monday january 17th 2011@ 5:27pm ( don’t mistake manipualtion for friendship)

so here is the new lesonof the week… actually a leson i keep being taught over and over again .. but i keep trusting people. and so keep forgetting this lesson…

sothis is it…

“Don’t mistake manipulation for friendship”

maybe no one is kept out of the way as much as i have been… or has had there lives completely destroyed by fake friends or enemies… and manipulative people who do not  care about anyone  but themselves and their own selfish interests…

maybe everyone out there in the world  has those real genuine friends who aactually want to  see others be happy.. who are honest…. and trustworthy.. who actally are true friends… i guess i am so unacustomed  to to having anyone in mylife who is not genuine.. who is nice because they  actually genuinelly like you.. and having real genuine friends you can count on and you can  actually trust…. 

It is always a shock to my system each and evey time… this breach of trust is broken.. the llies are revealed or the truth about th e manipulation is revealed… like when something is stolen from me… i go though this great emotional disappointment adn betrayal…. the dishonestly of some humans … i dont think i wil ever get used to it not really…. 
when youare a real person and you are lied to .. or manipulated.. it just  hurts…  and then you just  feel like such a fool…

i was babysitting yesterday  we were discussing truth and  honesty… when playing this eletronic game of 20 questions… and the ambuiguity of the answers… the choices  being either yesno or sometimes…  ( seems pretty straight forward doesn’t it?… well the boys wanted to trick the machine and when they knew the answers they wanted to put either an opposite answer or just  sometimes as the answer…  ( like obmitting the truth…. ) what do you think would constitute a lie.. or obmission of truth? i dont think it shoudl be subjective….  

…..unless you yourself only tell the truth …. yes…. no …. or sometimes……

anyway…. i dont lie or obmitt the truth… so…. hopefully i guess i keep hopeing that others won’t as well…. but it is always sooo disappointing when you find out they do….