Wednesday June 08th 2011 @3:00pm ( article from the wsj” so you want to use your iphone for work? Uh-oh ” o

So  while reading this article… i had some  thoughts on how this
could be used in even a small business like the babysitting business… i
had checked into the   prospect  of having sprint  phones used by the
sitters when Sprint had  additional phones  for a corporate account at a
rate of $10.00  i was hoping they could be used  for emergencies.. for
payments and for accessing the sitters …… this was in 2007 and
technology has grown in leaps and bounds.. so much so that  the
possibility of having phones as integrable parts of any business  could
be to a great advantage…

For example: 

1.  money and payments:   the possibility of actually  using a swipe
card reader  for payment is now pretty common place… in fact the
innovations of using apps and your phone as a wallet has been in
articles in the WSJ for a while…  i don’t  know  if all the  security
glitches have been worked out yet.. but what an interesting concept.. to
be able to not only  pay the sitter immediately but also to make sure
the moneys for the  business are put directly into an account as

2.  I really like this option of a remote clearing of information as
credit card info is so valuable that being able to  remove it from an
employee’s phone would greatly help with the liability and security
issues  for our business… 

3.  I was wondering as a side note whether the iphone would also be
able to  have an app.. that would not only  have a GPS locating device 
to know when the   person was at the location for work or  if they were
late… but also would be able to start the credit card process… when
they arrived… and properly logged into the account /app  …. then 
also  be able to  designate the  location and time of hours worked… be
able to   automatically calculate the  time worked and then  put the
appropriate moneys it the appropriate account and  verify with an email

4. the benefits of using an iPhone …. and even Skype or other
video  monitoring program would be a safety and added benefit for not
only the  sitter, the parents  and even the owner of he business….. 

I had these ans so many other ideas to increase the  benefits of
using a phone especially an iPhone… for business…. in so many 
varied businesses….. the applications are endless… and the
technology is improving each and every day… 

The Wall Street Journal

So You Want to Use Your iPhone for Work? Uh-oh.

How the smartest companies are letting employees use their personal gadgets to do
their jobs

The smartest companies are letting employees
use their personal gadgets to do their jobs. It’s an arrangement that
can benefit both sides but has pitfalls, too. Roger Cheng reports.

For lots of workers, the company BlackBerry just doesn’t cut it anymore.

As people pack increasingly sophisticated smartphones in their
personal life, they’re clamoring to use those gadgets in the workplace
as well. And many of their bosses are loosening up. They’re ditching the
traditional BlackBerry-or-nothing policy and allowing a wider range of
mobile devices, including tablets such as the iPad.

This arrangement can bring benefits for both sides. Businesses don’t
have to buy as many phones for employees. Employees, meanwhile, don’t
have to carry two devices around, and people who didn’t get a company
phone before can have one now.

But there are a lot of potential pitfalls, too. Few smartphones offer
the security features that the BlackBerry is known for. IT departments
also struggle with supporting business programs on newer mobile
operating systems such as Google Inc.’s Android. What’s more, allowing
personal phones raises a tough question: How much control does a company
have over the device? What happens, for instance, when somebody leaves
the company—and their phone is loaded with sensitive business documents?

Journal Community

The companies that have seen the most success
are giving their employees the most freedom—but are also seeking a
higher level of accountability. They’re asking that workers take
responsibility for keeping the device safe by managing passwords and
complex security functions, as well as shouldering part of the cost.

“Companies that are being successful are moving away from dictatorial
approach to a shared-responsibility model,” says Ken Dulaney, an
analyst for research firm Gartner Inc.

Here’s a look at some of the smartest strategies that companies are using to maintain the balance.

Locking and Deleting

Most companies start with a very basic
line of defense: insisting that workers use the password feature found
in every smartphone. The password prevents other users from accessing
any of the phone’s basic functions, forcing most run-of-the-mill thieves
to erase the device to make it usable. That’s critical, because
employees will often store emails and attachments with corporate data or
information about future projects on their phones.

But passwords aren’t foolproof, and a technically savvy crook could
break through the defense. So, what should companies do for an extra
layer of protection?

Kimberly-Clark Corp. has a hard-line solution: If a phone is lost or
stolen, or an employee leaves, the company erases the device remotely.

The company began allowing employees to use their personal
smartphones to access their corporate email accounts in December. Since
the change in policy, roughly 300 employees have connected their
personal smartphones to their work email accounts, according to Ramon
Baez, chief information officer for the company.

“Since these are small devices and are easily misplaced or stolen, it
is vital for a company to have the ability to wipe company-sensitive
information,” says Mr. Baez. The company will wipe a device as soon as
it is reported lost, or if the user reaches the maximum number of
attempts with an incorrect password.

Of course, a remote erasing also deletes any
personal information on the phone, such as contact numbers and family
photos. But the threat of losing all that may help make people more
vigilant about keeping track of the phone.

Still, the practice isn’t foolproof, because a phone needs to be
connected to a cellular network to be wiped. Mr. Baez is working on a
“self destruct” option that would automatically erase a phone in case
it’s lost and disconnected for an extended period of time.

And the practice doesn’t work everywhere. In China and South Korea,
employers by law aren’t allowed to erase the personal data on their
workers’ phones, according to Mr. Baez. So, he doesn’t allow employees
in those countries to use personal devices in the workplace.

Walling Off Data

Sometimes it’s not enough to erase data
after a phone is out of a worker’s hands. Companies in a range of
industries—such as medicine or finance—have to do a lot more to protect
sensitive data while employees are still using the devices. Medical
companies, for instance, have to follow rules under the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act that protect customer data. In some
cases, that means having patients’ information on a regular personal
cellphone isn’t permitted.

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. uses software from Good Technology
Inc. to carve out a part of an employee’s device strictly for corporate
use. Guru Vasudeva, chief technology officer of Nationwide, calls the
portion a “secure container” within the phone that houses access to
corporate email, address book and calendar. Work emails and attachments
can be viewed in the container, but can’t be moved or downloaded into
the phone itself. If the phone is lost or if the person leaves the
company, Nationwide can wipe that portion of the device, leaving the
personal information intact.

Beyond the typical password found on a
cellphone, the container has its own password, and the data inside are
encrypted, says Mr. Vasudeva.

“We looked for a technical solution with the flexibility to allow
what [the employees] want, but at the same time meet all regulatory and
technical requirements,” says Mr. Vasudeva.

Dealing With Variety

Beyond security, there are lots of
technical headaches with workers using their own devices on the job. For
one, compatibility. With a wide variety of devices using different
operating systems, it takes lots of time and resources to build and test
a different version of the same application for every single one.

For the time being, most companies are trying to avoid those
headaches by keeping things simple. Workers who use their own
smartphones generally can get access only to the company email
network—not any other work software. The more complicated stuff, such as
apps that provide access to company software and databases, is
generally limited to the widely used BlackBerry platform.

J.D. King

Kimberly-Clark is looking to partners
such as AT&T Inc. to help it create a mobile-enterprise-application
platform. This relatively new technology allows a company to create one
app and have it run on all devices. For instance, a company could create
an app that accesses customer-relationship-management software in the
corporate database and have it distributed to all sales personnel,
regardless of their phones. By using the technology, the company “gains
the ability to effectively manage the cost of supporting many different
devices,” Mr. Baez says.

A Virtual Solution

Some companies are working on other ways
to give workers access to more than company email. They’re using a
technique called virtualization to let workers tap into a much wider
range of software. Companies put software, from providers such as Citrix
Systems Inc., on the workers’ portable gadgets. The employees can then
use that software to access their entire desktop on the device—and use
the same programs on the road that they use in the office.

Royal Dutch Shell PLC, for instance, is testing these kinds of
systems for use with tablets such as the iPad. Placing virtualization
software on employees’ personal tablets is less expensive than
outfitting them with company-purchased laptops, says Jay Crotts, the
company’s vice president of IT services.

Virtualization provides an answer to a basic question, he says: “How
can you increase productivity and allow more ubiquitous access?”

New Ways to Pay

Not all of the problems with smartphones are
technical. There’s also the matter of cost. Smartphone bills can be
steep for regular users—and most people want the company to kick in if
they’re using the phone for work too.

Companies that have embraced personal devices have also found ways to
reimburse employees for their phone use. Mr. Dulaney, the Gartner
analyst, says one common solution is to use a telecom expense-management
program, which allocates some expenses to the company and some to the

In some cases, companies pay for the whole data portion of the bill.
Some companies go further and cover the whole thing. The situations
vary, and depend on the type of employee and the type of company
involved. For instance, a factory worker who’s on call might get
compensated for voice but not data, while an executive might get fully
covered for the phone.

Nationwide gives employees who would otherwise have a company
BlackBerry a stipend equal to what their BlackBerry bills would have
been, which ranges from $70 to $100 a month. The worker has to cover the
difference. Employees who would not have gotten a BlackBerry are
responsible for their whole bill, since for them the access to the
corporate data is voluntary and considered a perk.

“We think it’s a fair deal,” says Mr. Vasudeva.

Mr. Cheng is a reporter for Dow Jones Newswires in New York. He can be reached at


So  while reading this article… i had some  thoughts on how this could be used in even a small business like the babysitting business… i had checked into the   prospect  of having sprint  phones used by the sitters when Sprint had  additional phones  for a corporate account at a rate of $10.00  i was hoping they could be used  for emergencies.. for payments and for accessing the sitters …… this was in 2007 and technology has grown in leaps and bounds.. so much so that  the possibility of having phones as integrable parts of any business  could be to a great advantage…

For example: 

1.  money and payments:   the possibility of actually  using a swipe card reader  for payment is now pretty common place… in fact the innovations of using apps and your phone as a wallet has been in articles in the WSJ for a while…  i don’t  know  if all the  security glitches have been worked out yet.. but what an interesting concept.. to be able to not only  pay the sitter immediately but also to make sure the moneys for the  business are put directly into an account as well….

2.  I really like this option of a remote clearing of information as credit card info is so valuable that being able to  remove it from an employee’s phone would greatly help with the liability and security issues  for our business… 

3.  I was wondering as a side note whether the iphone would also be able to  have an app.. that would not only  have a GPS locating device  to know when the   person was at the location for work or  if they were late… but also would be able to start the credit card process… when they arrived… and properly logged into the account /app  …. then  also  be able to  designate the  location and time of hours worked… be able to   automatically calculate the  time worked and then  put the appropriate moneys it the appropriate account and  verify with an email receipt.   

4. the benefits of using an iPhone …. and even Skype or other video  monitoring program would be a safety and added benefit for not only the  sitter, the parents  and even the owner of he business….. 

I had these ans so many other ideas to increase the  benefits of using a phone especially an iPhone… for business…. in so many  varied businesses….. the applications are endless… and the technology is improving each and every day…