Monthly Archives: August 2011

Mnday August 22nd 2011 @2:21pm ( million dollar portfolio challenge is on again! i just signed up… it started on the19th…trying to catch up!)


I just got an email concerning the  msnbc million $ portfolio challenge today… but the contest actually started on the 19th… so i need to catch up I created the names of my 5 portfolios.. and will  finish  with the stock selections later… 

anyone  else playig along?  is it similar to the last challengers they had online? Anyone  interested in comparing stock selections, and discussing everything? 

I am always interested in learning…   here is the link to the million dollar portfolio challenge…



Register now for the CNBC Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge!

Monday, August 22, 2011 9:46 AM


Register today, for the biggest, richest Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge ever! Now with Real-Time Equity and Currency Trading, US, UK and Australia contest play and mobile access to your portfolios. This is your chance to win a cool $1,000,000, a Maserati GranTurismo Convertible Sport and 10 Exotic One&Only and Atlantis Resort vacations!

All you need to do is sign-in/register with a account; then on September 19th you can play with up to 5 portfolios, each with $1,000,000 CNBC Bucks to trade with in real-time; $100,000 for trading currencies and $900,000 for trading stocks and ETFs on the AMEX, ASX, LSE, NYSE and/or NASDAQ.

1st Prize: $1,000,000
2nd Prize: 2012 Maserati Gran Turismo Convertible Sport

Marquis Jet

Every week you’ll get a chance to discover ten exotic One&Only and Atlantis Resort Packages from around the world. Three night escapes for you and a guest to the following destinations:

Week 1: One&Only Reethi Rah, Maldives
Week 2: Atlantis The Palm, Dubai
Week 3: One&Only Cape Town, South Africa
Week 4: One&Only Ocean Club, Bahamas
Week 5: One&Only Le Saint Géran, Mauritius
Week 6: Atlantis, Paradise Island Bahamas
Week 7: One&Only Palmilla, Mexico
Week 8: One&Only The Palm, Dubai
Week9: The Cove Atlantis, Bahamas
Week 10: One&Only Royal Mirage, Dubai


Everyone who registers can apply for a free $50 currency trading account, courtesy of FXCM, our exclusive sponsor. Trade currencies with Real Money without giving up any of your own! Currency trading involves significant risk of loss.


FREE TRIAL OF CNBC PRO! All Contest participants get free access to CNBC LIVE TV and Real Time Global Market Data on your computer and Blackberry until 10/15/2011.

Get all your contest updates on our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages: FacebookTwitterYouTube


Please note that [email protected] is an unmonitored mailbox. To unsubscribe click here

Cape Town, South Africa
Week 4: One&Only Ocean Club, Bahamas
Week 5: One&Only Le Saint Géran, Mauritius
Week 6: Atlantis, Paradise Island Bahamas
Week 7: One&Only Palmilla, Mexico
Week 8: One&Only The Palm, Dubai
Week9: The Cove Atlantis, Bahamas
Week 10: One&Only Royal Mirage, Dubai


Everyone who registers can apply for a free $50 currency trading account, courtesy of FXCM, our exclusive sponsor. Trade currencies with Real Money without giving up any of your own! Currency trading involves significant risk of loss.


FREE TRIAL OF CNBC PRO! All Contest participants get free access to CNBC LIVE TV and Real Time Global Market Data on your computer and Blackberry until 10/15/2011.

Get all your contest updates on our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages: FacebookTwitterYouTube


Please note that [email protected] is an unmonitored mailbox. To unsubscribe click here


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Sat. August 20th 2011@ 9:36pm ( yesterday… “american girl in Italy” : 60 years later

  I had a print i bought when first moved in to my own apartment  ages ago.. you know the kind the black and white print  that goes with everything….   in fact my entire decorating for the living room of that apt. with  wood floors…. was a minimal istic and a bit on the modern. side of design… I even painted a brick wall…  to give it that loft appeal… well one of my prints was the “American Girl in Italy”…. and another one was  Robert Doisneau  “Le Baiser de L’hotel de ville Paris 1950”.  I had a magazine article pasted on the back of the le Baiser de L’hotel de ville Paris 1950 that i believe  had an interesting back story to the picture.. but it somehow go tlos when it was in storage… but yesterday to my delight,  there were some really fun articles  on  the internet all about the  60th anniversary of the American Girl in Italy…   
here are some of them….

Sat. August 20th 2011 @ 3:07pm ( Do Something Awards… was on August 18th 2011 on VHI)

 Absolutely loved it…. the “Do Somehting Awards”…

finally something positive..  recognition  for making a positive difference…..

especially liked Sophia Bush  speech…  when she won…. 
she believed that we can all make a difference in so many areas of this world…. and in our own lifetimes….  nice thought… really nice thought…. she actually was really articulate.. and her speech..i think it was the best of the evening…..  

one guy actually came up with an idea  for gathering food clothing etc. that people wer egogin to get rid of when they were moving.. and give that food to a food bank… brilliant…  

another woman….a young widow  created a foudnation to help other young widows… 

people who  wer famous and other s who wer enot famous.. who went out of ther way to make a difference…. to make a positive difference…  and the difference changed people’s lives… WOW>>>  why can’t everyone  do something… 

I feel quilty that these last eight years i had to deal with a bunch of criminals an d the havic they left in my life..  I wish i could  have accomplished all that i had wanted in my own personal goals.. but could have…..

done some of the ideas that i had wanted.. like,  to help others with business… like helping  people create sucessful businesses… within an organization that could    mentor and help to make sure the businesees had business plans.. and all the necessary elements that make a busiess sucessful…. then wouldn’t it be great if it was like a pay it forward system… and then others assisted in helpng others to make sucess.. and that success gives back…
when there was so much  to do… it just takes a great idea and    
Just a thought…. instead of allowing criminals to harm lives, families…  and businesses…

Just a thought….  shouldn’t award cermony’s that actually award people for making a positive difference… wouldn’t  it be  great if these awards were as large as of say the academy awards…  or the oscars…. maybe someday….  

“The 2011 Do Something Awards, which taped last week in Los Angeles, aired Thursday night (Aug. 18) on VH1. Here are some highlights in case you missed any of it!

 And here is a complete list of the winners:

Do Something! Award: Sarah Cronk
Do Something Athlete: David Beckham
Do Something Charity Song: “Make A Wave” Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas
Do Something City: New York City
Do Something Docu-Style: “Waiting For Superman”
Do Something Comedian: Will Ferrell
Do Something Movie Star: Olivia Wilde
Do Something Music Artist: Justin Bieber
Do Something Reality TV Show: “America’s Best Dance Crew”
Do Something Style: Tyra Banks
Do Something Concert: Taylor Swift’s Speak Now Tour To Benefit Tornado Victims
Do Something Festival: Coachella
Do Something Couple: Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert
Do Something TV Show: Glee
Do Something TV Star: Demi Lovato
Do Something Twitter: Sophia Bush
Do Something Facebook: Robin Hood Foundation/Lady Gaga Giveaway



Sunday August 14th 2011 ( last chance for God and his miracles… and sorry to say… he failed…)

I am sorry to report… two years of praying to St.Jude for protection from harm… for  a huge financiel miracle… well no prayes were answered no miracles occured…. 

I am a bit frustrated… and very disapponted…. in these past 8 years…. in a lot of horrible expereinces that it should have never had to go through… and of the friends and family members who not only haven’t contacted me..or helped me… but have pretty much abandoned me…  
yes i am frustrated…. and disappointed…. and yes  probably everyone and their brother prays for  some sort of miracle.. at at one point in time i had people trying to convince me that not evreyone gets a miracle… or that these  really stupid incidents were miracles… like having to deal with a crook  and a screwed up mortgage… and a broker who stole $3000.00 ( in some twisted way they were trying to convicne me that is a miracle…  Not my idea of a miracle…  )

defination of a miracle:

anyway…. its not like i  was delusional  and thought that god himself was going  to  come down from some clouds… and  banish all the bad people using a lightening rod or anythng….  I just thought that some really wonderful blessings … would actually occur and woudl occur without  anyone threatening me.. or scaring me.. or  harming me or my life…

and   these miracles … would be real… not  some made up story  trying to explainaway another horrible experience…. with some lies and twists….. not some freak who is narrating an even or tryingto predict the events outcome… like anidiot who thinks they are an actor.. or some  freak who thinks they can manipulate a life …my life and   then not be responsible for the aftermath… the consequences….  

I known some or most of  the idiots (the bullies… and  girls who were lying… and/are  stealing babysitting jobs or just manipulating things ….  )   the same peole i had to deal with  on the phone who don’t always have my best interest at heart…  
I’m just tired of them  “winning”…..( go ask karen kahel.. or any of the mean girls… what it must feel liek to bully and to ruin rlives and businesses…. and they call it winning…)

I guess I thought God was supposed to be bigger than that….  bigger than a hacker  who steals phoen messges… or a thief who seal files… for a busines… or an idenity  theif who steals clothes or jewlery…. 

 that God wasn’t some wealthy guy or girl or family who actully had to “sponser your life”…. ( that  is how it feels now.. that unless you have money and soembody who approves of your actions .. you really don’t  get anythng you want doesnt matter how much you work.. what choices you make.. people will make decisions  based on what they want  your life to be like… and then you have to deal with the consequences… 

for example… i dislike Walmart.. and mc donalds.. and other businesses… and i had a fake mom on the phone… basically  giving a play by play of her directions using the plaes i dilike as lanmarks.. as if she were marketing those establishments.. and as if me or my family actully go to those establishments….  whcih i dont like… then i get this really poor family on the phone who does like mc donalds… or whatever… its like in the truman show..when the wife  was trying to sell these products by using them…. it’s  freaky and unnatural.. and seems so fake…..

also…. by putting someone thorugh hell ( I unfortunately became the peson who was somehow chosen to go through hell…. )  then i am supposed to just bounce  back and not only pretend that it never happend or affected my life… but i am supposed to “deal with it”  and figure out how to fix the mess they made… So where is God in all of this… . he seems to be absent… his blessings seem to go to anyone who can steal them… or lie and cheat and steal….  because being honest hasn’t helped me one bit.. telling the truth.. working hard.. and  planing for a great future.. nope… no miracles…. when you are acutlly telling the truth….  and praying for them… or expecting them ….it goes to someone younger.. prettier.. thinnner.. and who can manipulate lives…. or who can steal without it bothering them…  what a shame…. i actually thought i coudl give this big testimony… of how God answers prayers…   how having faith for 8 years… and prayeing a St Jude novena for two years actully will work eventually  it will owrk… but i am really sorry to say … i cannot… as o ftoday.. i can not… this real life… average perosn.. can honestly say…. that i will still be going to court to try to make  sure i keep my home….. this tuesday… then going through more hell after that… so much  for positive thinking .. prayers.. and God’s miracles….  

i guess althe negative people were rigt…. and I guess i was right.. i didnt matter…..     

and if that is true.. then there really isn’t a god… just a bunch of people who  use people like puppets….  and if that is the case.. what the hell have i been dong praying to a being that might not even exist? Who doesn’t   seem to answer prayers… and who doesn’t even  seem to care one way or another….   

I mean did mark zuckerberg ( facebook)  pray to  God?  or
 Bill Gates did he pray? or what about Warren buffet? …. Does anyone know if he prays? I havent really heard that anyof the billionaires actualy prayed… they just  became succcessful  perhaps without  having  to pray.. so what exactly  does prayer do?  

no priests I have spoken to lately have  told me of examples of miracles happening though prayer…  i meet a lot of mesed up people who pray… and  people who have problems who pray…. but the really succesful  happy people…. who have more  than enough of everythng… do they have to pray?  

Does anyone have any real answeres?

to end this blog on a positve and funny note….  the joel osteen  joke was funny today….  about a catholic school ( i thnk) anyway there was a lunch line…  and a nun had written  a note on the bowl of apples… ( jsut take one…God is watching) ..further down the lunch line a child had writen a note on the choc. chip cookies…. take all you want.. God is watching the apples…. HA!  

Fri August 05th 2011 @ 11:27pm ( quote from joel osteen website adn blog post )

” Today if you feel like everything is against you , instead of considering  our circumstances , consider your God.  He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you could  ever ask, think or imagine.He has plans are for your good and he can make a way where there seems to be no way- Look to him, trust him, hold fast to what he’s placed in your heart because he is working behind the scenes Just like  Abraham you’ll see every dream and desire fulfilled for  the Glory of God!”

Wow,  Now that is a positive quote from joel osteen.. actualy most of his blog posts are so very positive… today i had a call from a person  in his ministry…. and she said an amazing prayer….  thanking God for his blessings.. and such a positive, unwavering  belief that her prayer would be answered… that God would and could  answer our prayers…

recently i have had so many people who have wanted me to believe  for less… to dream less.. to want  less… and  its so different than when you have your  supportive and loving family and  friends  around …..   having a bully call twice on the  phone tonight…     made me a bit worried that i would have to go through all sorts of hell again…  but i immediately called  the  police  and wanted to put a stop to it right  away….. and that is how i feel about the people who really aren’t my true friends… or family… who could  care less about me…  or my happiness…

then i read the quote by  joel osteen… and hope and pray that one day.. i can brag that evil was defeated… that a criminals who are intent on committing fraud by manipulating…were not only stopped from  harming me.. but stopped permanently….. and that i can be blessed… i mean really blessed… with all that i ever wanted…  family, friends, beautiful home, great, successful business….  everything…  even everything the scum has stolen these last 8 years….

For some reason and i don’t know why.. but so many catholic people are afraid to believe that god can really allow them to be really happy… to have it all…  i was told by father kelly that  joel osteen was like a santa clause preacher…    but what  is so wrong  with santa clause?…..   why can’t  we have it all…. be happy… have a great family, a successful business… beautiful home, and great friends… and even have all your wishes and dreams come true?  I mean santa clause… what a great guy… gift giver… bringing joy and merriment… laughter and presents.. the fulfillment of hopes and dreams… of wishes and all that is great and wonderful… why can’t God be like that?…. full of love and……

I like hearing that all  things are possible…   i guess that is why i like when father john ludden says  ” without a shadow of a doubt”…. it makes me fees that there are  certainties… that without a shadow of a doubt….
god is an absolute…  one true thing…

I had someone today tell me that  everyone wants to win the lottery… or have a miracle of their own..and tha god  will not or does not  answer all prayers…  they put  hope and god and dreams all  in a very small box…
so i asked them…. if god wont answer my prayers… was it because i wasn’t  tall enough? thin enough… blond enough?  or prayed long enough? not sincere enough? cry enough?  what criteria will allow a prayer to be answered… or not  answered….. anyone have an answer? …..

If there is no true and certain answer why my prayes cant be answered.. then i guess i can believe that all things are still possible…
luke 11:9:  “So I say to you , ask and it will be given to you see and  you will find knock and the   it will be opened to you for everyone
l so i am still  anticipating that prayers will be answered…. so lets see……

Fri August 05th 2011 @ 11:27pm ( quote from joel osteen website adn blog post )

” Today if you feel like th edds are against you , instead of considering  our circumstances , consider your God.  He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you coudl ever ask, thinkor imagine.Heis plans are for your good and he can make a way where the r seems to be no way- Look to him, trust hm, hold fast to what he’s placed in your heart because hi is working behind the scenes Just liek abraham youll see every dream and desire fulfilled t  the flory of God!” 

Wow,  Now that is a positive quote from joel osteen.. actualy mos tof his blog posts are so very positive… today i had a call from a person  in his ministry…. and she said an amazing prayer….  thanking God for his blessings.. and such a positive, unwavering  belief that her prayer would be answered… that God would and could  answer our prayers… 
recently i have had so many people who have wanted me to believe  for less… to dream less.. to want  less… and  its so different than when you have your  supportive and loving family and  friends  around …..   having a bully call twice on the  phone tonight…     made me a bit worried that i woudl have to go through all sorts of hell again…  but i immeditatly called  the  police  and wanted to put a stop to it right  away….. adn that is how i feel about the peole who really arent my true freinds… or family… who could  care less about me…  or my happiness…  

then i read the quote by  joel osteen… and hope and pray that one day.. i can brag that evl was defeated… that a criminals who are intent on committing fraud by manipulating…were not ony stopped frm  harming me.. but stopped permenently….. and that i can be blessed… i mean really blessed… with all that i ever wanted…  family, freinds, beautiful home, great, sucessful business….  everythng…  even everything the scum has stolen these last 8 years….

For some reason and i dont know why.. but so many catholic people are afraid to beleive that god can really allow them to be really happy… to have it all…  i was told by fatehr kelly that  joel osteen was like a santa clause preacher…    but what  is so wrong  with santa clause…..   why can’t  we have it all…. be happy… have a great familly a successful business… beautiful home, and great friends… and even have all your wishes and dreams come true?  I mean santa clause… what a great guy… gift giver… bringing joy and merriment… laughter and presents.. te fulfilment of hopes and dreams… of wishes and all that is great and wonderful… why can’t God be like that?…. full of love and……
I like hearing that all  things are possible…   i guess tha tis why i like when father john ludden says  ” without a shadow of a doubt”…. it makes me fees that there are  certainies… that without a shadow of a doubt….
god is an absolute…  one true thing…  

I had someone today tell me that  everyone wants to win teh lottery… or have a miracle of ther own..andtha god  will not or does not  answer allprayers…  they put  hope and god and dreams all  in a very small box…
 so i asked them…. if god wotn anser myprayers… was it because i wasn’t  tall enough? thin enough… blond enough?  or prayed long enough? not sincere enough? cry enough?  what criteria will allow a prayer to be answered… or not  answered….. anyone have an answer? …..

If ther is no true adn certain answer why myprayes cant be answered.. then i guessi can believe that all things are still possible…  

luke 11:9:  “So I say to you , ask and it will be given to you seek adn you will find, knock and  it will be opened to you for everyone who asks receives, ad he whoseeks finds andto hm whoknowcks it will be opened…. 

  l so i am still  anticipating that prayers wil be answered…. so lets see……


August 5th 2011 @7:42pm ( difference in prayers….)

Dear Pepsi,      Fri. August 5th 2011 @ 7:06pm

Thank you for including me for your prayer request list.  I ask that you honor my request and my specific prayers for a huge financial miracle and for protection from all harm.  I could  go into specifics concerning the protection however you have read my website and blog of and I am sure you are well aware of the harm that a group of con artist have already done to my life. 


 Just as you have requested  (on behalf of  your other friends)  that their specific prayers for specific purposes/reasons be  prayed for…. I’m sure that everyone will  also honor  them in their  specific prayer requests  and  their specific intensions l….So i ask that you honor my request for my specific intensions: for a huge financial miracle and for protection from all harm. 


Two people I met at church, asked for prayers for specific healing of their specific cancers….so I  put them on my list for their specific request… and when you aksed for prayers for your daughter and her family, or even for father murphy.. I try to pray as specific as possible so God will hear and answer our  prayers…. I know he is supposed to know every hair on our head… and every wish in our heart…. but as a father…


like my father.. or mother  (who were  wonderful), I believe that God is big enough to ask him for anything….   I have so many times in my life  gone to my father with a specific request… or wish… and  my father  would  never think of giving me a stone instead of  bread ….. if  bread  is what I asked for…..  


Luke 11:11:  ” If a son asks for  bread  from any father amoung you will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish,  will he give him a serpent instead of a fish?  Or if he asks for an egg will he offer him a scorpion?  If you then being evil  know how to give good  gifts  to your children, how much more will our heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask him”  


I  received a call from joel osteen  ministry ( such a powerful, and positive  preacher) and the woman who prayed with me on the phone  didn’t hesitate to pray and aks for  my requests… of a huge financial miracle… and for protection from all harm….  and she wasn’t even catholic ..


  thank you for your kind attention to this email and to my requests for prayers…   I hope someday you will believe that God is a God of abundance… of more than enough .. that you can not bankrupt God especialy by asking for  anythng and everythng… and i beleive that God is not  in a box and limited… to only one miracle per month.. or per famly…..  like miracles are rationed…  or prayers are only answered on certain days and for certain  people…    I have a few prayer cards from church that  I though I would share with you. 


To our lady: ( my mom loves this prayer)

Lovely lady dressed in blue, teach me how to pray! God was just  your little boy tell me what to say! Did you lift him up sometimes gently on your knee? Did you sing to him the way mother does to me? Did you hold his hand at night ? Did you ever try telling stories of the world? O and did he cry?  Do you really think he cares if i tell him things, little things that happen? and do the angels wings make a noise? and can he hear me if i speak low? does he understand me now? Tell me for you  know? Lovely lady dressed in blue, teach me how to pray! God was just your little Boy and you know the way.  


Though my St Jude novena had not been answered yet…. It will be two years on August 12th saying my novena everyday…. i haven’t  stopped… i get angry, or furstrated.. or sad… and question why…. but i guess i stillhave enough hope and faith to continue,,,,  to pray for myself and others…. Wont it be great when i can finally say that God answered my novena?….. I cant wait to tell everyone…. when it happens….            
sincerely, mary jean ziska

A Tender Loving Care Service

Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515

Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director [email protected]

— On Wed, 8/3/11, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: prayer request from Pepsi
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 11:08 AM

My Dearest Friends;  Please pray for the following: the power of prayer & taking a few minutes to lift up someone is very pleasing to God. Thank you.  Take care God Bless  Love in  Christ & Prayers  Pepsi  sfo.  Keep in mind Thurs. Aug. 4th. 7 p.m. at St. William Church for a Mass & prayers for healing.    


Maureen Purcell  has Glaucoma (with pain) in one eye, please pray the Doctor will soon be able to release the pressure.


Linda Reilly  has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia it effects her nerves & muscles. There is no cure, but the severe pain can be managed with medication. 


Mary Jean Ziska has serious problems beyond her control. Her faith is being challenged.