I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW AND WE WILL ALL CATCH UP WHEN I FEEL BETTER AND AM NOT CONTAGIOUS AND MATTIE IS DONE WITH THIS UPCOMING PRESENTATION. LOVE YOU! GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS! MOM —–Original Message—– From: mary jean ziska <[email protected]> To: mattie ziska <[email protected]>; mziska7 <[email protected]>; naplesmarion <[email protected]>; ejziska <[email protected]>; mziska <[email protected]>; lsrenshaw <[email protected]>; 6scott7 <[email protected]>; lrfarms <[email protected]> Cc: mary jean ziska <[email protected]> Sent: Tue, Feb 14, 2012 4:26 pm Subject: happy valentines day luv mary jean ziska …. hope you guys have better day than mine… so far its been rotten! Hi everyone, Hope you are having a better valentines day than the one i have been having… The start of this day was the worst valentines day ever…. haven’t cried on a valentines day for a while… but anyway… i got some really great dvd’s form the blockbuster that is gogin out of business..l so i will send them really soon…. a belated valentines day… of sorts… also a thnkg of you adn live you all very much and miss you very much… mattie and mom.. sorry you were busy today to take me up on my invitation of comming over for brunch..or lunch or dinner… or to visit… and get the gits i had for you…. i still have the strognoff.. and beef wellington cooking ..actullyteh beef still cooking…. ha… and i finished teh pancakes/crepes.. to freeze… i stillhave plenty of food and woudl love somem company… we can watch a movie or visit… remember mom you said you wished you had spent some more time with your sister and now she’s dead… ntothat i’m aboutto die or anythng.. i jsut learned form david stupays suicide… people are precious.. an dspending time eith them is so valuable… and nothing replaces the real love of the family who really loves and cares for you… nothing is ever even close… email if you change you mind… so now the score is 12 years.. no gingerbreadmen… ever…. ha horrid score right? well happy valentines day… luv mary jean ziska… A Tender Loving Care Service Marion Gregory Director [email protected] Mary Jean Ziska Assistant Director [email protected] Hi Mary Jean, I agree with everything Mattie said. It is almost 9 AM and my head is aching and full of congestion and I’m planning to go to bed! I love you very much!Maube we can celebrate when I feel better and Mattie has this coming weekend out of the way! Maybe we can all see that new Reece W.movie together sometime in the next couple weeks! Have a Good nite, sweet dreams! !I love you very much!!! MOM —–Original Message—– From: madelon ziska <[email protected]> To: mary jean ziska <[email protected]> Cc: naplesmarion <[email protected]>; ejziska <[email protected]>; mziska <[email protected]>; lsrenshaw <[email protected]>; 6scott7 <[email protected]>; lrfarms <[email protected]> Sent: Tue, Feb 14, 2012 4:36 pm Subject: Re: happy valentines day luv mary jean ziska …. hope you guys have better day than mine… so far its been rotten! Hi Mary Jean you are precious and I love you everyday and Valentines day. You are welcome here too of course. Sorry I have this deadline by the end of the week for this to be PRINTED for Allen’s trip to China. I can’ t help when work comes it is usually time sensitive. Maybe someday I won’t need to work so much but unfortunately it is my situation… nothing to do with not loving you as I have really enjoyed the time we have spent when I had much more free time. Come over here later if you get lonely as I know mom and i would like the company too and could still get our work accomplished. Too bad mom is sick too. LOVE YOU! xo mattie
Monthly Archives: February 2012
tuesday feb. 21st 2012 ( shark tank email )
Hi Everyone, Fri. February 17th 2012 @ 9:09pm Did you see shark tank tonight? Wow… a company started by a gril at ten years old… and by 15 she is a millionaire… and the business is with her sister and her mom…. pretty inspiring.. she had all the sharks fighting over helping her…. great show hope you see it… just shows what a a family can do when it sticks together to become sucessful right? i thought it was soo inspiring… hope you are all having a great eveing and great night… luv mary jean ziska A Tender Loving Care Service Marion Gregory Director [email protected] Mary Jean Ziska Assistant Director whatabtmary@yahoo.
Tuesday february 21st 2012 @3:31pm ( christian men email and book )
Man Alive by Patrick Morley With straight talk, personal stories, and powerful testimonies, Patrick Morley will help men leave spiritual mediocrity behind for good. “Most men want to leave a positive moral and spiritual legacy. Yet we know that in order to do that, we must be living out our moral and spiritual beliefs in the present. Man Alive shows how to make this desire a reality. I highly recommend this book to men of all ages.” —Gary Chapman, author, The Five Love Languages
Tuesday february 21st 2012 @ 1:52pm ( items no tyet designated by my mom in her will )
Items and memories that haven’t been divided yet and on paper by my mother for her will…. Like her china..and silver, and crystal….. also all the items from various countires that are I guess considered knickknacks… like the nuchkies from Napal… and the carvings form Africa…. And the
Tuesday February 21st 2012 @ 1:49PM ( THE MOVIE: it could happen to you)
It could happen to you…. The movie where a police man wins the lottery and gives half to a waitress… because he kept his promise… now that is a man who sticks by his commitments.. is honorable and honest and wow… a man of integrity… that is a real man of integrity…. Anyway… I guess when I wrote the gingerbread man story.. I really had hoped to meet a man of integrity of honestly.. a real man who was like a hero… but… no such luck… actually nothing even close… instead I had to deal with the bottom of the barrel… people who put me through horrid situations and horrid experiences….
I don’t even thin k they raise men like that anymore.. at least I haven’t met anyone like that in at least the past 12-20 years… I think my dad was a man raised to keep his promises.. and who would actually be someone who would honor an agreement like that.. where you live your life with integrity and honor… not like so many people…. Who are just out for themselves… who will hurt anyone.. to get what they need… the mentality of “ what’s in it for me….”
I think I was really lucky that I was blessed to be raised by people who taught me to be considerate… to be thoughtful… to be honorable… to be ethical…. But on the flip side.. being raised to be honest, and truthful and trust in people… that actually made me really vulnerable to the scum and con-artist and criminals who have ruined my life….. but growing up in an American community that was really safe .. a gated community in Saudi Arabia where we didn’t need to lock our doors… and since it was a dry county. No alcohol problems… and over all very safe an d no real problems to deal with…. No crime since it was a country with capital punishment… and it was really a pretty nice environment… so it was easy to be raised with values of the 1950’s…. an in a safe environment like the1950’s at least that is what my parent s told me…
I told someone recently about this movie “sliding doors” with gwenth paltrow.. where the plot goes through an entire” what if” scenario…. You know if you make this choice then these occurrences happen. But what if you had made another choice…
If I hadn’t been raised to be such a “good ‘ girl ..to always tell the truth.. or to be honest and generous.. or trusting… or had just never met any criminals…
My life would have been really amazing… what a waste what a shame…. No story book twelve years of sheer bliss… and a happily ever after ending for my story… ( like the story of my life… ha.. had a great beginning.. great middle.. but a horrid time for now… so here is hoping that things start looking up… and I can boast of god answering prayers… of true love still existing… and I can find that great gingerbread man… have a wonderful life… a great life…. Where wishes and dreams do come true…. But for now.. fixing the ….hell….. a bunch of horrid people made me go through… and trying to figure out if there are any great and honest people left in this world… who won’t lie to you .. steal from you and take advantage of you for their own selfish intensions…. Who honor commitments.. and who you can honestly trust… …. And who actually makes your life sooo much better just by being a part of your life… I can’t even tell you how lonely and isolated it has felt when you never meet anyone who actually could possibly be a real friend…. I’m not talking about acquaintances.. but those genuine real friends that you have a soul type friend connection .. who enjoy your company.. who has common morals and values.. and who actually is amazing… those type of people you just know you will know your entire life and who … would be available to help in an emergency.. in an instant… to help… no questions.. just real friendship….
I guess I miss that the most… the friendships.. long talks on the phone with real friends you know you are building lifelong relationships… and who you can laugh with ..who genuinely wants to spend time with you.. and who values you as much as you value them…. Yes… the constant contact with real friends… would have enhance my life sooo much…
Tuesday February 21st 2012 @ 1:46pm ( belated valentines day gift to mom went over what was in her will )
February 16th 2012 going to give belated valentines gift to my mom turned into us going through what she wanted to give her children in her will… she has told me that she now wants my cousin Gail Bodnar- Thomas to be in charge of her will instead of my sister Maura who was in charge of her will up to this point. I’m not sure if she will keep to her decision…. But we talked about items I grew up with and identiefied as items that he had told me she wanted me to have her entire life… or I mean my entire life… also items she wanted mattie to have and Maura to have…. I m us tsay my mom was really great aobut our hope chests… if you want to call it that… she made sure when she went on trips to carious countires that she got three items of almost everything for her three daughters…. And they were usually of siliar value and even similar quality so that there wouldn tbe any fightitn g or quarrels about anything…. An sshe always told when us she died “you can each get one of these….. “ not really in a morbid sort of way but just in a planning for the future type of way…. Well recently her sister, my aunt Emily Gregg died….. and when she want to go with her isters togo through allof my aunts possessions it mad eher decide to dolists again…. I was given a box of items in 1989….. and boxes of items…… pictures and various things I had made… things that were mine…. But never really any of the big items…. Even though it was always pretty well knows that Maura lived jewelry so she wanted my mom’s jewelry, mattie has always wanted her nievne carpet.. even asked her for it when we wer in the codo living on Vanderbilt beach… and my mom had promised her the carpets or most of tehm anyway fomr allher travels… and I had always asked for the kahsmire furniture…. As some of my fondest memories were when we went on trips to dahl kale and were in the houseboats.. and traveling to the carpet factory.. and the wood carved factory.. and the papermachet factory…. So she stated gogin thtough room by room what mattie has already asked for.. and what I wanted…. She said that Maura already had her items.. but I’m not really sure of that.. marua I know would want to have itmes form when we lived and grew up in Saudi… an dmementos that remeinded her of our childhood and of or life together as children and as a family…. Its kinda weird.. and I must admidt I ended up crying a few times when talking about her not being here anymore and of what she wanted me to have… Room by room…. In the entrance way… she told me I could have the large trunk she got from aganistan… and wmattie wanted the large picture that hangs int eh entrance way… a print form india tha is huge! She wants us to split the arab coffee pots.. she has 8 of them on a landig and one large on e upstairs in the living room that she ssaid I soucl have… The painting on the wall.. there is one fo a college thatwas mad emby mrs knight in suaid… really sentimental.. because it has alloru faces and pictures allover it… and is on this background wher it looks like the countrues we lived in … … I really wanted that but I thin kmy mom said she wants to give it to mattie… maybe we can share it..or I can get a print of it fo myself…. It is really sentimental to me..as it is really myfamily and all my travels.. and so many memories locked up in one painting… … there are other paintings lilek the hibols… that she has two of and wanted me to have one an dmattie to have one… then pictures in the hallway… of course we each get the portraits that my mom hasd made of us from Italy… when we were chilren.. and and she said the charcoal sketches already had our names on them… then she said the hummels no one wanted so I canould have them along with the Madonna that was in my babyroom… and my baby rocking chair ……once blue but now stained brown… in th e”white bedroom she said I could have the semi large brown matted n framed picture that is of lilke india… and men worshinping a king… and theother pint she has in her master bedroom also indian print of a woman dancing… then mattie wanted the print of the horses… also in my mom ‘s master beroom. She said mattie asked for the light had crved from afgansitan, that hans above the table… but mom said I could have the large hand carved table and th four tables that fit underneath …. As thecashmire furnituyre is wha ti has slwys asked for …. She alsosaid that since her bedroom furniture want matties’style. I couldhave that as well…. Wheich is allfrom horchow… and included a lage three drawer dresser, an armoire, and two side talbes and one dresser that matches…. I thin kshe aisdseven pireces in all…. Then she said I cud have the beach pictures tha tellen knoight painted.. but I told her that I really wanted the college instead… so we sill have to see….. abut that college of our family…. Maybe we can do some trading between mattei and myself…it gets kind aof tricky when there is only one of a kind items… that you can’ t get again.. and that mean so much sentimentally….. When we were sitting in her bedroom I started crying again….. and gave my mom a hug… and asked her if she was dying?.. or was there anything i needed to know…… she promised me that she was still in great health… and I didn’t need to cry or worry… but that she wanted to make sure it was written down about what she wanted each of us to have…. In the living room…. She hd promised me the large agra inlaid talbe that is housed in a table tha tis tha saem as the matching hand carved kashmire table and the entre sate furnitureset.. sofa, and two chriseith the two side tables… she said since mattie wanted the small candle holders and the hanging hand carved lamp… that she wodl give me tha tray and base legs that could house candles aalso from afgansitan… The one rug that she ssid I could have sice mattie had wantd althe other rugs.. was the blue and green rug that was under the satee… sofa and charis…. I’m not sure what or who gets the large screen that is also hand carved… so we will have to see about that… then the reis the dow pictures.. and the other African and Saudi pictures… that she has to decide who gets what… there are about 4 ro 5 tohers rugs that mattie has dibs on.. and she wanted the inlaid backyamman table… which is something I always wanted… so we will have to see aobut a few items.. She didn’t go over the carved things from Africa.. or even althe knick knacks that have been in our family forever…. There is a large glass table that she said I cudl have now… at least when everything is finalized with the condo and althe mess that has gone on forever….. everyone has used the fact that I have had my life destroyed by a bunch of criminals scne 2002 -2003 to prevent me from having anything or doing anything… that whoel fear factor… theat if I cant protect my own possessions then they wont give me anything for fear that these items willalso be ruined or destroyed or stolen….. it sucks… I was oram the victim..and am still beign punhes and prevented for even having my home decoreated th way iwoudl have wanted… or have anything valuable not locked up due to a bunch of criminals…. So for the past 12 years I have had to not only go with out anything new tha ti ever waqted or any par to f my life that I ever wanted… and had to go through haivn so much stolen that was sentalmentsal… and my history that some itdenity theif must ahce wanted…like pictures… and earingings that my dad had given me…. And so much more… that wer ruined by criminals… so having o go with out new furnityre.. and without my family’s inheritance …. I’ve just been dealing… Its actually nice to know ahead of time what my mom promises me…. Bu tsomem of the items that mttie claimed I also claimed long agao…. So we will have to see a fair waqyto devicde anything…. And I wantto make sure if Maura wants anything tht she is not left out… I even started crying when talkgin about Maura andwhat she might want for her and for her children…. This si our real history… oru ral life with my real family and family experiences…. So I want to ;make sure that everything is fair … and that she is abote to have memories from our family…. Soempeole think Maura is this tough lawyer.. who sint sentimental.. but as mysister I know she is an amazing person…. Ive seen her get sentimental … and ive seen heer kind and generous k heart… I ‘ve know my sisters my entire life and know how much they mean to ;me.. to my mom and tht memeories of our family and our childhood matter… Imean may be im the most sentimental… I still am angry over some girl stealing my babyblanket… and een the date function pictures that ere stolen … I guess to try to make some imposter seem to be legitimate… but thse fakes willnever know allthe behind scenese stories..they eil never know what areas looked like what smeels ..what tiny details that are involved that they will never know…
Tuesday february 21st 2012 @ 1:31pm ( email for ave maria law student as roomate)
Dear Miriam, Fri. February 17Th 2012 @ 9:28pm It was a pleasure meeting with you concerning my search for a suitable roommate. We discussed the requirements and i showed you the pictures of my condo. If you have any additional suggestions, please feel free to revise and assist in helping me to make a great ad! I am looking for an additional roommate to share my two bedroom two bath condo located in The Strand (located off immok. road.). In The Strand, there is a pool that is associated with the condo; there are walking paths for biking and running. The tennis, clubhouse and golf are accessible at an additional cost with either golf or social membership. It’s a beautiful area and a gated community that is located right by a plaza that has a grocery:(Publix), three banks: (Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Fifth /Third, ) and , various stores: beauty salons and mail center along with restaurants (Chinese food, Subway and Italian food ) and even close to a Shell gas station! The room that is available would be the den that I converted into a bedroom. It has a twin bed, two armoires one for hanging clothes, and one for folding clothes. It has a television and space for a desk. The floor is all tiled, neatly decorated and clean. The bathroom would be a shared bathroom that is separate from any of the bedrooms and includes a tub/shower sink and toilet. It is also tiled. The condo is approx. 1700 square feet under air, and consists of the kitchen, with dishwasher, stove, microwave, and refrigerator. An eating area by the kitchen, a tiled lanai, living area and is more like a large great room and laundry having both washer and new dryer. Most of the condo is tiled and the condo itself is located on a fountain/ lake that is private and located on the other side of the golf path. It has a two car garage but parking would be outside on the pavers. I am attaching photos of my condo so you can show any prospective students. As for a roommate I am looking for a nonsmoker, no drugs, not heavy drinker, quiet, studious person who has Christian values such as a person who is: honest, honors commitments, trustworthy, and treats people with respect. I don’t really have an age requirement but would hope that a law student would not be a partier both inside and outside of my home, would already have had a back ground checkand be someoen who could help with the security and safety of my home . If they have any questions they can feel free to email me: [email protected] or [email protected] Any students would want to move in between semesters that would be great! The room is currently available and ready for immediate occupancy…. And will be that way until I find the right roommate! I thank you for your kind attention to this email (sorry it turned out to be more like a very long letter!) I trust that a really great roommate /divine connection is out there and I am hoping it will be a great law student from Ave Maria! Sincerely, Mary Jean Ziska
great u-tube video for information on the new policies for compensaton on forclosures due to fraud
[email protected] has shared a video with you on YouTube:
Hi everyone, i just saw this and thought of mattie… did you know sh eis basically entiled to at least 2,000.00 per condo that hse lost… and she can still sue for all the misconduct by the people servicing mortages… maybe a miracle.. she can get her properties back…. since she has teh right to bring law suits if homeowners were mistreated..infact one of the examples was exactly what she told me happened to her… luv mary jean zisksa
Even as foreclosed homes — casualties of the housing bubble — still litter the American landscape, federal and state officials announced Thursday a $25 billion deal between 49 states and five mortgage giants designed to give relief to homeowners and hold banks accountable for abusive practices.
[email protected] has shared a video with you on YouTube:
february 14th 2012 worst start to a valentines day… @2:27pm
So this is valentine’s day 2012…. Must say thanks to a very obnoxious self-centered and horrid person it was the worst valentine’s day start ever! For a day filled with people who think of others and want to make others feel special.. and for love and cherishing the people in your life who make your life better… who actually really like you and love you… well I must say I have been crying for the past half hour… die to a personality of a horrid and despicable selfish and arrogant person who is now defiantly not a friend not someone I will ever think of … as a friend.. And who I will no longer ever waste one more moment of my life caring about. You know the type of guy…. doesn’t have to be a boyfriend… or even a friend.. Could possibly be an acquaintance.. or take a moment just while you are watching people… you will notice this type… this person who only thinks of himself and his happiness… always he talks about himself .. and does it out loud as if the world needs to know his every movement.. or thought… or how his day is /was… and how the world needs to now what he wants or needs.. like a computer or anew phone or a new car.. anything for himself… then he talks out loud about what his doing for himself… he brags and lies to pump up himself…. his life and of his wants and needs , no actually real concern for anyone else. Unless it profits him himself… he promises everything.. but never comes though with anything….and even when you know the promises are fake.. that he is one of those freaks who “talk at you” like he’s some crazy person… who in reality you will never have any real conversations.. never have any real friendship… or any real promises will ever come true… this is a person you will never be able to count on… for anything… even though you know these things you actually somewhere in the bottom of your heart hope that this freak will actually act normal… but they /he or she will never act normal… will never be anyone you can count on .. will always be selfish and will always ruin your life…. This person who grunts like a cave man because he cannot articulate any normal conversation… let alone introduce any semblance of a normal and intelligent dialogue… they type of guy who want s his food and cares about basic needs since he is not someone who cares the arts.. . or self-awareness or has evolved in any way past caveman status….. who postures his relevance in the world by the famous people he claims to be his friends.. Best friends of course…. and prone to additions and elaborations to these fairy tales… and never shows any excellence in character… never attempts to exhibit any type of normal human emotion ( probably because he has no real personality or some semblance of a personality disorder… like a narsistic psychopath …. Basically a total asshole. To top it off.. when they are not that attractive and their personality is horrid.. they become absolutely repulsive…. Like any low life criminal scum….. Maybe it’s a third world thinking.. or acting… believing that girls are supposed to be the ones who are to do everything and anything. And somehow being born with a penis and not having the ability to do anything kind or thoughtful for anyone else unless there is an immediate pay off to them… for them… yep back to the self-involved and selfish narcissist….. being able to do anything for anyone else .. Makes them somehow special.. I actually read in India they kill baby girls before they are born…. Can you believe how horrid this is…. The belief that a male is soo far superior that girls should not be allowed to be alive…. Not that these assholes give birth or can multi task and can work and keep a home and be highly educated… it’s a stupid penis is supposed to make them superior….. and this isn’t just in India and other third world countries… Its all over….. and wrong… sooooo wrong….. I grew up in Saudi and the higher class people I knew who were Saudi, or from various nationalities… had manners.. had etiquette, had class/ style and were e brought up with generosity and with decency… it ‘ your basic asshole who uses people… yep back to the criminal element… and low lfe scum… But back to today… listen up girls .. don’t even waste time money or anything on assholes that are not even worthy of being friends… I mean no cards no small gifts.. Don’t be considerate in any way shape or form… It’s completely against my nature… my mom was the person who taught me to think of others… she always got us small gifts.. made holidays special and made us feel loved.. Took time to listen and talk… and put together some amazing gifts. That were creative and thoughtful at the same time… made our lives better and she taught her daughters to be the same…. I always gave cards and gifts.. if they were small.. Took time to spend time with friends and family…. One of those girl scout type girls.. Who tried to do the right thing.. unless someone has the same values and morals.. and is as kind or considerate as you are…. There is no need to go out of your way… I used to think it was the Christian thing to do.. you know show them the way… like in the news boys song.. “shine”… “ shine make them wonder what you’ve got Make them wish that they were not on the outside looking bord… shine…. let it shine before all men .. let them see good works and then .. let them glorify the LORD .. ……. ( later in the song…. ) “When you let I it shine you will inspire……” I very mistakenly thought that I somehow I could show them how to be kind and considerate and Christian… go out of your way to be a good Samaritan… turn the other cheek.. all the lessons you learn as a child through your bible stories… in the song shine… the words go something like….“ shine make them wonder what you’ve got Make them wish that they were not on the outside looking bord… shine…. let it shine before all men .. let them see good works and then .. let them glorify the LORD .. ……. ( later in the song…. ) “When you let I it shine you will inspire……” “..but I realized that instead of helping them it most likely will drag you down.. will ruin your life.. and will lower your entire life…. So my view on the entire thing now.. just don’t do it… actually if I had known this 12 years ago… when my life was invaded by stupid horrid criminals… I might have saved soo much of my life… of my hopes and wishes and my dreams.. of my life… that these criminals and bullies ruined…. … and they ruined it on purpose.. they had no remorse.. no regret.. and no apology…. its like the Stockholm syndrome… these people who you are supposed to trust… tell you they are here for you.. but instead your life is being used by them for their own selfish and even at times criminal needs.. like they needed your home … to use….or they needed your car to steal ….or they needed your clothes to steal or wear.. or your jewelry to steal or your businesses to steal.. or your idenity or your life to ruin .. so they can make theirs better… knowing this and getting them out of your life… early …… is the only way to stop them before they really get their slimy hands into your life and into your pocket book …..or if you absolutely have to have them in your life.. then protecting yourself.. and not doing anything extra.. because sure as the sun rises.. they wll never return the favor.. they are not your true friends.. they will never ever help your life.. no matter how much they say they will… they lie…. They will cheat you out of your life your future..and dreams .. and they will ruin holidays…. Like valentines day… or any holiday… for that matter… and will never even care that that they ruined your life.. I love valentines day a much as Christmas… and this last Christmas one person made both of these days miserable. I gave a gift, a small gift for valentines day to someone who is definitely not a friend… not a gingerbread man.. not a man of integrity or excellence.. or possess any qualities that are admirable or heroic… but I’m stuck with his arrogant posturing… his selfish and self-centered person….. and it was my fault for trying to be nice.. for giving gifts.. and I will never do it again… These are the lessons from assholes that I have learned in the past 12 years… ( I thought this was a perfect time to put in this list: I’ll add on…. To the list of the horrid lessons I got to learn… I actually had someone tell me it was for my own good to go through horrid people and it would “toughen me up….” Yep.. total ass who said that….another person who should not have come into my life…..
it could happen to you… movie and comments
real friends that you have a soul type friend connection .. who enjoy your company.. who has common I don’t even thin k they raise men like that anymore.. at least I haven’t met anyone like that in at least the past 12-20 years… I think my dad was a man raised to keep his promises.. and who would actually be someone who would honor an agreement like that.. where you live your life with integrity and honor… not like so many people…. Who are just out for themselves… who will hurt anyone.. to get what they need… the mentality of “ what’s in it for me….” I think I was really lucky that I was blessed to be raised by people who taught me to be considerate… to be thoughtful… to be honorable… to be ethical…. But on the flip side.. being raised to be honest, and truthful and trust in people… that actually made me really vulnerable to the scum and con-artist and criminals who have ruined my life….. but growing up in an American community that was really safe .. a gated community in Saudi Arabia where we didn’t need to lock our doors… and since it was a dry county. No alcohol problems… and over all very safe an d no real problems to deal with…. No crime since it was a country with capital punishment… and it was really a pretty nice environment… so it was easy to be raised with values of the 1950’s…. an in a safe environment like the1950’s at least that is what my parent s told me… Anyway… I guess when I wrote the gingerbread man story.. I really had hoped to meet a man of integrity of honestly.. a real man who was like a hero… but… no such luck… actually nothing even close… instead I had to deal with the bottom of the barrel… people who put me through horrid situations and horrid experiences…. I told someone recently about this movie “sliding doors” with gwenth paltrow.. where the plot goes through an entire” what if” scenario…. You know if you make this choice then these occurrences happen. But what if you had made another choice… If I hadn’t been raised to be such a “good ‘ girl ..to always tell the truth.. or to be honest and generous.. or trusting… or had just never met any criminals… My life would have been really amazing… what a waste what a shame…. No story book twelve years of sheer bliss… and a happily ever after ending for my story… ( like the story of my life… ha.. had a great beginning.. great middle.. but a horrid time for now… so here is hoping that things start looking up… and I can boast of god answering prayers… of true love still existing… and I can find that great gingerbread man… have a wonderful life… a great life…. Where wishes and dreams do come true…. But for now.. fixing the ….hell….. a bunch of horrid people made me go through… and trying to figure out if there are any great and honest people left in this world… who won’t lie to you .. steal from you and take advantage of you for their own selfish intensions…. Who honor commitments.. and who you can honestly trust… …. And who actually makes your life sooo much better just by being a part of your life… I can’t even tell you how lonely and isolated it has felt when you never meet anyone who actually could possibly be a real friend…. I’m not talking about acquaintances.. but those genuine morals and values.. and who actually is amazing… those type of people you just know you will know your entire life and who … would be available to help in an emergency.. in an instant… to help… no questions.. just real friendship…. I guess I miss that the most… the friendships.. long talks on the phone with real friends you know you are building lifelong relationships… and who you can laugh with ..who genuinely wants to spend time with you.. and who values you as much as you value them…. Yes… the constant contact with real friends… would have enhance my life sooo much…
It could happen to you…. The movie where a police man wins the lottery and gives half to a waitress… because he kept his promise… now that is a man who sticks by his commitments.. is honorable and honest and wow… a man of integrity… that is a real man of integrity….