august 19th 2010

So after sharing  this blog “experimental” idea… a few people gave me some negative reviews….
  lets go with the people who think this is a cute idea… so if i were wishing for my gingerbread to exist…. I mean if I could wish on that first star of the evening…. there would be so many wonderful qualities to include…. so I thought ( an ahhhhh moment )….A LIST … much more in depth than the
e- harmony questions… because I am not trying to hide any abstract
  notion of what i want…. my intentions are very clear… and describable and i am very particular…. I have no problem being held accountable….. if such a perfect guy exists for me… then I need categories  which include…..  Gosh I’ve been adding these qualifications …. guess my whole life…. so get ready there is quite a list….

1.  Integrity qualification:
a. honesty, faithful, has integrity, ethics, great morals,  conservative values, and strong family commitment and values,

2.  Professional/  likes/goals/and desires

3.  Personal/ likes/goals/desires

4. Personal looks/physical attributes