So Bruce almighty has been on television almost each day this past week. It’s on again this morning….
So does anyone have any ideas of what they would do if given the chance to be God for a while… the righting some wrongs… and having all the material possessions that seems pretty easy and obvious… but i was thinking about it …. knowing the intentions of people… what they really wanted when then invited you somewhere.. or being able to tell when or if a person is lying.… when someone was manipulating your life for their own selfish intentions…. gosh.. wouldn’t that be great!…. knowing the future… and being able to make sure the people you love are safe form harm… and happy…. those gifts would be pretty sweet wouldn’t that be great!
Some other movies i loved and never got to mention…
Notting hill…. and point break…. sliding doors…. Bridget Jones… Oh… tons… I’ll mention later…. when i really love a move i end up buying it from blockbuster… then days you want to change your mood… just like great music… for me…. movies are great for a smile… ..