february 14th 2012 worst start to a valentines day… @2:27pm

So this is valentine’s day 2012…. Must say thanks to a very obnoxious self-centered and horrid person  it was the worst valentine’s day start ever!  For a day filled with people who think of others and want to make others feel special.. and for love and cherishing the people in your life who make your life better… who actually really like you and love you… well I must say I have been crying for the past half hour… die to a personality of a horrid and despicable selfish and arrogant person who is now defiantly not a friend not someone I will ever think of … as a friend.. And who I will no longer ever waste one more moment   of my life caring about.  

You know the type of guy…. doesn’t   have to be a boyfriend… or even a friend.. Could possibly be an acquaintance.. or take a moment  just while you are watching people…  you will notice this type… this person  who    only thinks of himself and his happiness… always he talks about himself .. and does it out loud as if the world needs to know his every  movement.. or thought… or how his day is /was… and how the world needs to now what he wants or needs.. like a computer or anew phone or a new car.. anything for himself… then  he talks  out loud about what his doing for himself… he brags and  lies  to pump up himself….  his life and of his wants and needs ,  no actually real concern for anyone else. Unless it profits him himself… he promises everything.. but never comes though with anything….and even when  you know the promises are fake.. that he is one of those freaks who “talk at you” like he’s some crazy person…   who in reality you will never have any real conversations.. never have any real friendship… or any real promises will ever come true… this is a person you will never be able to count on… for anything…   even though you know these things you actually  somewhere in the  bottom of your heart hope that  this freak will actually act normal…  but they /he or she will never act normal… will never be anyone  you can count on .. will always be selfish and will always ruin your life…. 

  This person who  grunts like a cave man because he cannot articulate any normal conversation… let alone  introduce any semblance of a normal and intelligent  dialogue… they type of guy who  want s his food  and cares about basic needs since he is not someone who cares the  arts.. . or self-awareness or has evolved in any way  past caveman status…..  who postures his relevance in the world by the  famous people he claims to be his friends.. Best friends of course….  and  prone to additions and elaborations to these fairy tales…  and never shows any excellence in character…  never  attempts to exhibit  any type of normal human emotion ( probably because he has no real personality or some  semblance of a personality disorder… like a narsistic     psychopath ….  Basically a total asshole.

To top it off.. when they  are  not that attractive and their personality is horrid.. they become absolutely repulsive….  Like any low life criminal scum….. Maybe it’s a third world thinking.. or acting…  believing   that girls are supposed to be  the  ones who are to do everything and anything. And somehow being born with a penis and not having the ability to do anything kind or thoughtful for anyone else unless there is an immediate pay off to them… for them… yep back to the self-involved and selfish narcissist…..  being  able to do anything  for anyone else .. Makes them somehow special.. I actually read in India they kill baby girls before they are born…. Can you believe   how horrid this is….  The belief that a  male is soo far superior that girls should not be allowed to be alive….

Not that these assholes give birth or  can  multi task and can work and keep a home and be highly educated… it’s a  stupid penis  is supposed to make them superior….. and this isn’t just in India and other third world  countries… Its all over…..  and wrong… sooooo wrong….. 

 I grew up in Saudi and the higher class people I knew who were Saudi, or from various nationalities… had manners.. had etiquette, had class/ style and were e brought up with generosity and   with decency… it ‘ your  basic asshole who uses people… yep back to the criminal element…  and low lfe scum…

 But back to today… listen up girls ..  don’t even waste time  money or  anything on assholes that are not even worthy of being friends…   I mean no cards no small gifts.. Don’t be considerate in any way shape or form… It’s completely against my nature… my mom was the person who taught me to  think of others…   she always got us small gifts.. made holidays special and made us feel loved.. Took time to listen and talk… and put together some amazing gifts. That were creative and thoughtful at the same time…    made our lives better and she taught her daughters to be the same….  I always gave cards and gifts.. if they were small.. Took time to spend time with friends and family….  One of those girl scout type girls.. Who tried to do the right thing..  unless someone has the same  values and morals.. and is as kind  or considerate as you are…. There is no need to go out of your way… I used to think it was the Christian thing to do.. you know show them the way… like in the news boys song.. “shine”… “ shine make them wonder what you’ve got

Make them wish that they were not on the outside looking bord… shine…. let it shine before all men .. let them see good works and then  .. let them glorify the  LORD .. …….  ( later in the  song…. ) “When you let I it shine you will inspire……”  I very mistakenly thought that  I somehow  I could show them how to be kind and considerate and  Christian… go out of your way to be a good Samaritan… turn the other cheek.. all the lessons you  learn as a child through your bible stories…   in the song shine… the words go something like….“ shine make them wonder what you’ve got

Make them wish that they were not on the outside looking bord… shine…. let it shine before all men .. let them see good works and then  .. let them glorify the  LORD .. …….  ( later in the  song…. ) “When you let I it shine you will inspire……” “..but I realized that instead of helping them it most likely will drag you down.. will ruin your life.. and will  lower your entire life…. So my view on the entire thing now.. just don’t do it… actually if I had known this  12 years ago… when my life was invaded by stupid horrid criminals… I might have saved soo much of my life… of my hopes and wishes and my dreams.. of my life… that these criminals and bullies  ruined…. … and they ruined it on purpose.. they had no remorse.. no regret.. and no apology….   its like the Stockholm syndrome… these people who you are supposed to trust… tell you they are  here for you.. but instead your life is being used by them for their  own selfish  and even at times criminal needs.. like they needed your  home … to use….or they needed your car to steal ….or they needed your  clothes to steal or wear.. or your jewelry to steal or your businesses to steal.. or  your idenity or your life to ruin .. so they can make theirs better…  knowing this and getting them out of your  life… early …… is the only way  to stop them before they really get their slimy hands into your life and into your  pocket book  …..or if you absolutely have to have them in  your life.. then protecting yourself.. and not doing anything extra.. because  sure as the sun rises.. they wll never return the favor.. they are not your true  friends.. they will never  ever help your life.. no matter how much they say they will… they lie…. They will cheat you out of your  life your   future..and  dreams .. and they will ruin holidays…. Like valentines day… or any holiday… for that matter…  and will never  even care that  that they ruined your  life..      


 I love valentines day a much as Christmas… and this last Christmas one person  made both of these days miserable.  I gave a gift, a small gift for valentines day to someone who is definitely not a friend…  not a gingerbread man.. not a man of integrity or excellence.. or possess any qualities that are admirable  or heroic…  but I’m stuck with his arrogant posturing… his selfish and self-centered   person…..  and it was my fault for trying to be nice.. for  giving gifts.. and I will never do it again…

These are the lessons from assholes that I have learned in the past 12 years… ( I thought this was a perfect time to put in this list:

  1. Do not trust anyone:  most people are not good and if you open yourself to them.. they will hurt you and your life  and your finances… and most likely will harm your family and friends…

  1. If you let or meet anyone who is a criminal  that opens the door for all their criminals friends  and family and will ruin your life… absolutely ruin your life

  1. That if you are nice , honest, caring, loving and  truthful..  watch out… you will undoubly have your life ruined by the people who prey on the nice and innocent and honest people…

  1. Once they have ruined your life you will never get it back….. and you will lose years trying…. but criminals seem to always win…at something.. just ask karne kahel the  bully who actually jumped upand down after making me cry and said she won she won….  

  1. Once someone steals your identity…. They will pass it to any of their criminal friends and partners and you will never  have your life back again!

  1. That god isn’t even big enough to protect you from criminals… once thy have gotten into your life and that even praying for three years evey day  using a prayer of a st jude novena . to protect you from harm… they can still hurt you….

  1. That once you meet /work for a girl who  screws another guys while you are watching her  three month old child.. she has no redeeming qualities…  and  she will ruin your life.. (and bully you  and   trespass and spread  lies … because   she is evil… and anyone cheating on her husband   has no redeeming qualities…  and will never stop  hurting others until she is dead.. and then probably not even then since she will raise her children to be criminals just like herself…) 

  1. That no matter what people say…. Bad people do not change….  People do not  change… a criminal is a criminal.. will think like a criminal and  act like a  criminal… a liar will always lie… even for small things…  or large tales.. they will always lie.. that a drug addict. Will always have problem with drugs and and alcoholic will always have a problem with alcohol and I learned that I don’t want any of those people ever in my life….  

  1. I learned that  it is not a Christian thing to  allow those type of people in my life when they only harm my life…  and I learned  I don’t ever want them in my lie.. they will only bring my life and lifestyle down .. and ruin any chance of ever having any of my hopes and dreams to come  true….

I’ll add on…. To the list of the horrid lessons I got to learn… I actually had someone tell me it was for my own good to go through horrid people and it would “toughen me up….”   Yep.. total ass who said that….another person who should not have come into my life…..