october 15th 2010 (7:51pm)(hypotetical experiment phone with teh wrong people on the other end /missed wedding in switzerland)

Actually wrote this blog entry on October 1st while babysitting … .. while everyone else was at a wedding… seems to be the story of my life… everyone goes to all these weddings… the last wedding invitation i got was 6 months late… from a great family I’ve known for a few  years.. and it would have been in Switzerland… … weird isn’t it how i didn’t get the invitation….  If i thought someone had actually kept the invitation from me that would have been so selfish.. and so mean… don’t you think?….   Oh well… I had a great childhood someone once told me…  but I  bet it would have been great… would have been fun to look up a bunch of people i had once gone to school with in France… to check out Europe for a while… yes… would have been great…

But……. What if…. ( hypothetical of course..) what if an experiment occurred where you never got to speak with your friends and family.. I mean you picked up the phone thinking you were speaking to the people who love you,  who want the best for you, who have your back.. and who like you… I mean really enjoy speaking with you.. like hanging out with you …. like the way you think.. make you laugh and actually genuinely like you… you know…. real friends... genuine friends…   hell they love you… they would protect you for any harm.. some would even give up their life for you.. I mean those genuine friends… you can count on if there was an emergency at 4am… if you needed anything .. they would be there for you… no questions…  who know you to the core of your being.. ( do you have those people in mind the ones in your own life…) well… now say what if you pick up the phone expecting to be able to bear your soul with these trusted and beloved friends and family .. except someone to validate your life choices.. to be a  true friend.. and instead you get your enemy.. not just any enemy.. but a real evil enemy.. the kind who would probe you for your darkest secrets.. so they can use them against you.. or probe you for your wishes and dreams so they can purposely make sure that your dreams are destroyed… and what if it just wasn’t one person .. just one enemy.. but a group of bullies… or a family of your enemies… the people who would go to any lengths to discourage your dreams to make any choices you make into the wrong choices.. people who would make you look horrid and belittle you perhaps even bully you or harass you who had the power to manipulate your choices just by not allowing you to speak with your true friends.. or who had the power to ruin not only relationships but entire businesses… and opportunities… they had the power to ruin you hopes  and dreams .. to lie to you..to cheat you for your destiny.. basically to ruin your life… the power to manipulate your life in ways you could never imagine in your worst nightmare…

 and what if  these same people on the phone have this power over you.. where they can use it for making your life better.. use it for great and wonderful uses…  the power to better your life… but instead of using this power of communication.. of connection to people… they use it for their own selfish advantage… they isolate someone … they choose to ruin all the relationships all those years of building really wonderful relationships… of building real friends…. of sharing not only daily moments but hopes and dreams.. together with family and friends.. of even being able to connect with new people… and not just any people.. but people you would choose to give your phone number to.. because you enjoyed their conversation.. or you may like him as more than a friend…  and want to get to know him better…. you know those people you bring into your life… who you would  actually like.. who you would welcome into your life as real genuine new friends…  friends.. who you could begin  to build relationships with …

Is there or would there be a name for such people?  you know… some type of impostor .. someone who pretends to be a  friend but in reality is the enemy….other than ” frienemy” ( no idea if that is anywhere close to being spelled correctly… ) 

 but How damaging could such a manipulation be in one persons life?  How devastating and so invasive into a person’s thoughts and hopes and dreams… it is worse what?   reading  a personal diary to find out information some evil person can use it against another individual…  don’t you think? to not only find out that  your closest confident is tying to ruin you life.. and your reputation.. but not by mistake or some accident .. but actually doing the destruction of  a life on purpose.. with intent.. with the intent to inflict emotional pain or harm…  Harming you and tainting and destroying you with every conversation… you have with them… 

Would you ever be able to trust again?.. or love and be the same friend that you were before?
Would  such a betrayal ever be forgiven?

 Who would take responsibility for desstroying the origional relationships and friendships that were destroyed and lost… yes LOST … you can’t get back years of conversations… of moments.. of memories… just think about it… everything would be a lie…  the person victimized by this cruel joke… or experiment… would miss out on birthdays… on holidays… on everything that makes up a real and genuine,  wonderful,  life…all those moments that you can never get back…

 never ever… get to hold a spontaneous conversation/or enjoy a moment in time…  with a friend who tells you something funny and you get to laugh even though  they don’t think it is funny…  

the spontaneous moments in life that are real and genuine … that can’t be duplicated …  even in movies… or in writing …. they cant be captured.. not like real life moments….  moments that happen in real life sometimes cant be repeated and be made to look so real…. the point is they are a part of a real person;s real life…. the laughter the tears.. the memories.. smells…. sounds .. everything…

the relationships that existed  before this “joke” would be halted… the goals would or might be stopped or even worse yet be destroyed… the life and dreams that nver got to happen… just for substituting lies for truth.. and messing up conversations over the phone….

And as for the consequences or aftermath…  how the hell can you fix all the lies that were ever told.. history would be changed…. families would never be the same… the life you or your family were supposed to have would’ve been altered so much by so many lies… how could it be healed or fixed…. all the damage… what would be the actual cost of such deception….

O>K> what a horrible experiment what and absolutely worthless and  pointless way to ruin a life.. a family and relationships between friends…  just watched a bit of a movie the Reece Witherspoon and her husband.. or i guess now x-husband… where a bet is made between a brother and step sister.. a few bets actually… lives were ruined… gosh ..  what was that movie called… anyway… manipulation of anyone.. controlling another person’s life…. their vehicle /mode of communication… anyone’s life… their  moments /relationships/ controlling their destiny… all pretty evil /manipulated.. and horrid! almost seems to be a breach of a persons freedom… inalienable rights…  the pursuit of freedom and happiness… what is it .. life liberty and the pursuit of happiness…
Oh just  remembered the movie………………….CRUEL INTENTIONS>>>>>>>>>

 something to think about… right?  Could it really happen in real life…. is it happening now…