Quote from “the young victoria” october 15th 2010

 Quote from “The Young Victoria”

“Do you ever feel like a chess piece yourself in a game being played against your will”
“Do you”
“Constantly, I see then them leaning in and moving me around the board”
“Seize hold of my skirts and drag me from square to square”
“Then you had better master the rules of the game until you can play it better than they can”

         about finding a husband….

“I should find one ( husband) to play it with you not for you ”

Love this quote from the movie… “The young Victoria” it takes place while victoria and her “beau”  are playing chess…. interesting to feel like your life is not entirely you own….that the people who should have your best interests at heart…. have their own interests and quite selfish interests at that….

it plays to the  idea  of whom can you trust….  what is their true motivation….. and why on earth should  someone decide…. or for that matter…. be allowed to believe  that  people are to be toyed with…  that average or normal people are so nondescript that they are replaceable… that their lives are substitutable… that they are just pieces of a game…. and a game for whom?????

Say someone is the same height… possibly the same weight… and has the same hair color… does that give anyone the right  to dismiss their unique attributes?… their own desires for their own particular  future?….. their own goals or dreams?……. Don’t you believe that each individual has been put on this earth for a unique experience… that their lives have been a culmination of all their life experiences… and they are today….. at this very moment the person they are because of the experiences.. whether good or bad… they are who they are based in part by  the people they are surrounded with … and the advice they are given.. or even  the knowledge they are allowed to ascertain…. and the choices they were allowed to make….  yes i believe that each person has their own personality and their own way of handeling any given situation that is normally unique…  but honestly…. when you know better you do better…. ( think that  was even a quote from oprah HA)  but just because someone looks like someone else… they are still their own unique individual self… even twins are not always exacty alike…. right?

So the theory that any  one person is replaceable by another?… ludicrous….that any girl can be …. what?……. put into a “box” to be “used”….as a replacement part for any other girl with the same height or weight or hair color????? That one girl is no different than the other.. what if they even looked similar… or had a similar name….or could dress alike….   are people  so dispensable that  the very life they live doesn’t matter?….. that the very history they live doesn’t mater… that the very future they want doesn’t matter?

I mean really…… who would be so vile and arrogant  to believe themselves so superior to think that they had the right to  “move people like pieces on a chess game….” to be able to replace one girl for another…. one family for another…. one history for another…. one life for another….  egoistical doesn’t even begin to describe the type of personality besides some very criminal implications of identity theft… the ramifications for playing “GOD” are usually detrimental….

Absolutely Love this quote…. as kind of a hobby… i love to find great quotes…. like one i have pinned on my monitor…

“watch you thoughts they become words watch your words they become actions watch your actions they become habits watch your habits they become character … watch your character it becomes your destiny….”