since i didn’t get to speak with my mom last night about the movie taken i thought I’d just jot down some thoughts from my own experiences.. and from my mom’s insights in traveling internationally….. if i had been able to share some experiences.. I would have been able to reminisce to my mom about when we went to Egypt… this trip was only us girls and my mom…. and while we were there we got to see some sightseeing…including seeing the pyramids… in fact we went inside the pyramids… i have a few pictures of myself and my sisters in front of the pyramids… and i even have a pyramid in silver on my charm bracelet… while sightseeing.. we had the opportunity to go up inside the pyramids… my mom was a bit tired and at first decided to just rest and let the guide take us(myself and my sisters) up …. we stated on our way.and i guess all her maternal instincts kicked in… and she thought better of leaving three daughters with a strange guide.. and she caught up with us right away… as a friend of mine used to say…..Sheesh….. probably a smart move…
its traveling and visiting other countries that somehow makes people think they are impervious to crime.. but in reality .. it happens in all sorts of areas… and being aware and I’ve found… saying “NO” first… probably saved me from a lot of really sticky situations…. another situation when who knows what cold have happened… was saying no to the guys who wanted Lucy and i to go on this yacht in Monte Carlo…..Maybe it could have been harmless… but after seeing “TAKEN” what if it hadn’t been?
Even when Sondra and i were backpacking and had made it to Athlens… we had met this really cute blond guy who gave us a flyer and i think he even led us to a hostel… where it was horrid conditions.. and we later left..but had a hassle getting our passports back.. and what if it hadn’t been a hostel…. Sheesh.. i think i had some serious guardian angels watching over me for a great majority of my life…. and i am really grateful!
my mom was really diligent about informig us of safety tips… so much so that one year we gave her the book of’ worst case scenarios” and I think the inscription inside we told her she was born to even write a book like this.. she was preparing us for all the information in the book… and additional information…. all of our lives……. HA! got to say… my mom definitely gave me a head start when traveling back and forth from boarding school… when being on any of her trips to India, Africa or going anywhere in the world… and when i went backpacking…. and even when i was in school in France…. the information i learned early on concerning caution… and awareness.. and observing everything really was helpful… and even though it seems a bit redundant at at times if she hadn’t’ repeated information many times.. maybe it wouldn’t have stuck… and who knows what could have happened… so movies like “taken”.. I think are really helpful…and thank god have a positive outcome for a few of the girls in the movie…