Monthly Archives: October 2010

Thursday October 14th 2010 finished at 7:34pm

Today I received a horrid /evil bully email! The second in two weeks defaming my character, my reputation and trying to ruin relationships with my family… all lies of course but damaging  just the same… put me in tears… and shaking and stomach hurting… needless to say.. horrid and damaging emails… but i mentioned in a previous blog entry… about evil and meting it face to face… there is a website i found called concerning epidemic of bullies in America- bullies primarily bulling children but what happens to these bullies when they grow up?  do they ever grow up? Some of their victims have killed themselves in an attempt to escape their tormentors… but does that stop the problem? No I don’t think so I think they  continue to bully… they start as children then remain bullies because no one has the guts to stop them so they grow up into adult bullies and who do they pick on when they are adults… well, some vicious evil women will be evil to women… they will try to make others look bad so they themselves will look better- mature? no of course no but these are not nice people… somehow their twisted minds they feel the need to put others down .. maybe it is the sense of power they feel when they see another human brought to tears.. I mean I think i mentioned the girl with the long white blond hair from Ohio state karen kahel and how she bullied me to tears after trespassing into my complex to go running… she actually jumped up and down proclaiming she won she won as if it was a game or a conte4st or some kind of sport to see if she could harm another human being.. to see another human in tears crouched over ready to throw up shaking as the tormentor ( karen kahel ) knowing full well the infliction of emotional distress she was putting me through  laughed and happily ran back to her complex Carlton lakes in Naples Florida. Where were the consequences for her actions… none… anyone i spoke with wanted me to just take it… to just not cry… or get upset… as if it was my responsibility for being the victim… when she intentionally made a choice to inflict harm… she was a grown woman who could have chosen not to harm me …. but instead she decided to bully to make me cry and to laugh about it… to actually jump up and down… happy that he inflicted harm on me … so i believe since there were no consequences for her actions… she of course would and probably does…continue in her evil behavior… what is she teaching her son?  will he be the next generation of bully… will he not only bully others but grow up and really harm society.. one has to wonder right? 

I am trying to figure out why… maybe it is all the weddings going on in Naples this weekend…  its whomever would know that i don’t  recover from such bulling quickly…  maybe,  so i wouldn’t go to my favorite hotel( THE RITZ) with tear stained cheeks or blood shot eyes… or maybe i met someone some girl likes ?  Who can ever figure out why anyone ( bullies ) cant see past their own selfish intentions and actually grow up or develop a kind loving heart.. be someone who can make a contribution  to good or of great merit to society… instead of evil… instead of selfish… and the really sad part its not just one person… there are many many bullies out their… having many many victims… seeking out people who were once nice,  sweet, kind, thoughtful,  considerate who had great families and helped others …had goals and dreams… 

Maybe it is a “”wanna be”” you know the type.. a person without  a real personality or any real life to speak of… maybe someone who feel inferior  in themselves for not having traveled or accomplished anything.. someone who sees another person’s life and instead of working to achieve it… would steal it through mockery… through copying there taste in clothing.. or even steal their clothes or make themselves look like someone… with haircuts or whatever…. I was always raised  that individual style and taste… are valuable are characteristics that create character and personality… one’s unique personality and character…. that make a person who they are.. are vital to their personal growth and are like a part of their soul…   

You know come to think of it… after i created my email address [email protected]  someone copied it and made up an email address of [email protected]  I know because i tried to contact this person to see if I could buy it from her…anyway.. no response… but i had thought it so clever since i had seen the movie “Something about Mary” had loved seeing Cameron  and have had a short bob hair cut on and off for ages…  

HUMMMM wonder if any of these bullies could be these girls?…. you know the “”wanna be girls””but actually it is more like …like  identity theft…. right?  or remember that one movie  where Bridget Fonda gets a roommate who ends up ruining her life… cant for the life of me remember the name of it.. but you know the one right?  

Any way…. If you see anyone who is being  bullied… what will you do?
If anyone has any reason why someone would do such horrid things to another  please comment and let me know… 
For me… i believe to sue for damages concerning   defamation of character/slander and libel….   are a very viable solution to at least stop a few people….  and having a few less bullies or criminals in  this world could only make the world a better place….   luv mary jean ziska


Thursday , September 30th 2010 (11:09pm)

Wonderful show on CNBC this evening… How I Made My Millions  so inspirational… a bit similar to a show The Big Idea that I also loved….. along with Shark Tank…  shows that promote entrepreneurs… their endeavors… their success and how they did it.. and what thy are doing now and so many times how they gave back…I think I mentioned in a blog entry my concerns about evil people…how do they  get away with criminal behavior.. how  they exist and worse yet how do they thrive. On the positive side.. the  shows I mentioned were great. To me they are inspirational… success and benefits of success can do so much not only for an individual.. or a family but when giving back… they are such a wonderful part of allowing others to be a part of a positive trend that will allow people to find and follow their passions… and in turn success will breed more success…. and following your passion will definitely bring you happiness…

Funny thing about me being  able to turn  a hobby into a business… even though it was a stepping stone .. I knew it was just that… a stepping stone…  I knew there was more to learn… other enterprises to establish.. and other goals to achieve… both personal and professional goals.

The original plan was to  take what I had learned from the faux painting business and go to Interior Design School… I even checked on classes  and met with an advisor ….twice…  It is still something I would like to do… Interior Design School or classes… but I started working with my mother to assist her in her babysitting business… I saw all the potential.. all  the untapped avenues… I can still see so many possibilities…. in these businesses so much potential for growth and for revenue… and for the fun of networking and even  additional businesses…in conjunction with what she started… its exciting to see all the possibilities…

We even started working together on her plan to open an etiquette school…  you can check out the information in the websites…  or….