanura… at
Villa Maria… but I never felt lonely or forgotten….  And I want to thank you for that…

Dad, they say that the way a father treats his daughter shows
a young girl her how most men act…  I was
really blessed to have you as an example 
of what a man should be like… 
your  entire character, and living
by  your example …. It was great growing
up with an ideal father!   I even had a
discussion about how easy it was for me to believe in   God as my father…. Because I had a great
father… it was easy to  know that  if God was like my father… he would want me
to have a great life, would want me to 
be happy and protected and to follow my passion and do have a
career  that never made me feel like I
was working…. But was one I really enjoyed…. I remember you talking to me about
choices… and how it was so important for us to make two really important
choices in our lives….   That would
affect your home life and our work life….….

The first important choice was who we would marry… who we
chose to share our lives with… to fall in love with … to have families with….

  And the second
choice….  That was so important… was to
choose a profession that we loved… to follow our passions… and to choose a
career where you loved it so much it didn’t feel like work…. Like a hobby but
you got paid for it… and    a career
where you couldn’t wait to get up in the morning to continue what you had
started the day before…. And to do it with purpose… and to do it well… you

You demonstrated integrity…. And always wanted us to do our
best….  Whether it was art, or grades or
sports… or hobbies… and you always made us feel valued and our projects feel
important….  I don’t know where all our
art projects went when you “took them to work”… but you must have known the
impression you made on our daughters… was enormous…..   

I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity you gave our family
by being able to grow up in such a wonderful safe environment as Aramco in
Saudi Arabia! The opportunities I’ve had over my lifetime started with the
choices you and mom made to better our lives… to offer an abundance of
opportunities and to provide us with such an amazing way to grow up!

The opportunity of school in Europe…. school in France…. was
the opportunity of a lifetime! The bonus of the additional ticket you gave me
so that I could always have a return trip to Europe, the bank account you set
up for me, verifying /interviewing… and checking out all my friends for me, I
just want to thank you over and over again for blessing my life, for being my
father, for protecting me from harm, for being the best dad ever!

At this Christmas time, I just want you to know how much you
are loved, how much you are valued, and what a great and wonderful father and parent
you’ve been!

They say the girls learn about relationships from their
parents and learn about what a true husband and father would be from their
fathers… In you….. You exhibited   your
character  existing of… honesty, your
truthfulness, your work ethic, your honor, respect for women, respect for
education, your belief in your daughter’s and their possibility for future
careers, your   manners, your even temper, and dry sense of
humor, for all that you are I thank you… You’re an amazing example of what a
true father and what example of husband should be…   (I think that is why Maura was able to find
such a great husband in Eric Christu …. He is a lot like you in character… and
probably why it is so hard for Mattie and I t find a guy who would live up to
your honesty and integrity…. HA!)  You
always made us feel safe and protected… and you protected mom and us from any
harm…  You provided us with a childhood
of abundance… with everything we could have possibly ever wanted or needed…
with the same love you always showed us…. And I want to thank you for all of

If it had not been your choice of going to Saudi Arabia to
work with Aramco we may not have gotten to see the taj mahal or the Egyptian pyramid…
To go on an African safari or to travel through Europe on an adventure… If it
had not been for your choice of going to Aramco we would’ve never lived on the
Persian Gulf, had horses to ride on the beach…. Right on the Persian Gulf, or
had the opportunity to get our real German Shepard dog (nipper) …. In Germany!  ….So many wonderful experiences that most
people never have in their entire life you gave us all of that and more… in the
most amazing childhood….  How can I put
it into words how you were able to shape and mold our lives and how you were
able to provide us with such an amazing life and experiences   while
growing up!  

So many people have been jealous of the things we are able
to do or even some of the possessions we are able to have but the most
important was having a loving family and a dad who instilled confidence, helped
us to achieve goals, exhibited an excellence in his way of life… that didn’t
contradict anything that he told us… He taught us it was best to be honest and
truthful when so many people would lie cheat and steal …… You taught us that men
were to respect women, and showed us manners like holding open doors…  or protecting us from harm….it amazing… that today
so many people just aren’t raised with the great morals, values and integrity
grandma and grandpa Ziska taught you!  I am
constantly amazed at the difference in people’s families and how they were
raised and in the father and mother they were blessed with…

I must say that my parents were my blessing…. A huge
blessing and I want to thank you every day for being a person I can count on,
someone I could believe in, and a true man of honor and integrity and

These past 13 years have been the worst of my life filled
with the worst experiences and filled with people of unsavory character who are
full of lies, cheating, stealing, and manipulation…

I feel like I must have been an obvious target….  I was raised to live in a world that was
devoid of crime… that had other people like you dad… I honestly   believed there had to be more great people
like you in the world… and I was and still am shocked at the depraved and
revolting people who do exist… who ruin lives and harm people on purpose… and
who are sooo horrid….  They manipulate
conversations to make you look bad… or feel bad… they will bully or lie or
cheat and steal to get what they want without t any care how they hurt
others…   they are callous and ruthless people
who are not good or great in any respect…. 
  And I wish there were more people like you… or
who were raised with the same honorable values and integrity and the “do right
attitude” you have…. Because I regret every moment of every day… of meeting any
of them….   

Each and every time I was hurt by any of them I would
remember what a real genuine loving father was like… And I would remember how
much you loved us… provided for us… and how so very different these people  are 
from anyone I grew up with  or knew
in my life…. these horrible people who would lie, cheat, and steal …… sooooo
different  from anyone I’d ever known
growing up in Saudi Arabia, how different they were from anyone I’d ever wanted
in my life…  and they are not people I
should have ever had in my life….

Because of the horrid events of these past 13 years…. I
think about… and wonder what would’ve happened:

I wonder if I should have changed schools… to go to miss
porters when I went to visit Kathy Young… 
at 16…. And never had my last year of high school here in Naples…   would that have changed my destiny… and kept
me protected from ever coming in contact 
with  the criminal scumm who stole
my identity… who stole my life.. Who stole my businesses… my hopes and my
dreams… and permanently ruined my life…    

I wonder what would’ve happened if you’d bought the condo in
California when we’re looking at colleges in California …. And instead of going
to the University of Florida… went to college in California…… I wonder what
would’ve happened would that have changed destiny…. Again….

 I wonder what
would’ve happened if I just stayed at school in France where I was protected
and where the people were genuine, honest , trustworthy… and nice….the kind of
real friends  who  would never have even thought of hurting me…
my life or of stealing from me or my family…

 I wonder if in 1999
we had selected the other condo here in the strand… the one not under the Russo
boys…. Would my life have been safe? …  My condo been safe? My possessions been
safe?  My identity and my credit … been
safe?  Would I have been safe  and protected instead  of having to live through the worst
experiences of my life… and the  total
devastation  of my  life…. for the  last 13 years …. Would that have been enough
to have stopped all of this from ever happening? 

I pray every night for 
them to  die so they will never be
allowed to ever harm another person or family 
as they did me or my family…. Ever again… I have tried my best to stop
them but I am only one person  … and
they are criminals… they think
and act differently than anyone I have ever known… and   every time they violate my life… I am
shocked, stunned… and devastated….

I want to thank you for everything you’ve given me over my
life I’m so sorry that scummy criminals and low life disgusting deceitful
worthless human beings hurt lives on purpose… And hurt my life on purpose… For
these last 13 years…

Thank you for believing in me… in any choice of my future…  And believing in the faux painting business,
my capacity for business…. And the business I started ….with plans to continue
with interior design school … or an MBA….. thank you for your support and encouragement
in a gift and skill/talent I didn’t even know I had…. and for becoming my
number one fan…: Thank you for the opportunity of letting us get to know each
other better when you lived here protecting me from harm… for sharing in the
bible CD’s and opening your heart and showing me that a real man can believe in
God… and the stories of the Bible… and still be strong and intelligent and a
great DAD… Thank you,  For writing me a
letter when  I was at school in France
and wanting me to go skiing with you in the Alps…  even though I was not a good skier …. At
all…. Ha!  Thank you for the
opportunities you provided…. Me… for protecting me from jealous and evil
people… and for all your love and friendship…. 

You are an amazing man and I want to thank you for being my

You were able to retire at 50… and able to achieve all your
goals… financially and personally… you were a great example….  Of what is possible with hard work and a
plan…. One of your famous quotes about selecting a path to get to a
destination….   “Otherwise any path will do….”  Influenced me in my goals and planning …. And
even helped when I wrote a business plan or even created websites   for mom’s
start of an etiquette school… or even for my websites and blogs…, 

No matter what happens no one can ever take away the
opportunities you gave me, and Maura and Mattie in our childhood…. the
unconditional and overflowing love provided for us… And for having a great Dad
to grow up with….

Kathy’s Young’s father just died recently and I know they
were  really close…a lot of my friends
have lost one or more of their parents…  The memories of having a great dad will live
on forever with her,  just as all the
memories I have of my dad will live on forever with me… 

I will always remember and chuckle at the way when I was six
or seven years old you reprimanded Kathy and I for cooking my Barbie doll food…
in my bedroom in our first house…. Your calm yet stern  approach 
to discipline… and to our “teachable lessons”….  You somehow instilled in us a desire to want
to do better and to be better people….    I’ll always remember the plans I drew for the
elaborate tree house that was turned into a Playhouse at the side of our first
house in Saudi… and your intent interest as I explained the different elaborate
rooms…  (My version something like the Swiss
family Robinson movie I had just seen… Ha!) …. I’ll always remember your
commanding voice that terrified Steven Stegana(sp?)   and
Jimmy Hill  and a few other boys…. And
when a simple game  of “war”  Kathy  young and I agreed to play  with the boys …. changed …. After we (the girls)
changed the rules of the game…. … the boys disagreed… with our new rules…  Until you came in to settle the dispute….
HA!   Your presence gave us security, safety and a true
knowing that nothing could ever hurt us… You were so big and strong…. And made us
feel so safe… actually later in my life… it is that feeling of safety and
security… that knowing it even existed … that growing up in a great environment…
Dad, I knew it was special… but I had no idea…how special it was… and I want
to thank you for that!  Some people never
had the  security of having a dad they
could rely on…. And I did …. Dad I want to thank you over and over for being a
great father….

 Dad, I don’t know if
you knew… but we did well in school, or sports, or even keeping our room clean
to make you proud and I hope at the end of the day the pride you have in your
daughter’s still exists as you had a big part in helping us achieve and become
the women we are today!   

 I hate that I
wasn’t  allowed to become the woman I was
meant to be… it feels like I was just getting started when it was all ripped
away….and my life was ruined by  criminal
scum…  I know the entire blame rests on
the criminals and con-artists of these past 
 13 years…..   But the pride you had in who I was supposed
to be… of what I could have accomplished…  I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to achieve all my
goals… and my hopes and dreams… and of one day being able to really bless you

I even had it on a list of goals….  To bless you… to bless mom and to bless my
sisters… and extended family and friends…. I actually  expected 
to have such a great and successful 
life that I would have been able to 
bless you…  and to bless you  with  so
much…. making sure your retirement was peaceful, happy and to somehow  I would be able to  properly thank you for all that you had given
me… I had wanted to make sure both you and mom 
 were happy in your retirement… (
I even imagined that I could  buy you
each a condo in the Remington… like the Rockett’s… but each of you would get a
condo  in the Remington at bay colony  but on opposite side of the
building..HA!  … Your life Dad, made such
a huge impact on my life in a positive way…. and I want to thank you for

Speaking of pride, and the pride we had in you … and you had
in your daughters….  if there are things
I could take back or somehow change … I  wish there had been no criminals, who picked
on me or my family starting from  when I
moved into  the strand… I found out this
past year about all the damage that was done to my life, my credit, by criminals,
con artists and worthless loser disgusting scum… Dad you wouldn’t believe what
they’ve done… From the moment we purchased the condo for my future ….for a
great future here in The Strand…. for $132,000 according to court records…
They’ve been creating false mortgages and stealing money… It came to over
$200,000 in false mortgages using my name and my Social Security… They’ve
stolen my name and ruined credit cards by duplicating those credit cards, by
creating false phone accounts and most recently… someone tried and may have
succeeded in actually opening up a bank account in October 2012 …. In my name
using my Social Security number at Regions Bank…

I think that everything you and many others may have tried
to bless me with ….. … Whether it was opportunities, or gifts… or
possessions…  I think the  little slimy disgusting impostor con artists
criminal scumbags somehow they  were able
to manipulate  and steal it away from me…
 and in doing so they changed my  destiny and my life….  in the process….   

They actually stole the diamond earrings and pearl earrings
you bought for me… and gave to me from  al Kohabar(sp?) … and both those gifts meant
so much because they were from you….     

I was never raised having to deal with such devious,
horrible, worthless, disgusting, people and to be perfectly honest I didn’t
know how to fight let alone fix anything they destroyed…… I’m still not sure if
I know how to fix anything that they’ve destroyed…it might not be

 I miss my father to
run to ….to fix all boo-boos and make it all better…

But what has transpired… has taken away so many years…. And so
much….. so many  horrid experiences…
instead of  great experiences or  memories…  they put me through so many lies so much
manipulation….it  would take a team of
great dad’s  to put it all back together…
and even in humpty dumpty…. All the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men just
couldn’t put humpty dumpty back together again…. (Not that I am anything like
an egg… head… ha!) and I don’t know how that rhyme came into my thoughts… but I
guess  it’s just that these past 13 years
have affected who I am today… and  I miss
the safety of Aramco… and  the love of
true family and friends….

I miss my family and friends every minute of every day… The
love, kindness, security, and protection of a great family are priceless… I
want to thank you for teaching me values of honesty and integrity, showing me
what a real true father should be ……a man… who elevates the people around him
and makes our lives better by being a part of it… you always put your family
first… and our lives were made better for it… thank you Dad… for all that you
did.. And all that you do for us… now and always…. 

All my love to you DAD, Merry Christmas 2012 and Happy New
Year 2013! 

 Luv from Your first
born daughter,

The original and real Mary Jean Ziska Born July 7th



december 5th 2012 letter to joel osteen mailed today by my mom abut gingerbreadmanstory

Dear Joel Osteen                                                                     
November 16, 2012

Hi my name is Mary Jean Ziska.  I  love
your show and watch it religiously….( 
Sorry for the pun or is this just a play on words…) ….  What I mean to say is that I really enjoy
your sermons….. and everything about 
your  message… from the jokes  at the start of the program …. To the
message  about God’s unconditional love..
and the wonderful / great  life God has
in store for each and every one of us… it 
is so refreshing and so inspirational! Your show has made a difference
in my life and I look forward to hearing 
your sermons each and every Sunday… Here in Naples Florida your show
airs at  8:00am at 8:30am and 9 am I have
tried to get my mom, and sister involved …. I remind them of the shows and I
pass along  your email messages to
them  when I find them really
interesting….. and inspirational and will 
help to encourage them….   I was raised Catholic and have a strong belief
in God’s love for us….  And I want you to
know how much your messages have touched my heart…..  I have been praying with my mom each
night…for probably about 5-6 months…. And I have been praying for special
intensions each and every day for the past 4….almost 5 years…. 

I have two reasons for writing you today…. I wanted to share
a story I wrote to my sisters for Christmas in 2003… it is based on God’s
perfect plan for our life… about Gods plan for the right person in your
life….  and it was so remarkable  that your sermon  based on having  “yes 
in your future” …. Made me want to share my story with you…    When I wrote this story about “my
gingerbreadman”…I even started a website I named
.  I started the website thinking I could
have such an amazing story  about meeting
my prince charming… and what a lovely story to tell our kids… someday….

 In 2003…  I just knew so many amazing women who I hoped
would find  such great happiness in life
and love….  I wrote the story about “my
gingerbreadman”….  when my faith was
soooo strong… I honestly believed that God ‘s fatherly  love and his promises  would come to pass in my life…..

Alas, when I wrote the story….    I did not even now that at the time I   had been the victim of identity theft for a
full year… or more…. And  later,  as I had gone through tons of research I
uncovered  I have  found that for the past 13 years I have not
been protected by God …. I have been victimized…  by somne really scummy people…. And  my life has been completely ruined….. I had
not only my identity  stolen, but false
mortgages were placed on my home… and over $200,000.00 were stolen  off those mortgages.. I have been the victim
of  actual theft where  clothing 
jewelry and  even   items that were person  to me were stolen…  like date function pictures  from college were stolen…. And personal
items…. Mementos… and  keep sakes…. Like
pearl  earrings my dad had given to me… a
cashmere sweater my mom  had given me for
Christmas… shoes my  sister had given me  were ruined… and from the start….  businesses 
and files on clients and  even
personal account were  compromised….  Which led to two businesses being completely
stolen….  And leaving me to each time
have to try to pick up the pieces and 
move forward… with less in my life and less in my heart and less of my   future 
and my dreams ever  happening… I
have been conned  and lied to and hurt by
 so much and by so many people… so that
my trust in people …. Well let’s say it is definitely not what it used to
be….   Almost  each and every time I went out of my home I
found  that people had come into my
home  and not  just breaking and entering … to steal ….they
used my home as if it was their own home… and people  knew it was happening and they let my  life be violated…. while these criminals
ate and partied and  ruined my life… 13
years of ruining my life… for their own selfish intent….. I kept praying…. Kept
filing police reports… kept trying to do 
the right thing… while the criminals 
continued with   their
manipulation… and their schemes and no matter who I tried to contact  I never seemed to get thought to  the right authorities who could help….    I
have been through more bad experiences   in these 
past years  then my entire life…..
and ones that have really e really ruined my life…. and I don’t  understand where God has been in all of
this….…  I can’t believe that  he would have ever wanted me to have had
to  had all these criminals who have
ruined my life… I can’t believe that  God
would have allowed this on  purpose…..
allowing  13 years of my life to be
ruined.. my credit to be ruined.. my home ownership to be threatened…. For me
to be bullied until I was throwing up and 
lost 30 pounds…. And to  presently
be on medical disability with an abusive guardian who harmed my  independence and homeownership and for me to
be on food stamps….

I actually had a great life… a great child hood and amazing
family and friends…  I had a great
credit  score…I had a successful business
and plans for  my future  even 
had money put away for  either
going to interior design  school or get
an MBA…. I had worked hard,   been honest
and  tried my best  to do the 
right thing in all instances….. I had 
tons of great friends and a loving wonderful family…..  for crime 
and slime to ruin  all I had.. all
I wanted…. It was not God….  Or goodness….
or love…. I prayed and believed God was like my dad… someone I could always
count on,  and who made my life better.   I
believed in  a God who made my  life better …. And not just financially … but
with divine connections…. And with placing hopes and dreams and opportunities
in my life…. and this God I believed in, made those dreams   he placed in my heart….   He made those dreams come true…. 

After these 13
years worth of the worst experiences of my life…  I am asking you to pray for  me…

In my prayers each night I pray for  a huge financial miracle…. So that my home is
not  foreclosed upon… that  the identity thief damage  and fraud is made right… that  monies 
and possessions stolen are restored to me…  that I can restore to my family all that has
been ruined and destroyed by these same criminals… and that all of our
affirmations hopes and dreams can be realized… I pray each and every night for
protection  from all  harm…I pray God stops all the people who have
lied , cheated and stolen from me and my family…. That  God will remove from my life  and my family and friend’s life all the
hackers, fakes, fraud and manipulation, the trespassers, bullies identity
thieves, imposters con artists and that God grants protection and freedom  from all the evil horrible selfish mean  people  and especially 
for all their selfish and manipulative intensions….

  I pray that God
Blesses me and my family   and
restores  with his one breath of his
favor…. everything that was stolen and 
broken and ruined by these criminals and con artists….  in my life…and in my family’s life….   I
prayed that God grants me  the
finances  far beyond my wildest dreams…
and in a way that cannot be stolen from me… or conned away from me… by the
identity thief…  and their criminal crew…
 that the horrible mean people are never
allowed to ever harm anyone  like they
ruined my life… that they are not allowed to ever do such damage…. That they it
all on purpose… and they  did it with
malicious intent….

My life if so far from any of my hopes and dreams I  can’t wait to die and be in heaven … with real
people who really Love me and won’t isolate me… so they can hurt me….or  steal from me or my family and they won’t be
ever be able to manipulate…  and lie….
and harm me ever again….….   they have
taken away everything I love … and I see no godly  reason behind it….   I
guess I am hoping since God can’t possibly 
be listening to me.. that perhaps if you pray for me…. That  God’s 
favor will return and my prayers will be answered… 


You mentioned in your prayer about not casting away my
confidence which has great reward….. that “when the intensity heats up that
mean s you are closer to your victory”….. 
But for 13 years?…..

I think it all started when I moved into a great  gated community… and  since my dad was so honest… and I was soo
honest and we believed the best in people… there was a group of evil con
artists who decided to  ruin our lives
for their own benefit…. And once ensnarled in their  web of their constant manipulation and lies…
they stole everything they could…… they lied about everything they could  and they ruined everything they could….. and
the worst part….  they got away with  it …. 
They even dressed up as authority figures… like police… or contractors… or
people I once knew  and loved ….. or
anything…or anyway to manipulate….  they
manipulated phone systems…. hacked into phone messages….  And they are still getting away with it… they
are trying to have horrid lies become the truth….. like my mom losing an income
property….which is her home… or  lies
like  laws that are supposed to  stop criminals ….. and  protect innocent people… that they don’t
apply….. they want to  make me believe
that their  criminal activities are not
subject to  being punished….. I even had
the unthinkable happen…. There were people even 
protecting  and sticking up for
these criminals…. Like  the girl karne
kahel who bullied me until I was shaking and throwing up… they wanted me to
believe that  the laws  don’t apply…… that it was alright… that she
must be more important than me…. And it was alright that  she bullied me…. These horrid  people on my phone told me the unthinkable
that  they were my family… that they
didn’t love me … that   they had all sorts of problems… and  just more and more lies…. About my family,
they are sick they are dying … they need money… they are taking this or
that  and doing this or that with my
families possessions….    With  items my mom had saved for us….      

And just as they  stole
lives… and hopes and dreams… … just as they stole  my mom’s baby-sitting business…or stopped the
etiquette school…. Or stole my  faux
painting business… just as they stole possessions  she had gathered for her children  all over the world… and saved for us…. Even
my baby blanket was stolen…. This is how low and evil they are…

 and even though I
pray each and every night… there are too many of them and they are too evil for
just me to fight them…. And I  am soo
tired of not living the life I should have had… missing my friends every minute
of every day… and missing my family and my hopes and dreams…. I am so tired of
having  to  fight a bunch 
of horrid people with evil intensions….  When there are more of them and they are so
evil….  And when I pray for miracles… I
can’t see God or his plan in any of it…. …. And I can’t believe that when you
say that all things are known by God… how could he have ever let this happen?…A
God who is my father….. who had a great future planned for me… why couldn’t he
protect me from these criminals… why can’t he protect me from these criminals
now?    My dad would never have ever let any of this
happen ….  Not the dad who took me to
school in france… and gave me a round trip ticket… so I could go  back…. Not the dad who wanted me to have a
great safe condo of my own… or the dad who was my biggest fan… who  I got interested in the bible stories on CD….
Even he would never have ever let me or my life be harmed…. And my mom… the
fiercest woman ever …. who protected her children…  an loved them and  really wanted them to be happy…. And did
everything she could to make that 
possible… she would never …. Never  
 proteted some girl who bullied me…

 and I sure  would have never let any of this happen  to any of my children… being  the victim of identity theft, where my
credit  was ruined, nervous breakdown
after being  bulled… and then the bully
being protected by the same criminal group who 
lied cheated, and stole  from my
family… having these criminals go through my 
mom’s house and my home and steal each and every year…. And then their
lies… constant  lies…. And constant
manipulation…. I have been manipulated for 13 years by a group of people who
think they are God and can do anything 
to anyone and get away with it…. And they still do and have…. I am the  victim of people lying and harming my life for
their own selfish intent  cheating and
stealing from me… I have been harmed on all levels of life……. Had been bullied
to the point of a  nervous breakdown…
backer acted three times  when I
wished  I was dead instead of having to
endure any more abuse… I have had bully mail and  emails and 
phone calls… I am constantly disappointed in people who pretend to be my
family and friends and only do so to harm my life… I’ve  I confided in 
people who  I thought  could 
make the criminals stop and instead I was punished…. None of this was
ever in God’s Plan….   I didn’t get
sidetracked.. I didn’t have any problems.. I was living my life and  was nice and innocent and sweet… I was happy
and had so many hopes and dreams… for such a great future…   and I am saddened that  no matter 
how much I have prayed  I still
feel really  alone…   and feel that I am surrounded by con-artist

Its thirteen years stolen from  me… that I cannot get back… I guess I want to
know if you can pray for me ….just a regular real girl… mary Jean Ziska  and  I
wanted to make sure you  had a copy of my
story….   Maybe there are others who
actually do get happily ever after story book lives…with the right
gingerbread  man that God has
selected….  I hope so… perhaps next time
I write I can tell you that God finally answered my prayers and protected me…
and that he answered my prayers for that huge financial miracle…. And allowed
me to  have the life I was supposed to
have before a bunch of criminal scum ruined everything…..   I still hope there is a happily ever
after…  but I guess we will have to wait
and see….

I also started  two
websites… one on the damage these criminals have done  to my life….                             (  and the other which was supposed to be
hopeful  light and fun  with possible dating stories… (
but instead of funny dating stories and tips some of the blog posts  are 
where I can put other thought s and even some about the  trials and tribulations….. and an overflow of
the  website www.mysearchforjustice….

In any case…   Please
know that  I still love God and believe I
am going  to  heaven…. I pray each and every  day for a better future…. A great
future….  And followed the  show where you discussed with oprah  about saying … I am…..  so I started to say I am a born again child
of God expecting great  and wonderful
miracles  to happen for me each and every
day…. I am protected from harm, I am blessed, I am  a billionaire ( the world just doesn’t know
it yet) I am loved, I am happy, I am successful, I am  fulfilling all my hopes and dreams… I am
fulfilling all of my affirmations,   I am
restored  and blessed so  much so I can bless others… I can lend and
not ever have to borrow or go without…   I have everything returned and  opportunities 
, businesses  renewed and
successful,   …..

So I guess I will see God’s plan for my life I hope it is
great I used to believe it was supposed to be great but now I don’t know….

If you want to  use
“my gingerbreadman” story to help inspire people that God does have a plan.. a
perfect plan for their lives… for their futures for happiness

I give you permission….

I thought when I wrote the story that I was supposed to be
that example of how   God can have this perfect plan and perfect
person waiting for us..  but maybe since
It  never happened for me.. maybe my
purpose was to give the story away… that this story  that started off as m y story…. And that
I  was hoping would be my  story… of happiness and love and God’s

that instead….  It was
my story to write… but  to give it
away  to someone who could better pass
along the message that God does love us and want us to be …happy..

Joel, Mr. Osteen….. you have the platform to tell so many
more people about how God fashions us each to be and to have a  perfect Gingerbread man or woman…. 

Thank you for your kind attention to this letter I hope
it  reaches you  and 
you can use my story  to help
other people to believe in Christmas miracles… 
and God’s love and favor…. I wish I could have been that true  example of what would have been possible and
allow people to see  God’s goodness and
favor for my entire life…. . I’m sorry that God forgot me  for a long while.. and I hope with your  prayers he will remember I exist… 


Mary Jean Ziska                                                                                                                                                             
5632 whisperwood blvd. #1601                                                   
Florida 34110                                                                                                                                                     
     emails:    [email protected]    [email protected]  [email protected]
,[email protected]


December 5th 2012 letter to oprah mailed today by my mom

Dear Oprah,                                                                      
November 16, 2012

Hi my name is Mary Jean Ziska.   I
watch your  own network  and used to watch your Oprah show on
television.  I wanted to thank you for
making positive television.  For making a
positive impact in people’s lives and to tell you  I really 
enjoyed your life class with  Joel
Osteen .      To the message  about God’s unconditional love.. and the
wonderful / great  life God has in store
for each and every one of us…using positive affirimations…. The “I am……”    it 
is so refreshing and so inspirational! Your show has made a difference
in my life and I look forward to hearing 
more life changing  and helpful
Sunday life classes .   I live in Naples
Florida and I was able to  have my mom
watch your show with Joel Osteen  on
Sunday evenings… and   I have tried to
get my mom, and sister involved …. I remind them of the shows and I pass
along  your email messages to them  when I find them really interesting….. and
inspirational and will  help to encourage
them….   I was raised Catholic and have a
strong belief in God’s love for us….  And
I want you to know how much your messages have touched my heart…..  I have been praying with my mom each
night…for probably about 5-6 months…. And I have been praying for special
intensions each and every day for the past 4….almost 5 years…. 

I have two reasons for writing you today…. I wanted to share
a story I wrote to my sisters for Christmas in 2003… it is based on God’s
perfect plan for our life… about Gods plan for the right person in your life….

I loved hearing about your  prayer to God….. so that  he would use you…. …. Hearing that… made me
want to share my story with you…    It’s
just a little story.. not anything like the novels you  read and 
that you share with the world…. 
But  it touched my heart that God
answered your prayer in such a large way… and with the ability to  make such a difference in the world… I really
admire your  angel network ….. and wish
you would do something along the lines of Angel 
investing…. Where more Americans can be able to  start 
businesses and become successful…. I believe if more people were  following their passions.. and the  call on 
their life…  their real purpose….  if 
they would be able to pray to be used to better the world as you did….
More small  businesses would turn into
large businesses and in turn  will  l help with their self esteem.. their
happiness level……  purpose in life,  and with their own businesses they will be
able to employ others and hopefully  have
amazing mentors and  eventually  be positive mentors… and  it will catch on like wildfire… able to impact
lives and families all over the united states…. ( but I got a bit off subject..
that is just a wish … or thought… not the main reason I am writing… )

I went on to your website and  accepted the challenge by Joel Osteen…   and wanted to tell you a bit about my life
now  and hopefully with this
challenge  I hope to write again and let
you know  how impactful  your show has been…. And the Joel Osteen
challenge was in my life… and how things have changed fo r rteh better….
and  hopefully I can write again and let
you know about  who I want to do and who
I hape 

 When I wrote this
story about “my gingerbreadman”…I even started a website I named .  I started the
website thinking I could have such an amazing story  about meeting my prince charming… and what a
lovely story to tell our kids… someday….

 In 2003…  I just knew so many amazing women who I hoped
would find  such great happiness in life
and love….  I wrote the story about “my
gingerbreadman”….  when my faith was
soooo strong… I honestly believed that God ‘s fatherly  love and his promises  would come to pass in my life…..

Alas, when I wrote the story….    I did not even now that at the time I   had been the victim of identity theft for a
full year… or more…. And  later,  as I had gone through tons of research I
uncovered  I have  found that for the past 13 years I have not
been protected by God …. I have been victimized…  by somne really scummy people…. And  my life has been completely ruined….. I had
not only my identity  stolen, but false
mortgages were placed on my home… and over $200,000.00 were stolen  off those mortgages.. I have been the victim
of  actual theft where  clothing 
jewelry and  even   items that were person  to me were stolen…  like date function pictures  from college were stolen…. And personal
items…. Mementos… and  keep sakes…. Like
pearl  earrings my dad had given to me… a
cashmere sweater my mom  had given me for
Christmas… shoes my  sister had given
me  were ruined… and from the
start….  businesses  and files on clients and  even personal account were  compromised…. 
Which led to two businesses being completely stolen….  And leaving me to each time have to try to
pick up the pieces and  move forward…
with less in my life and less in my heart and less of my   future 
and my dreams ever  happening… I
have been conned  and lied to and hurt by  so much and by so many people… so that my
trust in people …. Well let’s say it is definitely not what it used to
be….   Almost  each and every time I went out of my home I
found  that people had come into my
home  and not  just breaking and entering … to steal ….they
used my home as if it was their own home… and people  knew it was happening and they let my  life be violated…. while these criminals
ate and partied and  ruined my life… 13
years of ruining my life… for their own selfish intent….. I kept praying…. Kept
filing police reports… kept trying to do 
the right thing… while the criminals 
continued with   their
manipulation… and their schemes and no matter who I tried to contact  I never seemed to get thought to  the right authorities who could help….    I have been through more bad experiences   in these 
past years  then my entire life…..
and ones that have really e really ruined my life…. and I don’t  understand where God has been in all of
this….…  I can’t believe that  he would have ever wanted me to have had
to  had all these criminals who have ruined
my life… I can’t believe that  God would
have allowed this on  purpose…..
allowing  13 years of my life to be ruined..
my credit to be ruined.. my home ownership to be threatened…. For me to be
bullied until I was throwing up and  lost
30 pounds…. And to  presently be on
medical disability with an abusive guardian who harmed my  independence and homeownership and for me to
be on food stamps….

I actually had a great life… a great child hood and amazing
family and friends…  I had a great
credit  score…I had a successful business
and plans for  my future  even 
had money put away for  either
going to interior design  school or get
an MBA…. I had worked hard,   been honest
and  tried my best  to do the 
right thing in all instances….. I had 
tons of great friends and a loving wonderful family…..  for crime 
and slime to ruin  all I had.. all
I wanted…. It was not God….  Or
goodness…. or love…. I prayed and believed God was like my dad… someone I could
always count on,  and who made my life
better.   I believed in  a God who made my  life better …. And not just financially … but
with divine connections…. And with placing hopes and dreams and opportunities
in my life…. and this God I believed in, made those dreams   he placed in my heart….   He made those dreams come true…. 

After these 13 years worth of the worst experiences of my
life…  I am asking you to pray for  me…

In my prayers each night I pray for  a huge financial miracle…. So that my home is
not  foreclosed upon… that  the identity thief damage  and fraud is made right… that  monies 
and possessions stolen are restored to me…  that I can restore to my family all that has
been ruined and destroyed by these same criminals… and that all of our
affirmations hopes and dreams can be realized… I pray each and every night for
protection  from all  harm…I pray God stops all the people who have
lied , cheated and stolen from me and my family…. That  God will remove from my life  and my family and friend’s life all the
hackers, fakes, fraud and manipulation, the trespassers, bullies identity
thieves, imposters con artists and that God grants protection and freedom  from all the evil horrible selfish mean  people 
and especially  for all their
selfish and manipulative intensions….

  I pray that God
Blesses me and my family   and
restores  with his one breath of his
favor…. everything that was stolen and 
broken and ruined by these criminals and con artists….  in my life…and in my family’s life….   I prayed that God grants me  the finances 
far beyond my wildest dreams… and in a way that cannot be stolen from
me… or conned away from me… by the identity thief…  and their criminal crew…  that the horrible mean people are never
allowed to ever harm anyone  like they
ruined my life… that they are not allowed to ever do such damage…. That they it
all on purpose… and they  did it with
malicious intent….

My life if so far from any of my hopes and dreams I  can’t wait to die and be in heaven … with
real people who really Love me and won’t isolate me… so they can hurt
me….or  steal from me or my family and
they won’t be ever be able to manipulate… 
and lie…. and harm me ever again….….  
they have taken away everything I love … and I see no godly  reason behind it….   I guess I am hoping since God can’t
possibly  be listening to me.. that
perhaps if you pray for me…. That 
God’s  favor will return and my
prayers will be answered… 


You mentioned in your prayer about not casting away my
confidence which has great reward….. that “when the intensity heats up that
mean s you are closer to your victory”….. 
But for 13 years?…..

I think it all started when I moved into a great  gated community… and  since my dad was so honest… and I was soo
honest and we believed the best in people… there was a group of evil con
artists who decided to  ruin our lives
for their own benefit…. And once ensnarled in their  web of their constant manipulation and lies…
they stole everything they could…… they lied about everything they could  and they ruined everything they could….. and
the worst part….  they got away with  it …. 
They even dressed up as authority figures… like police… or contractors…
or people I once knew  and loved ….. or
anything…or anyway to manipulate….  they
manipulated phone systems…. hacked into phone messages….  And they are still getting away with it… they
are trying to have horrid lies become the truth….. like my mom losing an income
property….which is her home… or  lies
like  laws that are supposed to  stop criminals ….. and  protect innocent people… that they don’t
apply….. they want to  make me believe
that their  criminal activities are not
subject to  being punished….. I even had
the unthinkable happen…. There were people even 
protecting  and sticking up for
these criminals…. Like  the girl karne
kahel who bullied me until I was shaking and throwing up… they wanted me to
believe that  the laws  don’t apply…… that it was alright… that she
must be more important than me…. And it was alright that  she bullied me…. These horrid  people on my phone told me the unthinkable
that  they were my family… that they
didn’t love me … that   they had all
sorts of problems… and  just more and more
lies…. About my family, they are sick they are dying … they need money… they
are taking this or that  and doing this
or that with my families possessions….   
With  items my mom had saved for

And just as they 
stole lives… and hopes and dreams… … just as they stole  my mom’s baby-sitting business…or stopped the
etiquette school…. Or stole my  faux
painting business… just as they stole possessions  she had gathered for her children  all over the world… and saved for us…. Even
my baby blanket was stolen…. This is how low and evil they are…

 and even though I
pray each and every night… there are too many of them and they are too evil for
just me to fight them…. And I  am soo
tired of not living the life I should have had… missing my friends every minute
of every day… and missing my family and my hopes and dreams…. I am so tired of
having  to  fight a bunch 
of horrid people with evil intensions…. 
When there are more of them and they are so evil….  And when I pray for miracles… I can’t see God
or his plan in any of it…. …. And I can’t believe that when you say that all
things are known by God… how could he have ever let this happen?…A God who is
my father….. who had a great future planned for me… why couldn’t he protect me
from these criminals… why can’t he protect me from these criminals now?    My dad would never have ever let any of
this happen ….  Not the dad who took me
to school in france… and gave me a round trip ticket… so I could go  back…. Not the dad who wanted me to have a
great safe condo of my own… or the dad who was my biggest fan… who  I got interested in the bible stories on CD….
Even he would never have ever let me or my life be harmed…. And my mom… the
fiercest woman ever …. who protected her children…  an loved them and  really wanted them to be happy…. And did
everything she could to make that 
possible… she would never …. Never   
proteted some girl who bullied me… NEVER…..

 and I sure  would have never let any of this happen  to any of my children… being  the victim of identity theft, where my
credit  was ruined, nervous breakdown
after being  bulled… and then the bully
being protected by the same criminal group who 
lied cheated, and stole  from my
family… having these criminals go through my 
mom’s house and my home and steal each and every year…. And then their
lies… constant  lies…. And constant
manipulation…. I have been manipulated for 13 years by a group of people who
think they are God and can do anything 
to anyone and get away with it…. And they still do and have…. I am
the  victim of people lying and harming
my life for their own selfish intent 
cheating and stealing from me… I have been harmed on all levels of
life……. Had been bullied to the point of a 
nervous breakdown… backer acted three times  when I wished 
I was dead instead of having to endure any more abuse… I have had bully
mail and  emails and  phone calls… I am constantly disappointed in
people who pretend to be my family and friends and only do so to harm my life…
I’ve  I confided in  people who 
I thought  could  make the criminals stop and instead I was
punished…. None of this was ever in God’s Plan….   I didn’t get sidetracked.. I didn’t have any
problems.. I was living my life and  was
nice and innocent and sweet… I was happy and had so many hopes and dreams… for
such a great future…   and I am saddened
that  no matter  how much I have prayed  I still feel really  alone…  
and feel that I am surrounded by con-artist scum…..

Its thirteen years stolen from  me… that I cannot get back… I guess I want to
know if you can pray for me ….just a regular real girl… mary Jean Ziska  and  I
wanted to make sure you  had a copy of my
story….   Maybe there are others who
actually do get happily ever after story book lives…with the right
gingerbread  man that God has selected….  I hope so… perhaps next time I write I can
tell you that God finally answered my prayers and protected me… and that he
answered my prayers for that huge financial miracle…. And allowed me to  have the life I was supposed to have before a
bunch of criminal scum ruined everything…..  
I still hope there is a happily ever after…  but I guess we will have to wait and see….

I also started  two
websites… one on the damage these criminals have done  to my life….                             ( style=”mso-spacerun:yes”>  and the other which was supposed to be
hopeful  light and fun  with possible dating stories… ( style=”mso-spacerun:yes”>  )  but instead of funny dating stories and tips
some of the blog posts  are  where I can put other thought s and even some
about the  trials and tribulations….. and
an overflow of the  website

In any case…   Please
know that  I still love God and believe I
am going  to  heaven…. I pray each and every  day for a better future…. A great
future….  And followed the  show where you discussed with oprah  about saying … I am…..  so I started to say I am a born again child
of God expecting great  and wonderful
miracles  to happen for me each and every
day…. I am protected from harm, I am blessed, I am  a billionaire ( the world just doesn’t know
it yet) I am loved, I am happy, I am successful, I am  fulfilling all my hopes and dreams… I am
fulfilling all of my affirmations,   I am
restored  and blessed so  much so I can bless others… I can lend and
not ever have to borrow or go without…  
I have everything returned and 
opportunities  , businesses  renewed and successful,   …..

So I guess I will see God’s plan for my life I hope it is
great I used to believe it was supposed to be great but now I don’t know….

If you want to  use
“my gingerbreadman” story to help inspire people that God does have a plan.. a
perfect plan for their lives… for their futures for happiness

I give you permission….

I thought when I wrote the story that I was supposed to be
that example of how   God can have this
perfect plan and perfect person waiting for us..  but maybe since It  never happened for me.. maybe my purpose was
to give the story away… that this story 
that started off as m y story…. And that I  was hoping would be my  story… of happiness and love and God’s

that instead….  It was
my story to write… but  to give it
away  to someone who could better pass
along the message that God does love us and want us to be …happy..

Joel, Mr. Osteen….. you have the platform to tell so many
more people about how God fashions us each to be and to have a  perfect Gingerbread man or woman…. 

Thank you for your kind attention to this letter I hope
it  reaches you  and 
you can use my story  to help
other people to believe in Christmas miracles… 
and God’s love and favor…. I wish I could have been that true  example of what would have been possible and
allow people to see  God’s goodness and
favor for my entire life…. . I’m sorry that God forgot me  for a long while.. and I hope with your  prayers he will remember I exist… 


Mary Jean Ziska                                                                                                                                                             
5632 whisperwood blvd. #1601                                                      
Florida 34110                                                                                                                                                        
  emails:    [email protected]    [email protected]  [email protected] ,[email protected]
