Wednesday september 19th 2012 @ 4:08pm sections of last will and test. for mary jean ziska

hey did i happen to mention that i just now figured out that th same scum that had ruined my life actually must have started in 1999…. the idenity theft for the redit cards for capital one stated in 2002… but ther is anothe mortgage on my home by my dad… th origional one  listed in his name only for when we boguth this conodo..when he bought theth is for me… in 1999…. adn  it wwas for only 132,000.00…. i was lied to that it cost my dad 169,000.00….. so someoen might have scammed my dad adn bougth it from hiem.. and made a 32,000.00 profit… on mmy lis tof mortages the ones that included an entire fake or false line… of mortages someone  kept buying and  selling…   sother ethey made hundreds of thousands of dollars.. but for me alsone they made a profit of  82,000.00 before my name was on the mortage… and another lie… tha ti owed money to the IRS…. which i didnt … and which was the reason i didnt put my name on my mortage in 1999….. criminals all criminals… lall liars and all scum since 1999….. not one honet rpersonin teh bunch,,,, so this is why i wrote my will…. 

funural arrangements:  
   as for my funeral, i would 
a final blessing in a catholic church 
but more of a concert… during and afterwards and some of my favorite
christian and regular  songs sung or

toby mac:”made to love you”/ james
taylor”you’ve got a friend” & thought i’d see you
again”/eric clapton wonderful tonight’/news boys”shine”/song
from  stigmata “what ever happend to
mary”/dido”life for rent”/.

special initentions: want Karen Kahel and her group along with  Gerard Ahler and his group to be sued  for their part in ruining TEN or MORE  years of my life. I want a private
investigator to find each and every conartist/criminal/idemnity theif
responsible for lying/cheating/stealing/hacking/manipulatiing/starting from
when my dad/mom helped me buy my condo(strand).I was lied to about the cost of
the condo/lied to/manipulated/stolen from/harmed every  minute of every day since…  I want the state of Florida to be sued for
their misconduct and negligence in never listening to me about the abuse,  the harassment,the stealing, bulling and
their disinterest in assisting me to bring justice for all of it!  I want the state of Florida including patrick
weber and everyone involved since 2006-2012 to be included in the law suit and
in the changes that need to be made in their policies/procedures for
guardianship criteria and guardianship assistance and monitoring!  I want sanctions/disbarment   for them to be held responsible for the  misconduct/ negligence and their part ruining
years of my life ( from 2006-2012) 
instead of helping/assisting my life! I want the police/sheriff’s  department sued for not stopping the people
responsible for continually stealing from me or harming me. for not writing up
official reports or doing any thorough investigations into the identity
thieves, the  thieves  who stole my personal physical property.. and
the thieves who stole  my intercultural
property from my website, my external hard drives or internal hard drives.. who
stole files and businesses and who were allowed to bully harass and
manipulate/spoofed numbers never investigated… hacked voice mail and accounts
never stopped… businesses stolen/ lives/families  ruined and no police ever stopped anyone!
Caught anyone! but instead in some incidences… they actually protected the
villain/ the identity thief and belittled the damage and harm done to
me…  no one was ever prosecuted or  put in jail

condo dostribution: my condo in the strand golfing community located at 5632
Whisperwood Blvd. 1601  Naples, Florida
34110 to my  blood related DNA verified
family my condo in Naples Florida.  I
want to make sure that my  mother and my
sister Mattie have a residence they can call their home and no one can take
away from them. If both of them have  a
residence  that is safe from foreclosure
and they  want to stay  in their own home /and if an agreement can be
made by all 4 remaining members of my family to sell the condo and split the
proceeds equally. If one or any of the 
members needs a residence, then a payment should be made to the
remaining members  who will not be
residing in the the residence to eventually equal the  value of 
a sale. this seems very fair.. i want the payment to the other members
remaining to be only what they can afford so as not to be a burden as i want
the condo for once in its existence since i started owning it  in 1999… to be place full of love and hope
where  dreams can come true and
opportunities can succeed… instead of being the place where I  have lived the worst experiences of my entire
life.. and where i have had to experience due 
to criminal intent..the worst crime and loneliest years of my life…crime,
abuse manipulation which caused so such emotion devastation i would not want
them to go thorough any of those experiences in my condo which was supposed
to  be full of promise and joy and it was
not due to the  horrid people who lied,
manipulated, and cheated me out for the life I envisioned, in the life ,i
planned, and in the life i wanted!… No one 
stopped them…ever…. and they ruined my life forever! i don’t want my
family to be hurt by the same scum that hurt me….  I want their lives to be happy and this condo
to be an asset to their lives… to be helpful and to be a  wonderful experience for living here. i loved
you all and missed you evey minute of every day!.
