Monthly Archives: November 2012

email to invite family to my condo for thanksgiving dinner…

Dear everyone, family and friends…  hope all is well….  getting excited for my 2nd home made attempt
at thanksgiving… and my cooking of all of it…. last year turned out delicious…  or so i was told..hopefully everyone was
honest…. ha… I plan on the same dinner menu…. turkey… and stuffing,
cranberries, and green beans and peas… and corn souffle  and spinach souffle, mashed potatoes.. and
apple pie and pumpkin pie….  maybe
an  hor’ dovier   … and mom said she will bring the
salad…  but the best will be the
company…. my Mom and Mattie will be here … and Maura, Eric, Caroline and
Ella   and Dad you are invited as well…..
and Scott if you were in  town of course
you and Olivia….  are invited as
well…    so i was thinking  that 1pm would be a great time to start
dinner…. well actually lunch then 2nd time eating may be dinner…HA… and
we can visit and watch a movie … or if you bring swim suits  or walking shoes you are welcome to go for a
swim or a walk….    please email back
your plans.. and  who can and can’t
come….  so i can know how much to
prepare…  i missed watching Joel Osteen
this last week.. I did watch a couple great catholic masses….(Joel)  he had a great email sent today… .  i wanted to share… no pressure  hint on the answer  for 
the thanksgiving invitation… but hopefully you will enjoy the   email…. luv Mary jean Ziska…. I love and
miss my family every minute of every day…. 
and today and every day i am thankful and grateful for having you in my

so remember time approx. 
1pm…. location:  5632
Whisperwood blvd. 1601 Naples Florida 34110  
( remember in the strand at cypress cove complex.. Maura and dad.. if
you want i can write out more specific directions…  if you decide to come…  just let me know…

hey remember that song….” thanksgiving day is coming
.. and Mr turkey said… ” How very careful i must be or i will lose my
head… said the pumpkin to the turkey.. I’m frightened me oh my.. they’ll mix
me up with sugar and spice and I’ll be pumpkin pie!”.. HA!  . that is all i can remember with a bit of
prompting from mom ha…. anyway great memories…  of great holidays with great family
luv mary jean ziska  /

Say “Yes” to His Yes!  
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE:  “For all the
promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through
us.”  (2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV)    TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the
right people, the right breaks and the right open doors. In other words, He
already had your “yeses” planned out — Yes, you can accomplish your dreams.
Yes, you can overcome that obstacle. Yes, your children can fulfill their
destiny. Yes you can succeed. YES is in your future!  The question is, are you going to say “yes”
to God’s “yes”? Are you going to dare to believe Him — to get into agreement
with His promises?    Start right now by
declaring His promises over your life. Start declaring that He is good and that
His plan will come to pass. Don’t let doubt and discouragement distract you
keep your eyes fixed on Him because He is faithful. His promises are always yes
and amen. So say “yes” to His “yes”!    A
PRAYER FOR TODAY    Father, today I say
“yes” to You. I say “yes” to Your promises and “yes” to Your ways. Help me to
live a life pleasing to You and bring You glory in all that I say and do, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.    — Joel &
Victoria Osteen                                             Tender
Loving Care Service     Marion
Gregory   Director  239-598-1515 [email protected]  Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director  239-234-4065 
[email protected]

Tuesday November 13th 2012 @ 2:20am Joel Osteen God’s YES

Say “Yes” to His Yes!


“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him
Amen, to the glory of God through us.”

(2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria


When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the
right people, the right breaks and the right open doors. In other words, He
already had your “yeses” planned out — Yes, you can accomplish your dreams.
Yes, you can overcome that obstacle. Yes, your children can fulfill their
destiny. Yes you can succeed. YES is in your future!


The question is, are you going to say “yes” to God’s “yes”?
Are you going to dare to believe Him — to get into agreement with His promises?


Start right now by declaring His promises over your life.
Start declaring that He is good and that His plan will come to pass. Don’t let
doubt and discouragement distract you keep your eyes fixed on Him because He is
faithful. His promises are always yes and amen. So say “yes” to His “yes”!


Father, today I say “yes” to You. I say “yes” to Your
promises and “yes” to Your ways. Help me to live a life pleasing to You and
bring You glory in all that I say and do, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen