Just rented last evening from blockbuster…. eat pay love… I had been given the book ages ago and t be honest never read it .. then when the movie came out tho the theaters… had wanted to see it… but never did… and last evening … with my free movie reward in hand i thought why not?… watched it this morning while on the treadmill and since i have the rental for three more days probably will watch the other versions… theatrical or directors cut…. a few more times..
Lots more to say on the matter.. but will just for now put in a blog entry and finish later.. one note… i had wanted to travel to Europe with my baby sister this past summer… for a few reasons…
1. she had not as yet had the opportunity to backpack through Europe like my other sister and i had the chance to do..or get to have the opportunity to go to school in Europe…
2. we share a birthday… she was born on my 4th birthday and my mom leaving my party to go and have her is one of my earliest memories…
3. she became on of my best friends and i couldn’t think of a more wonderful person to share a wonderful summer…
4. plus it was to be her 40th birthday… my 44th birthday… neither of us had any children.. or any serious boyfriend commitments or even job commitments… so it was a perfect time… or would have been a perfect time..
5. its always more fun to go and travel with someone ….. traveling with a friend and sister… who has traveled a large portion of her life … ( is an experienced traveler / thinks somewhat like you… would want to stop at the same sites.. interested in similar experiences…) well.. it would have been a blast!
Alas (does anyone ever say that anymore?.. i think when you say alas. a deep sigh must also accompany it don’t you?… so here goes…. ALAS….AHHHH we didn’t go … i actually mentioned the fact my mother for the past 5 years had actually been promising a trip back to Europe… to France mostly.. i wanted to go back to school there ……wanted to refresh my french, look up old friends all over Europe…… and see the sights from a more adult perspective…. my mother had these miles rom her Nieman Marcus card.. think they are called world perk miles… or something similar…… (with enough miles you get plane tickets….. is my understanding).. so each an every year i would have a conversation with her about going back to Europe…. especially France….. one year my aunt Fran and my mother both wanted to go along.. and they planned to go to Lourdes.. the miracle site….. one year i even got as far as calling and speaking with all my friends in Europe telling them of my plans and finding out if they would be available so i could see them again…. another year we even called to see if the school was still there… and checked on classes and made plans…. but each and every time…. something happened and i never got to go…… now a days.. i often wonder if anyone got to go in my place… HA!
This was my idea… that we( my youngest sister and I ) and would get to go to Europe for the entire summer and blog about it … from different ages and perspectives… write about everything…. the people we could meet .. the sites to see… restaurants…. everything… trains planes and automobiles… maybe even a romance or two… gosh…. i think it would have been great fun… or if not a blog for ourselves… maybe we could write for a magazine… or a guidebook…. or even start an adult version of the LET’S GO series…. I absolutely loved those books…. when i was backpacking with an old roommate.. we had tons of fun going through the book… i can remember one time jumping on a train… not exactly sure where we were going… but once we found out… we looked up the town /the city… and a hostel… place to eat… what the town was noted for and had a wonderful time…
so if we didnt get to devise a bit more mature LET”S GO book… the perhaps i thought my sister and i could eventually sell our adventure as a story… or if we had enough events and experiences.. we could make it into a book…. HA!… yes i always have a pretty well thought out plan..not that i had the entire trip all mapped out or anything … but generally the purpose…with a side benefit of taking a great trip with my friend and sister … make the memories pretty permanent and to me this would be a great way to finance the trip as well… sell the stories…
Also, i might get to see many of my old friends that i haven’t had the chance to see is ages.. and along the way there would be an amazing adventure… wonderful memories and tons of pictures…. then as a side note perhaps we could sell some of our stories.. or if any videos of ours were great… maybe we could use them as a type of documentary… or at the very least a terrific home movie…HA!