Monthly Archives: March 2011

Tuesday March 1st 2011 @ 12:20am…. ( what a day….)

Well as i started today writing all that occurred in the blog for : mysearch for justice.compost… it was a horrible morning( today)  finding out that some slimy girl/boy  decided to steal some of my sor. date function pictures…  many many tears… tears.. and anger… and so much hatred for imposters and fakes and actors and con artist.. and the like… really.. Who the hell do these people think they are?

… but tonight ..or actually another whole day…. right… after midnight… so today.. this early morning. …..i am exhausted.. my eyes are burning from crying.. and this whole website and blog feature got all messed up tonight… so al in all… not the best of days.. but the reason for all of it…  started yesterday…… so who is to blame for 48 hours i can never get back?
   or the pictures… am i going  to get back my life… pieces of MY LIFE!!!!!!! 

so as for this website…. and blog….the  spelling is different from  this past week when it was more like  correcting  a word document.. the little squiggly red line underneath the word you may or may not have mispelled……  a really easy way to correct as you go along.. but this blog right now… ugg  has these big yellow blocks and the word choices actualy usually block out the  sentence so it takes twice as long to  try to remember what you were trying to say..let alone what you were trying to type or spell…. anyway…  i was on the phone  twice tonight ….. blog was messed up as well as the  sign in or log in … and when trying to publish the posts was takign me right back to singing in again…… totally messed up…

But as i mentioned before i am exhaused.. so need to  get some  rest.. and try not to rember all the horrible expereinces… or people i don’t even know who hurt me…. my life…. my dreams.. and stole way too much from… me

but tonight and yesterday…. i guess i can attribute these horid events to what??? let me guess… 

maybe to keep me up set and busy……. at least that is what the white haired bully karen kahel would do.. to make me look bad while she woudl try to make her self look so great  at the expence of everyoen else… wehn she was tryign to impress some guy…. like tonght .. my fake mom was going to the airport to pick up someone   could one of the “whore to door service girls” be goign to  get ther next months service call??????

maybe it will be like when i babysat fo rthe one girl who left to go to vegas to go and get her next husband… Hummmmmmand of course.. in th eprocess ruin a famly.. and a business.. and a life…. my life adn teh thng is i never did anythign to these stupod ond horrible girls… i knwo they are not my family or my friends .. but jsut stay out of my life… and let me have my  real friends and family back!!!!!!! but as i wrote in the other post..guess they had to steal the life they never had… or willnever have … and gave me this cindrella existance… that is completely not the 7 years i had ever envisioned.. nro the 7 years i had ever wanted… . 
what horribel girls and boys.. may god never have mercy on ther souls and may they find real laws punish them for all their crimes….. and all their horrible and criminal and morally defecient t… and selfish ways…. and deeds… 

i wish i had never met any of these horibel people… i would have never had anything stolen… wouldnt have had my life destroyed…… all for a stupid girl to screw some idiot?????????  steal some more  items.. seal some idenities…  or jsut ruin some more lives?????… god i wish i had never had any of these horrile people in my life ever…..  they ruined my life and i hope there is a god in heaven who will bring justice .. since the police/sheriffs  force here in naples tries but cant seem to get them to stop…. and no one else actually take s it upon themselves to be moral or jsut and tell them to stop…. and this scummmm they have no deterrents.. so of course… beign devoid of any morals or values of decency… they wil continue to do what ever they please… whether it is hurt someone … or steal from  them… or ruin a hoiliday… or ruin any day… didint htye have any mothers or fathers who had morals??? or values?? how coudl they have grown to have none??? 

and will  no one will ever stop them from  all their their vicious and evil games that hurt real peopl’s lives… damm actors.. conartists… .. and scummm…….