Wednesday December 7th 2011@6:34pm ( email sent to my mother askingfor cookie recipe… andthen tellling her about thngs missing and stolen recently… form my home…)


can you please send me the recipe for those delicious graham cracker squares… for the Christmas cookies… wish I was spending time writing out Christmas cards and making cookies and shopping instead of fixing everything everyone destroyed in my life… so as of today i am missing in that one package… the title to the Mercedes… my car insurance info and my registration for the Saturn…also the picture of Karen kahel trespassing… and a red and navy canvas bag is missing from my closet as well….i haven’t  gone through all my luggage.. but I’m assuming that if someone had to steal a bag. They also stole something to put in to the bag…  a few of the papers where  i wrote all the  combinations for  my locks on my suitcases…are missing with the same package….

its just always so upsetting and i always still feel so violated… when my possessions are stolen especially by some scummy identity thief… I’m assuming the thief was trying to either get the keys to the doors. Or get money they thought i had…  I pray there is a God who will eventually listen and protect me from harm… and that all the criminals and thieves will die soon…. Very  very soon…..  so they will never hurt anyone ever again…. keep praying to st anthony.. he never lets you down… what an upsetting day.. luv mary jean ziska 

 I  only left my home to go grocery shopping on December 3rd… That is when  I came back the lock to the garage door wouldn’t work…. And I had to call the  police go get another lock and I guess when the thief took advantage of knowing when I wouldn’t be in my home… and made ther move… when i returned from lowes… there was a silver jeep Cherokee  leaving the scene…. It was exactly similar to the one that also came by me and passed us when the “young” imposter (of mindy young)  who was pretending  to be  the real estate girl.. Anyway… remember she  trapped me in the elevator at the  one condo in that back of the strand.. do you remember that ?……..

anyway… on December third I  guess made the mistake of telling people where I was going …  and I got burned for being honest….. and  i keep forgetting the lessons I have learned these past ten years.. no one in my life or for the past 10 years has really been a real  friend.. no one really loves anyone … that love hurts you especially If you  let down  your guard… and if for one minute… you think this person by saying they love you will actually  be great and wonderful and protect you and make your life better…  if you think these people who say they love you  will not lie to you or cheat you out of something  or manipulate your life or play games to run your life… and they will ruin your life.. ruin your reputation ruin your friendships… ruin everything you ever wanted….  ruin your life.. or your  hopes or your  dreams…  ti will feel like you were being  beaten or raped…. Over and over and over… and they will never stop because they have no compassion… no soul… they will harm your life take what they want.. and they  don’t care how it hurts you or how it affects your life.. they don’t care about anyone but themselves… these crooks.. these horrid mean selfish  evil  people will ruin everything you ever wanted… and more….. so  if you think  they actually care or they actually  will help you or they are good or nice or sweet or kind… …any of that.. you better think again… because once  you have met one  horrid person and their family of criminals  and thieves and crooks and liars.. your life and your dreams and what you ever wanted to happen in your  life will never ever happen….. they will ruin everything until  there is nothing left  to ruin… and then they will jump up and down like karn kahel did when she made me cry and say she “won” .. she “won”….. so remember love only hurts… people only  hurt you and thieves have no soul… so they will hurt you over and over and over again…. I learned  … that  criminals “win” that bullies ‘win” and that miracles never happen…that psycho freaks can isolate you from and  limit your resources..that they will limit your connection to  the people you  know and the method you try to reach them and it will ruin  your life… that sick Italian psycho freaks will lie and cheat and steal from you right under  your nose… like Gerard alher..

that  bullies  like karne kahel… only succeed by screwing  people in power.. and if you have a bastard kid by  one of the powerful psycho freaks… you get a bmw.. you get to steal a business from an honest hard working  person.. and you get  to steal a condo  and along the way they steal their  identities…. … Christmas and birthday presents….along with personal   possessions…. And no one stops them…..  

Every memory  and joyous occasion you could have ever possibly had in ten years… i have learned that no matter what you do to protect your self  they will continue to ruin  lives until they are dead and beyond because these criminals teach their families  and children to be just as corrupt… I have had to learn that being  nice and sweet and  honest gets you punished…  I have learned to  not open my heart to anyone  .. they all lie and hurt you if you do… not to trust anyone…that basically  everyone  is out for themselves and  if given the opportunity they will only lie and cheat and harm your life… to never believe that any one has your best interest at heart… they are most probably  only going to gain your trust so they can harm you…  that even God in his infant power can’ t stop criminals…  and  I have learned that praying for criminals to stop  hurting you doesn’t  work.. that praying for miracles doesn’t work.. and that  each and every day regretting 10 years ruined and wishing you had died at 25 instead of your cousin Nancy…… (then you would have only met one criminal scum face to face…. )   And waiting for heaven  where you can finally be surrounded by great and wonderful people….is a dream you have every night…. and that may be the only dream that may ever  come true for the rest  of my life….

and who the  hell was I talking to who thought they gave me 45 thousand dollars??? for what??? i don’t have a new car.. or new furniture…. or new clothes… or anything i wanted in my life…   I didn’t get to go and  get an MBA… or even to take Harvard executive courses….. so who did you actually give that money to?…. some identity thief ..who what? got the money i was supposed to get for working on the babysitting business…and the etiquette school?  i would really like  to know.. and i would really like to see these girls face to face and tell them off.. not that it would matter.. a person who doesn’t have a soul…. won’t care that they stole  my life..  and all my hopes and dreams… anyway…  this email is from the real..original mary jean ziska…  ( no freaks and frauds  or  fakes…. allowed…. ) and i miss my loving mom and my dad and my sisters and my genuine friends. Everyday…. and i can’t wait to get to see the real people who love me and would never  hurt me .. in heaven…. I guess…  


  ps.. to date.. inteh last few months.. or actually last month since i wrote in my blog… i  had the computers broken again… the car switched from one that stays running when turned off… to not running when turned off… lots of extra miliage when i dont drive or leave my home…  ripped almost to shreds.. two pillow cases… oen bed fited sheet… oen creamer container missing.. still never found  that 240.00 that disappeared formmy bag when it was sitting in the garage…. 
the alarm mysterously has gone  off  at 5 am… ( when someoen said a writer was going to leave to go writitng early…. once at 10 pm when i  turned on teh alarm earlier than usual… 
and now all of this.. with the paperwork all in one package.. missing…. 
so still missing my dad’s gift of my diamond earrings.. and pearl earrings ..   my kakhi cashmere sweater…..  and of course this new addition of the red and navy canvas bag… adn god only knows what else…. that they migh thave stolen or “borrowed and put in the bag when they were stealing from my home…. and from me….  

i jsut don’t  understand  why they won’t  stop…..   and go ruin someoneelse’s life for a while….   not one free year when these assholes haent ruined one part of my olife.. in ten years.. not one entire year whne they havent ruined my life ….







A Tender Loving Care Service


Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515


Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director 239-287-2294