october 28th now the 4th time i am trying to write on my blog… 1st was deleated…

Gosh… hacker again… was writing  in my blog for about an hour… and guess what?… it automatically deleted itself.. while i was still writing …. no automatic save or anything … so you think i have hacker guy back who has pass codes and didn’t like when i was writing  about the slimy and scummy gerard… Brooklyn criminal… con artist? or what ?

OK if I can remember how i started the blog entry… It was about st jude… how this week and  is a very special week for the st. Jude novena… so here are the websites to check out the st. Jude novena… 


So do you believe that prayers are answered? do you believe that God is this great and wonderful father who actually wants us to be happy? I do… I have been saying this novena for a huge financial miracle and for protection from all evil for one year and two months… so far it hasn’t been answered… but maybe this week right?  I could win the multi- million dollar lottery ticket and miracles can  happen.. all things are possible…

Gosh… i could  not only bless all the great and wonderful people who have been so great to me in my life time.. I could  not only be able to prosecute the people who have not been great to me in this life time … but just all the opportunities  that would be so wonderful… like the Harvard executive courses… or even  take the “the teach the teacher courses from Emily Post… I could make sure that my mother’s business would be financially able to grow into the business it should be and protect it from any hostile takeovers by some very unsavory and unethical people who are not interested in my mother’s legacy or her business but in their own ability to make money off of all her hard work and all my hard work….

Next I was able to write about how woman, sisters, nieces and even mothers  shouldn’t settle when it comes to dating..
to allow people into your lives… you should never settle  when it comes to the integrity of people… the values they possess.. the morals they exhibit… the honesty they portray in their lives…. these are not qualities of character that you should ever lower for your  standards  and in your your life… 

I allowed one horrible person in my life… in 2003 i met someone who  was nothing like anyone i would have normally let into my life.. this person i normally  would have never allowed to be anything more than a passing acquaintance..  he was not even close to my ideal  but i thought that it couldn’t hurt to lower my very strick standards … ( or at leat that is what i was told i had… this long laundry list of qulaities, and characteristics that i had decided would make the ideal gingerbread man… ) the normal ideal for me would have been tallish, blond hair and blue eyes…  clean cut preppy and as i had mentioned before would have been able to feel comfortable in many istuations… have many levels of depth to him.. be able to cnverse eith anyone about anything….and yes  fit into many different situations.. but defianately would feel comfortable  in nice settings and definately have manners…

So the biggest mistake of my life…. this guy was not tallish not blond…not good at all….  he was fat, had dark hair, was from Brooklyn NY …. you know those type of guys….obnoxious…. rude…. sloppy, had no manners and  wore sweatpants… worst part he actually believed he was a gift to all people…. oh shall i say arrogant…. yes sir… defiantly arrogant… UCK!! supposedly had his own construction company…. but who knows…could have been more lies…. but it  it definitely turned me off anyone who works in construction….  .don’t believe he was educated… i could probably go on and on about his horrible qualities… ( i never thought i could meet someone who was soooo not my type… or what i was looking for… but funny enough… he exactly embodied so many horrible traits… i guess it allowed me to not have to meet and date someone who may have just had one or two of his traits… right?… they were all bunched up in one awful package… UCK!

 I think it is important to be able to get to know  know people…. maybe  someone  who isn’t your ideal mate but could be a friend or  possibly a person who could be someone really wonderful…underneath right… so my mom had always told m to give people a chance… even Joel Osteen did that entire sermon on giving someone a chance .. but there comes a place and time when you shouldn’t give someone  a chance…   i didn’t judge on the  basis of how they look or how they were brought up  but my fatal mistake was that anyone who doesn’t have morals or values or ethics ….qualities that would allow them to live in society and not steal or lie or cheat anyone out of anything… now  those qualities are just  not acceptable no matter what package it comes in…. so in trying not to be snobby.. i went in the wrong direction and allowed someone into my life that should not have been ever allowed into anyone’s life based on the fact that he really had no redeaming human qualities that were admirable in any way shape or form….   

I thought that i wasn’t being  a snob.. wasn’t being discriminatory… i honestly thought …. what could it hurt?…. to just see what meeting and dating someone  like this would be like….someone who was nothing like you…   well i was wrong…

I suggest you tell anyone who will listen… DO not  allow anyone you dont feel comfortable  with into your life…  there is a reason that you don’t feel comfortable… that somewhere in your being..  you know  that they are not right…. you may feel that this person is lying.. or. is someone who you should just say.. “PASS”…  and don’t look back… but defiantly don’t give them any opportunity to lie their way into your life… when they ask you questions about how much money your business makes.. don’t tell them.. when they want to know where you live, where your family has property what your  family members do… don’t tell them… when they want  to know who your friends are… where your clients live… don’t tell them!!!  Don’t give them keys to your car or your house… don’t allow them into your lives at all…   

I had grown up with a great family who taught me to be honest.. not to lie.. and so i couldn’t recognize a con artist or someone who was horrible when i first met him… tragic error actually…  

the first clue… when my mother did a background check on him and he became extremely violent… definitely  sign of someone who is not only hiding something but is so vile and horrible you should stay very very far away…
next clue.. my sisters were appalled.. when they met him … he didn’t have any manners they were accustomed  to seeing in anyone we ever met… he tried  impressing  them with his stories  of money… but it was all attempts to brag…  and honestly they were probably all lies as well…

So,  Tell anyone  who  will listen… all the lies  …. confide in your friends and your family … they love you and  want  you to be happy.. they have the same morals and values… they brought you up to have certain expectations as far as education.. as far as a life style… as far as achieving  your hopes and dreams…. they honestly want your hopes and dreams to come true… any true friend does … only the selfish people who cant be happy for your good or great fortune  would not help you to achieve your dreams… 

 Gosh.. they probably helped you to create your hopes and dreams… i mean they were probably taking  about schools or colleges… when you were very young… they probably told you  they believed you would be great…. and what profession you might enjoy…  they may have told you when they liked your boyfriends.. and friends… and even  who they hoped you might date or marry… these are the true people in your life who will always be on your side in any conflict… who love you unconditionally and who want  you to have the greatest life possible!  They would never want you to settle and would defiantly never want you to be around anyone who is defiantly WRONG….

When you find out someone isn’t who they say they are..  tell everyone… if they hurt you tell everyone ….. if they lie to you….. steal from   you … tell the police.. tell everyone… do not keep quiet…    anyone who tells you to keep quiet … is not your friend … is not someone who has your best interest at heart…  

I was so naive and innocent i never questioned… i listened and obeyed… i followed instructions… i followed all the rules and did not break them and assumed that the rest of society did the same…
when i had my credit cards and driver’s license stolen ….(2005) Can you believe that  someone told me to just wait and they ( my credit cards and driver’s license)  would  turn up eventually…. what a stupid and horrible way to deal with a very criminal occurrence….  but you can read about his and other bad advice and the crimes/criminals that go along with the crimes that were not prosecuted… or punished… until now…at least until recently….) them  that were never in my other blog… and website… www.mysearchforjustice.com  the blog is www.blogmysearchforjustice.com 
Anyway… I have so much more to say on the matter… wish my blog post had been auto saved.. oh well maybe it will start doing what it is supposed to do …( the bog that is….) soon… luv mary jean ziska