Sat. May 21st. 2011@6:55pm ( found pictures of cousin… and dress from my grandmother…)

I was trying to Skype today to show my uncle some pictures i found of his daughter… Nancy… she was born 4 months after me… and was a really great person.. we became best friends each summer when we would get to see each other  on our vacation…  its nice having   close cousins.. and family… but Nancy was murdered so  i think these pictures  will be nice for my uncle ot see…  the think about Skype…  luv it I can  move around the camera so i was able to show him a picture of Nancy and myself when we were about two  years old !  …..

i haven’t been able to reach them today…  but in the process of finding some really great pictures.. i found some great pictures of a friend ( my confirmation sponsor… Mrs. Schmidt…. and her family when we were in Saudi… in fact a time when my sisters had ridden their horses down the Persian  gulf to our house in the  Aramco compound…

I also found a little blue and white hand crocheted dress that was made by my grandmother Gregory…  she was amazing   she taught me to crochet… to make a great apple pie… and to make potato pancakes…   so i may have forgotten the lessons on the  cooking.. and even a lot about how to crochet… . but i will never forget the ties we spent together….

I know its not supposed to be something  that is “cool”… here in America to be able to   knit or crotchet but i learned how to knit when i was at school in France… a woman named Petra was from Germany … a group of her friends could really knit… so i learned with their instruction… the only problem is that i started on a  sweater for my father… and   Petra left   before i was able to have all the instruction needed to finish the sweater…. HA!… my poor dad… a real trooper… to accept a gift that was not exactly wearable HA! 

I actually think the more you are able to do.. the more well rounded you are…. there is no rule that says you can not learn to do  a bit of everything… it just makes life a bit more interesting… but  I still have some items on my bucket list like learning to sail… and to fly a plane…    and to do a lot  before my time is over  in this life… which since we are still here… and it is 7:17pm… i guess  the world didn’t end… at least not yet…. HA!

i tried speaking with my mom about my grandmother.. but someone was too involved in a tv show… so no new info…